dreport: Implementation of file size check function

Change-Id: Ief1b2ebea76f556ba00b2567f8f2db627155d9fd
Signed-off-by: Jayanth Othayoth <ojayanth@in.ibm.com>
diff --git a/tools/dreport b/tools/dreport
index 21eba10..65ad282 100755
--- a/tools/dreport
+++ b/tools/dreport
@@ -63,6 +63,54 @@
 declare -x optional_file=""
 declare -x dreport_log=""
 declare -x summary_log=""
+declare -x cur_dump_size=0
+# @brief Calculate file or directory compressed size based on input
+#        and check whether the size in the the allowed size limit.
+#        Remove the file or directory from the name_dir
+#        if the check fails.
+# @param $1 Source file or directory
+# @return 0 on success, error code if size exceeds the limit.
+# Limitation: compress and tar will have few bytes size difference
+#            between tar and compression approch.
+function check_size()
+    source=$1
+    #No size check required incase dump_size is set to unlimited
+    if [ $dump_size = $UNLIMITED ]; then
+        return 0
+    fi
+    #get the file or directory size
+    if [[ -d $source ]] && [[ -n $source ]]; then
+        tar -cf "$source.tar" -C \
+                 $(dirname "$source") $(basename "$source")
+        size=$(stat -c%s "$source.tar")
+        rm "$source.tar"
+    else
+        size=$(stat -c%s "$source")
+    fi
+    if [ $((size + cur_dump_size)) -gt $dump_size ]; then
+        #Exceed the allowed limit,
+        #tar and compress the files and check the size
+        tar -Jcf "$name_dir.tar.xz" -C \
+                  $(dirname "$name_dir") $(basename "$name_dir")
+        size=$(stat -c%s "$name_dir.tar.xz")
+        if [ $size -gt $dump_size ]; then
+            #Remove the the specific data from the name_dir and contniue
+            rm "$source" "$name_dir.tar.xz"
+            return $RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE
+        else
+            rm "$name_dir.tar.xz"
+        fi
+    fi
+    #Remove the compressed file from the name directory
+    cur_dump_size=$((size + cur_dump_size))
+    return $SUCCESS
 # @brief Initial version of the summary log