dreport: Fix typo in help message

Changed default size "unlimited"

Change-Id: Ia7dcd1f3c0e0f7630abdbb2f8ab9d1a36d80b6c9
Signed-off-by: Jayanth Othayoth <ojayanth@in.ibm.com>
diff --git a/tools/dreport b/tools/dreport
index 6858f75..8dba934 100755
--- a/tools/dreport
+++ b/tools/dreport
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
                               core in the dump.
         -s, --size <size>     Maximum allowed size(in KB) of the archive.
                               Report will be truncated in case size exceeds
-                              this limit. Default size is 500KB.
+                              this limit. Default size is unlimited.
         -v, —-verbose         Increase logging verbosity.
         -V, --version         Output version information.
         -q, —-quiet           Only log fatal errors to stderr