dreport: fix procfd missing

During the execution of 'ls -Al /proc/*/fd/ 2> /dev/null', some
processes may stop, like `while true; do echo "Hello" > /dev/null; done`

Causing the ls cmd to fail, and as a result, the procfs.log will not be
collected in the dump log.

So ensure ls procfd returns success.

1. Run `while true; do echo "Hello" > /dev/null; done` in the

2. Run `set -e; while true; do ls -Al /proc/*/fd/ 2> /dev/null
|| true; done`, the command will not stop
(before the fix, the command will stop quickly).

Change-Id: I1f4e8fda000f303fd579825e0a94efdba5a097eb
Signed-off-by: Jian Zhang <zhangjian.3032@bytedance.com>
1 file changed
tree: bf4b91f7ef77fe9182733ba104eb6f4b3eb416d7
  1. dump-extensions/
  2. host-transport-extensions/
  3. subprojects/
  4. test/
  5. tools/
  6. .clang-format
  7. .clang-tidy
  8. .gitignore
  9. .shellcheck-ignore
  10. bmc_dump_entry.cpp
  11. bmc_dump_entry.hpp
  12. core_manager.cpp
  13. core_manager.hpp
  14. core_manager_main.cpp
  15. dump-extensions.hpp
  16. dump_entry.cpp
  17. dump_entry.hpp
  18. dump_manager.cpp
  19. dump_manager.hpp
  20. dump_manager_bmc.cpp
  21. dump_manager_bmc.hpp
  22. dump_manager_faultlog.cpp
  23. dump_manager_faultlog.hpp
  24. dump_manager_main.cpp
  25. dump_offload.cpp
  26. dump_offload.hpp
  27. dump_serialize.cpp
  28. dump_serialize.hpp
  29. dump_types.cpp.mako
  30. dump_types.hpp.mako
  31. dump_utils.cpp
  32. dump_utils.hpp
  33. elog_watch.cpp
  34. elog_watch.hpp
  35. example_dump_types.yaml
  36. example_errors_watch.yaml
  37. faultlog_dump_entry.cpp
  38. faultlog_dump_entry.hpp
  39. ffdc
  40. host_transport_exts.hpp
  42. map_gen.py
  43. meson.build
  44. meson.options
  45. OWNERS
  46. ramoops_manager.cpp
  47. ramoops_manager.hpp
  48. ramoops_manager_main.cpp
  49. README.md
  50. watch.cpp
  51. watch.hpp


Phosphor Debug Collector provides mechanisms to collect various log files and system parameters. Used to troubleshoot problems in OpenBMC based systems.

One such mechanism is dreport, a script that collects debug data and packages it into an archive file.

To Build

To build this package with meson, do the following steps:

    1. meson builddir
    2. ninja -C builddir

To clean the built files run ninja -C builddir clean.

To run unit tests

Tests can be run in the CI docker container, refer local-ci-build

or with an OpenBMC x86 sdk(see below for x86 steps).

meson -Dtests=enabled build
ninja -C build test