Add rotate support if the space is full

delete the first existing file if the space is not enough

1. create dump and make the space is not enough
busctl call xyz.openbmc_project.Dump.Manager /xyz/openbmc_project/dump/bmc xyz.openbmc_project.Dump.Create CreateDump a{sv} 0
busctl tree xyz.openbmc_project.Dump.Manager                                                                        `-/xyz
      | `-/xyz/openbmc_project/dump/bmc/entry
      |   |-/xyz/openbmc_project/dump/bmc/entry/10
      |   |-/xyz/openbmc_project/dump/bmc/entry/6
      |   |-/xyz/openbmc_project/dump/bmc/entry/7
      |   |-/xyz/openbmc_project/dump/bmc/entry/8
      |   `-/xyz/openbmc_project/dump/bmc/entry/9

2. create dump again and the the first existing file will be deleted

Signed-off-by: Xie Ning <>
Change-Id: Ic3b376d7e6512a264f849de760363f4e167421c7
diff --git a/ b/
index 2b3e7f5..d7b5714 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -122,6 +122,9 @@
 conf_data.set_quoted('FAULTLOG_DUMP_PATH', get_option('FAULTLOG_DUMP_PATH'),
                       description : 'Directory where fault logs are placed'
+conf_data.set('BMC_DUMP_ROTATE_CONFIG', get_option('dump_rotate_config').enabled(),
+               description : 'Turn on rotate config for bmc dump'
+             )
 configure_file(configuration : conf_data,
                output : 'config.h'