Refer SMS as regular KCS channel

As per the default channel_config.json under phosphor-ipmi-config
channel 0xF (KCS) is referred as SMS, and the same has to be used
in the code.

Unit test:
Verifiy that when channel number 0xE is specified for KCS, it is
getting converted to 0xF(SMS) as expected.

Change-Id: I169d7b42f5ceed3bd46c84e9798b7a3f676b8604
Signed-off-by: Richard Marian Thomaiyar <>
diff --git a/user_channel/channel_mgmt.cpp b/user_channel/channel_mgmt.cpp
index 7d93e0d..3a9e2cf 100644
--- a/user_channel/channel_mgmt.cpp
+++ b/user_channel/channel_mgmt.cpp
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
     {"unknown", EChannelMediumType::unknown}};
 static std::unordered_map<EInterfaceIndex, std::string> interfaceMap = {
-    {interfaceKCS, "KCS"},
+    {interfaceKCS, "SMS"},
     {interfaceLAN1, "LAN1"},
     {interfaceUnknown, "unknown"}};