beautysh: re-format

beautysh is enabled in the openbmc-build-scripts on Bash/Zsh/POSIX-sh
files to have a consistent formatting.  Re-run the formatter on the
whole repository.

Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <>
Change-Id: I38048dcd55f2db51bcc87b33ea0748a6cfdcca68
diff --git a/tools/dreport.d/include.d/functions b/tools/dreport.d/include.d/functions
index d3aff63..b62b471 100755
--- a/tools/dreport.d/include.d/functions
+++ b/tools/dreport.d/include.d/functions
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
     #get the file or directory size
     if [[ -d $source ]] && [[ -n $source ]]; then
         tar -cf "$source.tar" -C \
-                 $(dirname "$source") $(basename "$source")
+            $(dirname "$source") $(basename "$source")
         size=$(stat -c%s "$source.tar")
         rm "$source.tar"
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
         #Exceed the allowed limit,
         #tar and compress the files and check the size
         tar -Jcf "$name_dir.tar.xz" -C \
-                  $(dirname "$name_dir") $(basename "$name_dir")
+            $(dirname "$name_dir") $(basename "$name_dir")
         size=$(stat -c%s "$name_dir.tar.xz")
         if [ $size -gt $dump_size ]; then
             #Remove the the specific data from the name_dir and continue
@@ -118,10 +118,10 @@
 # @param error message
 function log_error()
-   echo $($TIME_STAMP) "ERROR: $*" >> $dreport_log
-   if ((quiet != TRUE)); then
-      echo $($TIME_STAMP) "ERROR: $*" >&2
-   fi
+    echo $($TIME_STAMP) "ERROR: $*" >> $dreport_log
+    if ((quiet != TRUE)); then
+        echo $($TIME_STAMP) "ERROR: $*" >&2
+    fi
 # @brief log warning message