selutility: Fix service crash when constructing SEL

The type `additionalDataMap` has been replaced with `AdditionalData`.
However, the map `m` is not populated by any functions, which causes
`assert()` to be triggered in both `constructOEMSEL()` and
`constructSEL()` due to `m` being an empty map.

This patch removes the code referencing `additionalDataMap` and fully
switch to using `AdditionalData`, ensuring that the SEL construction
process works correctly.

Change-Id: Ib917feaabfc255c635bf2ee96c092386e0faa16b
Signed-off-by: Potin Lai <>
1 file changed
tree: 83d8c6f9e6fd0c1b33b700a7e2ee5add196f4847
  1. app/
  2. dbus-sdr/
  3. docs/
  4. include/
  5. libipmid/
  6. scripts/
  7. softoff/
  8. subprojects/
  9. test/
  10. user_channel/
  11. xyz/
  13. .clang-format
  14. .gitignore
  15. .shellcheck
  16. .travis.yml
  17. apphandler.cpp
  18. apphandler.hpp
  19. chassishandler.cpp
  20. chassishandler.hpp
  21. dcmihandler.cpp
  22. dcmihandler.hpp
  23. error-HostEvent.hpp
  24. fruread.hpp
  27. globalhandler.cpp
  28. globalhandler.hpp
  29. groupext.cpp
  30. host-cmd-manager.cpp
  31. host-cmd-manager.hpp
  32. host-interface.cpp
  33. host-interface.hpp
  34. host-ipmid-whitelist.conf
  35. ipmi_fru_info_area.cpp
  36. ipmi_fru_info_area.hpp
  37. ipmiallowlist.hpp
  38. ipmid-new.cpp
  39. ipmisensor.cpp
  42. meson.options
  43. OWNERS
  44. read_fru_data.cpp
  45. read_fru_data.hpp
  47. selutility.cpp
  48. selutility.hpp
  49. sensordatahandler.cpp
  50. sensordatahandler.hpp
  51. sensorhandler.cpp
  52. sensorhandler.hpp
  53. settings.cpp
  54. settings.hpp
  55. storageaddsel.cpp
  56. storageaddsel.hpp
  57. storagehandler.cpp
  58. storagehandler.hpp
  59. sys_info_param.cpp
  60. sys_info_param.hpp
  61. systemintfcmds.cpp
  62. systemintfcmds.hpp
  63. transportconstants.hpp
  64. transporthandler.cpp
  65. transporthandler.hpp
  66. whitelist-filter.cpp


Compile ipmid with default options

meson builddir
ninja -C builddir

Compile ipmid with yocto defaults

meson builddir -Dbuildtype=minsize -Db_lto=true -Dtests=disabled
ninja -C builddir

If any of the dependencies are not found on the host system during configuration, meson automatically gets them via its wrap dependencies mentioned in ipmid/subprojects.

Enable/Disable meson wrap feature

meson builddir -Dwrap_mode=nofallback
ninja -C builddir

Enable debug traces

meson builddir -Dbuildtype=debug
ninja -C builddir

Generate test coverage report

meson builddir -Db_coverage=true -Dtests=enabled
ninja -C builddir test
ninja -C builddir coverage