rename headers to match style

Moving headers from ".h" to ".hpp"

Reworked the header inclusion a bit so that host-ipmid is treated as a
library, and local headers aren't.

renamed apphandler.h => apphandler.hpp
renamed chassishandler.h => chassishandler.hpp
renamed globalhandler.h => globalhandler.hpp
renamed sensorhandler.h => sensorhandler.hpp
renamed storageaddsel.h => storageaddsel.hpp
renamed storagehandler.h => storagehandler.hpp
renamed systemintfcmds.h => systemintfcmds.hpp

Change-Id: I9d4ce3dd57e2e996800f9020a10cc10cdf2c3914
Signed-off-by: Patrick Venture <>
diff --git a/sensorhandler.hpp b/sensorhandler.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b32034f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sensorhandler.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,639 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "types.hpp"
+#include <host-ipmid/ipmid-api.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+// IPMI commands for net functions.
+enum ipmi_netfn_sen_cmds
+    IPMI_CMD_SET_SENSOR = 0x30,
+ * @enum device_type
+ * IPMI FRU device types
+ */
+enum device_type
+    IPMI_PHYSICAL_FRU = 0x00,
+    IPMI_LOGICAL_FRU = 0x80,
+// Discrete sensor types.
+enum ipmi_sensor_types
+    IPMI_SENSOR_TEMP = 0x01,
+    IPMI_SENSOR_FAN = 0x04,
+#define MAX_DBUS_PATH 128
+struct dbus_interface_t
+    uint8_t sensornumber;
+    uint8_t sensortype;
+    char bus[MAX_DBUS_PATH];
+    char path[MAX_DBUS_PATH];
+    char interface[MAX_DBUS_PATH];
+int set_sensor_dbus_state_s(uint8_t, const char*, const char*);
+int set_sensor_dbus_state_y(uint8_t, const char*, const uint8_t);
+int find_openbmc_path(uint8_t, dbus_interface_t*);
+ipmi_ret_t ipmi_sen_get_sdr(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd,
+                            ipmi_request_t request, ipmi_response_t response,
+                            ipmi_data_len_t data_len, ipmi_context_t context);
+ipmi_ret_t ipmi_sen_reserve_sdr(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd,
+                                ipmi_request_t request,
+                                ipmi_response_t response,
+                                ipmi_data_len_t data_len,
+                                ipmi_context_t context);
+static const uint16_t FRU_RECORD_ID_START = 256;
+static const uint8_t SDR_VERSION = 0x51;
+static const uint16_t END_OF_RECORD = 0xFFFF;
+static const uint8_t LENGTH_MASK = 0x1F;
+ * Get SDR Info
+ */
+namespace get_sdr_info
+namespace request
+// Note: for some reason the ipmi_request_t appears to be the
+// raw value for this call.
+inline bool get_count(void* req)
+    return (bool)((uint64_t)(req)&1);
+} // namespace request
+namespace response
+inline void set_lun_present(int lun, uint8_t* resp)
+    *resp |= 1 << lun;
+inline void set_lun_not_present(int lun, uint8_t* resp)
+    *resp &= ~(1 << lun);
+inline void set_dynamic_population(uint8_t* resp)
+    *resp |= 1 << 7;
+inline void set_static_population(uint8_t* resp)
+    *resp &= ~(1 << 7);
+} // namespace response
+struct GetSdrInfoResp
+    uint8_t count;
+    uint8_t luns_and_dynamic_population;
+} // namespace get_sdr_info
+ * Get SDR
+ */
+namespace get_sdr
+struct GetSdrReq
+    uint8_t reservation_id_lsb;
+    uint8_t reservation_id_msb;
+    uint8_t record_id_lsb;
+    uint8_t record_id_msb;
+    uint8_t offset;
+    uint8_t bytes_to_read;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+namespace request
+inline uint8_t get_reservation_id(GetSdrReq* req)
+    return (req->reservation_id_lsb + (req->reservation_id_msb << 8));
+inline uint16_t get_record_id(GetSdrReq* req)
+    return (req->record_id_lsb + (req->record_id_msb << 8));
+} // namespace request
+// Response
+struct GetSdrResp
+    uint8_t next_record_id_lsb;
+    uint8_t next_record_id_msb;
+    uint8_t record_data[64];
+} __attribute__((packed));
+namespace response
+inline void set_next_record_id(uint16_t next, GetSdrResp* resp)
+    resp->next_record_id_lsb = next & 0xff;
+    resp->next_record_id_msb = (next >> 8) & 0xff;
+} // namespace response
+// Record header
+struct SensorDataRecordHeader
+    uint8_t record_id_lsb;
+    uint8_t record_id_msb;
+    uint8_t sdr_version;
+    uint8_t record_type;
+    uint8_t record_length; // Length not counting the header
+} __attribute__((packed));
+namespace header
+inline void set_record_id(int id, SensorDataRecordHeader* hdr)
+    hdr->record_id_lsb = (id & 0xFF);
+    hdr->record_id_msb = (id >> 8) & 0xFF;
+} // namespace header
+enum SensorDataRecordType
+// Record key
+struct SensorDataRecordKey
+    uint8_t owner_id;
+    uint8_t owner_lun;
+    uint8_t sensor_number;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/** @struct SensorDataFruRecordKey
+ *
+ *  FRU Device Locator Record(key) - SDR Type 11
+ */
+struct SensorDataFruRecordKey
+    uint8_t deviceAddress;
+    uint8_t fruID;
+    uint8_t accessLun;
+    uint8_t channelNumber;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+namespace key
+inline void set_owner_id_ipmb(SensorDataRecordKey* key)
+    key->owner_id &= ~0x01;
+inline void set_owner_id_system_sw(SensorDataRecordKey* key)
+    key->owner_id |= 0x01;
+inline void set_owner_id_bmc(SensorDataRecordKey* key)
+    key->owner_id |= 0x20;
+inline void set_owner_id_address(uint8_t addr, SensorDataRecordKey* key)
+    key->owner_id &= 0x01;
+    key->owner_id |= addr << 1;
+inline void set_owner_lun(uint8_t lun, SensorDataRecordKey* key)
+    key->owner_lun &= ~0x03;
+    key->owner_lun |= (lun & 0x03);
+inline void set_owner_lun_channel(uint8_t channel, SensorDataRecordKey* key)
+    key->owner_lun &= 0x0f;
+    key->owner_lun |= ((channel & 0xf) << 4);
+} // namespace key
+/** @struct GetSensorThresholdsResponse
+ *
+ *  Response structure for Get Sensor Thresholds command
+ */
+struct GetSensorThresholdsResponse
+    uint8_t validMask;           //!< valid mask
+    uint8_t lowerNonCritical;    //!< lower non-critical threshold
+    uint8_t lowerCritical;       //!< lower critical threshold
+    uint8_t lowerNonRecoverable; //!< lower non-recoverable threshold
+    uint8_t upperNonCritical;    //!< upper non-critical threshold
+    uint8_t upperCritical;       //!< upper critical threshold
+    uint8_t upperNonRecoverable; //!< upper non-recoverable threshold
+} __attribute__((packed));
+// Body - full record
+static const int FRU_RECORD_DEVICE_ID_MAX_LENGTH = 16;
+struct SensorDataFullRecordBody
+    uint8_t entity_id;
+    uint8_t entity_instance;
+    uint8_t sensor_initialization;
+    uint8_t sensor_capabilities; // no macro support
+    uint8_t sensor_type;
+    uint8_t event_reading_type;
+    uint8_t supported_assertions[2];          // no macro support
+    uint8_t supported_deassertions[2];        // no macro support
+    uint8_t discrete_reading_setting_mask[2]; // no macro support
+    uint8_t sensor_units_1;
+    uint8_t sensor_units_2_base;
+    uint8_t sensor_units_3_modifier;
+    uint8_t linearization;
+    uint8_t m_lsb;
+    uint8_t m_msb_and_tolerance;
+    uint8_t b_lsb;
+    uint8_t b_msb_and_accuracy_lsb;
+    uint8_t accuracy_and_sensor_direction;
+    uint8_t r_b_exponents;
+    uint8_t analog_characteristic_flags; // no macro support
+    uint8_t nominal_reading;
+    uint8_t normal_max;
+    uint8_t normal_min;
+    uint8_t sensor_max;
+    uint8_t sensor_min;
+    uint8_t upper_nonrecoverable_threshold;
+    uint8_t upper_critical_threshold;
+    uint8_t upper_noncritical_threshold;
+    uint8_t lower_nonrecoverable_threshold;
+    uint8_t lower_critical_threshold;
+    uint8_t lower_noncritical_threshold;
+    uint8_t positive_threshold_hysteresis;
+    uint8_t negative_threshold_hysteresis;
+    uint16_t reserved;
+    uint8_t oem_reserved;
+    uint8_t id_string_info;
+    char id_string[FULL_RECORD_ID_STR_MAX_LENGTH];
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/** @struct SensorDataFruRecordBody
+ *
+ *  FRU Device Locator Record(body) - SDR Type 11
+ */
+struct SensorDataFruRecordBody
+    uint8_t reserved;
+    uint8_t deviceType;
+    uint8_t deviceTypeModifier;
+    uint8_t entityID;
+    uint8_t entityInstance;
+    uint8_t oem;
+    uint8_t deviceIDLen;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+namespace body
+inline void set_entity_instance_number(uint8_t n,
+                                       SensorDataFullRecordBody* body)
+    body->entity_instance &= 1 << 7;
+    body->entity_instance |= (n & ~(1 << 7));
+inline void set_entity_physical_entity(SensorDataFullRecordBody* body)
+    body->entity_instance &= ~(1 << 7);
+inline void set_entity_logical_container(SensorDataFullRecordBody* body)
+    body->entity_instance |= 1 << 7;
+inline void sensor_scanning_state(bool enabled, SensorDataFullRecordBody* body)
+    if (enabled)
+    {
+        body->sensor_initialization |= 1 << 0;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        body->sensor_initialization &= ~(1 << 0);
+    };
+inline void event_generation_state(bool enabled, SensorDataFullRecordBody* body)
+    if (enabled)
+    {
+        body->sensor_initialization |= 1 << 1;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        body->sensor_initialization &= ~(1 << 1);
+    }
+inline void init_types_state(bool enabled, SensorDataFullRecordBody* body)
+    if (enabled)
+    {
+        body->sensor_initialization |= 1 << 2;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        body->sensor_initialization &= ~(1 << 2);
+    }
+inline void init_hyst_state(bool enabled, SensorDataFullRecordBody* body)
+    if (enabled)
+    {
+        body->sensor_initialization |= 1 << 3;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        body->sensor_initialization &= ~(1 << 3);
+    }
+inline void init_thresh_state(bool enabled, SensorDataFullRecordBody* body)
+    if (enabled)
+    {
+        body->sensor_initialization |= 1 << 4;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        body->sensor_initialization &= ~(1 << 4);
+    }
+inline void init_events_state(bool enabled, SensorDataFullRecordBody* body)
+    if (enabled)
+    {
+        body->sensor_initialization |= 1 << 5;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        body->sensor_initialization &= ~(1 << 5);
+    }
+inline void init_scanning_state(bool enabled, SensorDataFullRecordBody* body)
+    if (enabled)
+    {
+        body->sensor_initialization |= 1 << 6;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        body->sensor_initialization &= ~(1 << 6);
+    }
+inline void init_settable_state(bool enabled, SensorDataFullRecordBody* body)
+    if (enabled)
+    {
+        body->sensor_initialization |= 1 << 7;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        body->sensor_initialization &= ~(1 << 7);
+    }
+inline void set_percentage(SensorDataFullRecordBody* body)
+    body->sensor_units_1 |= 1 << 0;
+inline void unset_percentage(SensorDataFullRecordBody* body)
+    body->sensor_units_1 &= ~(1 << 0);
+inline void set_modifier_operation(uint8_t op, SensorDataFullRecordBody* body)
+    body->sensor_units_1 &= ~(3 << 1);
+    body->sensor_units_1 |= (op & 0x3) << 1;
+inline void set_rate_unit(uint8_t unit, SensorDataFullRecordBody* body)
+    body->sensor_units_1 &= ~(7 << 3);
+    body->sensor_units_1 |= (unit & 0x7) << 3;
+inline void set_analog_data_format(uint8_t format,
+                                   SensorDataFullRecordBody* body)
+    body->sensor_units_1 &= ~(3 << 6);
+    body->sensor_units_1 |= (format & 0x3) << 6;
+inline void set_m(uint16_t m, SensorDataFullRecordBody* body)
+    body->m_lsb = m & 0xff;
+    body->m_msb_and_tolerance &= ~(3 << 6);
+    body->m_msb_and_tolerance |= ((m & (3 << 8)) >> 2);
+inline void set_tolerance(uint8_t tol, SensorDataFullRecordBody* body)
+    body->m_msb_and_tolerance &= ~0x3f;
+    body->m_msb_and_tolerance |= tol & 0x3f;
+inline void set_b(uint16_t b, SensorDataFullRecordBody* body)
+    body->b_lsb = b & 0xff;
+    body->b_msb_and_accuracy_lsb &= ~(3 << 6);
+    body->b_msb_and_accuracy_lsb |= ((b & (3 << 8)) >> 2);
+inline void set_accuracy(uint16_t acc, SensorDataFullRecordBody* body)
+    // bottom 6 bits
+    body->b_msb_and_accuracy_lsb &= ~0x3f;
+    body->b_msb_and_accuracy_lsb |= acc & 0x3f;
+    // top 4 bits
+    body->accuracy_and_sensor_direction &= 0x0f;
+    body->accuracy_and_sensor_direction |= ((acc >> 6) & 0xf) << 4;
+inline void set_accuracy_exp(uint8_t exp, SensorDataFullRecordBody* body)
+    body->accuracy_and_sensor_direction &= ~(3 << 2);
+    body->accuracy_and_sensor_direction |= (exp & 3) << 2;
+inline void set_sensor_dir(uint8_t dir, SensorDataFullRecordBody* body)
+    body->accuracy_and_sensor_direction &= ~(3 << 0);
+    body->accuracy_and_sensor_direction |= (dir & 3);
+inline void set_b_exp(uint8_t exp, SensorDataFullRecordBody* body)
+    body->r_b_exponents &= 0xf0;
+    body->r_b_exponents |= exp & 0x0f;
+inline void set_r_exp(uint8_t exp, SensorDataFullRecordBody* body)
+    body->r_b_exponents &= 0x0f;
+    body->r_b_exponents |= (exp & 0x0f) << 4;
+inline void set_id_strlen(uint8_t len, SensorDataFullRecordBody* body)
+    body->id_string_info &= ~(0x1f);
+    body->id_string_info |= len & 0x1f;
+inline uint8_t get_id_strlen(SensorDataFullRecordBody* body)
+    return body->id_string_info & 0x1f;
+inline void set_id_type(uint8_t type, SensorDataFullRecordBody* body)
+    body->id_string_info &= ~(3 << 6);
+    body->id_string_info |= (type & 0x3) << 6;
+inline void set_device_id_strlen(uint8_t len, SensorDataFruRecordBody* body)
+    body->deviceIDLen &= ~(LENGTH_MASK);
+    body->deviceIDLen |= len & LENGTH_MASK;
+inline uint8_t get_device_id_strlen(SensorDataFruRecordBody* body)
+    return body->deviceIDLen & LENGTH_MASK;
+inline void set_readable_mask(uint8_t mask, SensorDataFullRecordBody* body)
+    body->discrete_reading_setting_mask[1] = mask & 0x3F;
+} // namespace body
+// More types contained in section 43.17 Sensor Unit Type Codes,
+// IPMI spec v2 rev 1.1
+enum SensorUnitTypeCodes
+struct SensorDataFullRecord
+    SensorDataRecordHeader header;
+    SensorDataRecordKey key;
+    SensorDataFullRecordBody body;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/** @struct SensorDataFruRecord
+ *
+ *  FRU Device Locator Record - SDR Type 11
+ */
+struct SensorDataFruRecord
+    SensorDataRecordHeader header;
+    SensorDataFruRecordKey key;
+    SensorDataFruRecordBody body;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+} // namespace get_sdr
+namespace ipmi
+namespace sensor
+ * @brief Map offset to the corresponding bit in the assertion byte.
+ *
+ * The discrete sensors support up to 14 states. 0-7 offsets are stored in one
+ * byte and offsets 8-14 in the second byte.
+ *
+ * @param[in] offset - offset number.
+ * @param[in/out] resp - get sensor reading response.
+ */
+inline void setOffset(uint8_t offset, ipmi::sensor::GetReadingResponse* resp)
+    if (offset > 7)
+    {
+        resp->assertOffset8_14 |= 1 << (offset - 8);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        resp->assertOffset0_7 |= 1 << offset;
+    }
+ * @brief Set the reading field in the response.
+ *
+ * @param[in] offset - offset number.
+ * @param[in/out] resp - get sensor reading response.
+ */
+inline void setReading(uint8_t value, ipmi::sensor::GetReadingResponse* resp)
+    resp->reading = value;
+ * @brief Map the value to the assertion bytes. The assertion states are stored
+ *        in 2 bytes.
+ *
+ * @param[in] value - value to mapped to the assertion byte.
+ * @param[in/out] resp - get sensor reading response.
+ */
+inline void setAssertionBytes(uint16_t value,
+                              ipmi::sensor::GetReadingResponse* resp)
+    resp->assertOffset0_7 = static_cast<uint8_t>(value & 0x00FF);
+    resp->assertOffset8_14 = static_cast<uint8_t>(value >> 8);
+ * @brief Set the scanning enabled bit in the response.
+ *
+ * @param[in/out] resp - get sensor reading response.
+ */
+inline void enableScanning(ipmi::sensor::GetReadingResponse* resp)
+    resp->operation = 1 << 6;
+} // namespace sensor
+} // namespace ipmi