Running Tests

Setting Up Your Environment

For the purposes of this tutorial, we'll be setting up an environment in Docker. Docker is handy because it's fairly portable, and won't interfere with the rest of your machine setup. It also offers a strong guarantee that you're testing the same way that others working on the project are. Finally, we can get away with using the same Docker image that's run by the OpenBMC continuous integration bot, so we have even more confidence that we're running relevant tests the way they'd be run upstream.

Install Docker

Installation of Docker CE (Community Edition) varies by platform, and may differ in your organization. But the Docker Docs are a good place to start looking.

Check that the installation was successful by running sudo docker run hello-world.

Download OpenBMC Continuous Integration Image

You'll want a couple of different repositories, so start by making a place for it all to go, and clone the CI scripts:

mkdir openbmc-ci-tests
cd openbmc-ci-tests
git clone

Add phosphor-host-ipmid

We also need to put a copy of the project you want to test against here. But you've probably got a copy checked out already, so we're going to make a git worktree. You can read more about those by running git help worktree, but the basic idea is that it's like having a second copy of your repo - but the second copy is in sync with your main copy, knows about your local branches, and protects you from checking out the same branch in two places.

Your new worktree doesn't know about any untracked files you have in your main worktree, so you should get in the habit of committing everything you want to run tests against. However, because of the implementation of, you can't run the CI with untracked changes anyways, so this isn't the worst thing in the world. (If you make untracked changes in your testing worktree, it's easy to update a commit with those.)

Note the placeholders in the following steps; modify the commands to match your directory layout.

cd /my/dir/for/phosphor-host-ipmid
git worktree add /path/to/openbmc-ci-tests/phosphor-host-ipmid

Now, if you cd /path/to/openbmc-ci-tests, you should see a directory phosphor-host-ipmid/, and if you enter it and run git status you will see that you're likely on a new branch named phosphor-host-ipmid. This is just for convenience, since you can't check out a branch in your worktree that's already checked out somewhere else; you can safely ignore or delete that branch later.

However, Git won't be able to figure out how to get to your main worktree (/my/dir/for/phosphor-host-ipmid), so we'll need to mount it when we run. Open up /path/to/openbmc-ci-tests/openbmc-build-scripts/ and find where we call docker run, way down at the bottom. Add an additional argument, remembering to escape the newline (''):


docker run --blah-blah-existing-flags \
  -other \

Then commit this, so you can make sure not to lose it if you update the scripts repo:

cd openbmc-build-scripts
git add
git commit -m "mount phosphor-host-ipmid"

NOTE: There are other ways to do this besides a worktree; other approaches trade the cruft of mounting extra paths to the Docker container for different cruft:

You can create a local upstream:

cd openbmc-ci-tests
mkdir phosphor-host-ipmid
cd phosphor-host-ipmid
git init
cd /my/dir/for/phosphor-host-ipmid
git remote add /path/to/openbmc-ci-tests/phosphor-host-ipmid ci
git push ci

This method would require you to push your topic branch to ci and then git checkout the appropriate branch every time you switched topics:

cd /my/dir/for/phosphor-host-ipmid
git commit -m "my changes to be tested"
git push ci
cd /path/to/openbmc-ci-tests/phosphor-host-ipmid
git checkout topic-branch

You can also create a symlink from your Git workspace into openbmc-ci-tests/. This is especially not recommended, since you won't be able to work on your code in parallel while the tests run, and since the CI scripts are unhappy when you have untracked changes - which you're likely to have during active development.

Building and Running

The OpenBMC CI scripts take care of the build for you, and run the test suite. Build and run like so:

sudo WORKSPACE=$(pwd) UNIT_TEST_PKG=phosphor-host-ipmid \

The first run will take a long time! But afterwards it shouldn't be so bad, as many parts of the Docker container are already downloaded and configured.

Reading Output

Your results will appear in openbmc-ci-tests/phosphor-host-ipmid/test/test-suite.log, as well as being printed to stdout. You will also see other .log files generated for each test file, for example sample_unittest.log. All these *.log files are human-readable and can be examined to determine why something failed

Writing Tests

Setting Up Your Environment

Best Practices

Sending for Review

Reviewing Tests

Best Practices

Quickly Running At Home


Thanks very much to Patrick Venture for his prior work putting together documentation on this topic internal to Google.