entitymap: add json parsing support

Add a json parsing method that given an entity map in the format:
     "id" : 1,
     "containerEntityId" : 2,
     "containerEntityInstance" : 3,
     "isList" : false,
     "isLinked" : false,
     "entities" : [
         {"id" : 1, "instance" : 2},
         {"id" : 1, "instance" : 3},
         {"id" : 1, "instance" : 4},
         {"id" : 1, "instance" : 5}

is constructed into the entity map used by sensorhandler.  This is meant
as part of the transition from the entity map in YAML to JSON.

This is step 2.  Step 1 moved access to the object behind a method.
This adds JSON validation and parsing.  Step 3 will add a file path to
check and parse.  Step 4 will provide a call to parse that file if
present and use its data if non-empty.

Tested: The method added has not been tested beyond unit-test validation.
Signed-off-by: Patrick Venture <venture@google.com>
Change-Id: Ic29f022d3812fa9e3af775d542ad055629fd5a01
5 files changed