construct IPMI FRU Info data based on inventory data

Change-Id: If8ee75b48323d29b568ef807d381a3e5600527d5
Signed-off-by: Marri Devender Rao <>
diff --git a/ipmi_fru_info_area.cpp b/ipmi_fru_info_area.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3472f42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipmi_fru_info_area.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <map>
+#include <numeric>
+#include "ipmi_fru_info_area.hpp"
+#include <phosphor-logging/elog.hpp>
+namespace ipmi
+namespace fru
+using namespace phosphor::logging;
+//Property variables
+static constexpr auto partNumber       = "PartNumber";
+static constexpr auto serialNumber     = "SerialNumber";
+static constexpr auto manufacturer     = "Manufacturer";
+static constexpr auto buildDate        = "BuildDate";
+static constexpr auto model            = "Model";
+static constexpr auto prettyName       = "PrettyName";
+static constexpr auto version          = "Version";
+//Board info areas
+static constexpr auto board            = "Board";
+static constexpr auto chassis          = "Chassis";
+static constexpr auto product          = "Product";
+static constexpr auto specVersion              = 0x1;
+static constexpr auto recordUnitOfMeasurment   = 0x8; //size in bytes
+static constexpr auto checksumSize             = 0x1; //size in bytes
+static constexpr auto recordNotPresent         = 0x0;
+static constexpr auto englishLanguageCode      = 0x0;
+static constexpr auto typeLengthByteNull       = 0x0;
+static constexpr auto endOfCustomFields        = 0xC1;
+static constexpr auto commonHeaderFormatSize   = 0x8; //size in bytes
+static constexpr auto manufacturingDateSize     = 0x3;
+static constexpr auto areaSizeOffset           = 0x1;
+ * @brief Format Beginning of Individual IPMI FRU Data Section
+ *
+ * @param[in] langCode Language code
+ * @param[in/out] data FRU area data
+ */
+void preFormatProcessing(bool langCode, FruAreaData& data)
+    //Add id for version of FRU Info Storage Spec used
+    data.emplace_back(specVersion);
+    //Add Data Size - 0 as a placeholder, can edit after the data is finalized
+    data.emplace_back(typeLengthByteNull);
+    if (langCode)
+    {
+        data.emplace_back(englishLanguageCode);
+    }
+ * @brief Append checksum of the FRU area data
+ *
+ * @param[in/out] data FRU area data
+ */
+void appendDataChecksum(FruAreaData& data)
+    uint8_t checksumVal = std::accumulate(data.begin(), data.end(), 0);
+    // Push the Zero checksum as the last byte of this data
+    // This appears to be a simple summation of all the bytes
+    data.emplace_back(-checksumVal);
+ * @brief Append padding bytes for the FRU area data
+ *
+ * @param[in/out] data FRU area data
+ */
+void padData(FruAreaData& data)
+    uint8_t pad = (data.size() + checksumSize) % recordUnitOfMeasurment;
+    if (pad)
+    {
+        data.resize((data.size() + recordUnitOfMeasurment - pad));
+    }
+ * @brief Format End of Individual IPMI FRU Data Section
+ *
+ * @param[in/out] fruAreaData FRU area info data
+ */
+void postFormatProcessing(FruAreaData& data)
+    //This area needs to be padded to a multiple of 8 bytes (after checksum)
+    padData(data);
+    //Set size of data info area
+ = (data.size() + checksumSize) /
+        (recordUnitOfMeasurment);
+    //Finally add board info checksum
+    appendDataChecksum(data);
+ * @brief Read property value from inventory and append to the FRU area data
+ *
+ * @param[in] key key to search for in the property inventory data
+ * @param[in] propMap map of property values
+ * @param[in,out] data FRU area data to be appended
+ */
+void appendData(const Property& key, const PropertyMap& propMap,
+                FruAreaData& data)
+    auto iter = propMap.find(key);
+    if (iter != propMap.end())
+    {
+        auto value = iter->second;
+        //If starts with 0x or 0X remove them
+        //ex: 0x123a just take 123a
+        if ((, 2, "0x")) == 0 ||
+           (, 2, "0X") == 0))
+        {
+            value.erase(0, 2);
+        }
+        data.emplace_back(value.length());
+        std::copy(value.begin(), value.end(), std::back_inserter(data));
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        //set 0 size
+        data.emplace_back(typeLengthByteNull);
+    }
+ * @brief Appends Build Date
+ *
+ * @param[in] propMap map of property values
+ * @param[in/out] data FRU area to add the manfufacture date
+ */
+void appendMfgDate(const PropertyMap& propMap, FruAreaData& data)
+    //MFG Date/Time
+    auto iter = propMap.find(buildDate);
+    if (iter != propMap.end())
+    {
+        auto& value = iter->second;
+        if (value.length() == manufacturingDateSize)
+        {
+            std::copy(
+                value.begin(), value.end(), std::back_inserter(data));
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    //Blank date
+    data.emplace_back(0);
+    data.emplace_back(0);
+    data.emplace_back(0);
+ * @brief Builds a section of the common header
+ *
+ * @param[in] infoAreaSize size of the FRU area to write
+ * @param[in] offset Current offset for data in overall record
+ * @param[in/out] data Common Header section data container
+ */
+void buildCommonHeaderSection(
+    const uint32_t& infoAreaSize, uint32_t& offset, FruAreaData& data)
+    //Check if data for internal use section populated
+    if (infoAreaSize == 0)
+    {
+        //Indicate record not present
+        data.emplace_back(recordNotPresent);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        //Place data to define offset to area data section
+        data.emplace_back((offset + commonHeaderFormatSize)
+            / recordUnitOfMeasurment);
+        offset += infoAreaSize;
+    }
+ * @brief Builds the Chassis info area data section
+ *
+ * @param[in] propMap map of properties for chassis info area
+ * @return FruAreaData container with chassis info area
+ */
+FruAreaData buildChassisInfoArea(const PropertyMap& propMap)
+    FruAreaData fruAreaData;
+    if (!propMap.empty())
+    {
+        //Set formatting data that goes at the beginning of the record
+        preFormatProcessing(false, fruAreaData);
+        //chassis type
+        fruAreaData.emplace_back(0);
+        //Chasiss part number, in config.yaml it is configured as model
+        appendData(model, propMap, fruAreaData);
+        //Board serial number
+        appendData(serialNumber, propMap, fruAreaData);
+        //Indicate End of Custom Fields
+        fruAreaData.emplace_back(endOfCustomFields);
+        //Complete record data formatting
+        postFormatProcessing(fruAreaData);
+    }
+    return fruAreaData;
+ * @brief Builds the Board info area data section
+ *
+ * @param[in] propMap map of properties for board info area
+ * @return FruAreaData container with board info area
+ */
+FruAreaData buildBoardInfoArea(const PropertyMap& propMap)
+    FruAreaData fruAreaData;
+    if (!propMap.empty())
+    {
+        preFormatProcessing(true, fruAreaData);
+        //Manufacturing date
+        appendMfgDate(propMap, fruAreaData);
+        //manufacturer
+        appendData(manufacturer, propMap, fruAreaData);
+        //Product name/Pretty name
+        appendData(prettyName, propMap, fruAreaData);
+        //Board serial number
+        appendData(serialNumber, propMap, fruAreaData);
+        //Board part number
+        appendData(partNumber, propMap, fruAreaData);
+        //FRU File ID - Empty
+        fruAreaData.emplace_back(typeLengthByteNull);
+        // Empty FRU File ID bytes
+        fruAreaData.emplace_back(recordNotPresent);
+        //End of custom fields
+        fruAreaData.emplace_back(endOfCustomFields);
+        postFormatProcessing(fruAreaData);
+    }
+    return fruAreaData;
+ * @brief Builds the Product info area data section
+ *
+ * @param[in] propMap map of FRU properties for Board info area
+ * @return FruAreaData container with product info area data
+ */
+FruAreaData buildProductInfoArea(const PropertyMap& propMap)
+    FruAreaData fruAreaData;
+    if (!propMap.empty())
+    {
+        //Set formatting data that goes at the beginning of the record
+        preFormatProcessing(true, fruAreaData);
+        //manufacturer
+        appendData(manufacturer, propMap, fruAreaData);
+        //Product name/Pretty name
+        appendData(prettyName, propMap, fruAreaData);
+        //Product part/model number
+        appendData(model, propMap, fruAreaData);
+        //Product version
+        appendData(version, propMap, fruAreaData);
+        //Serial Number
+        appendData(serialNumber, propMap, fruAreaData);
+        //Add Asset Tag
+        fruAreaData.emplace_back(recordNotPresent);
+        //FRU File ID - Empty
+        fruAreaData.emplace_back(typeLengthByteNull);
+        // Empty FRU File ID bytes
+        fruAreaData.emplace_back(recordNotPresent);
+        //End of custom fields
+        fruAreaData.emplace_back(endOfCustomFields);
+        postFormatProcessing(fruAreaData);
+    }
+    return fruAreaData;
+FruAreaData buildFruAreaData(const FruInventoryData& inventory)
+    FruAreaData combFruArea;
+    //Now build common header with data for this FRU Inv Record
+    //Use this variable to increment size of header as we go along to determine
+    //offset for the subsequent area offsets
+    uint32_t curDataOffset = 0;
+    //First byte is id for version of FRU Info Storage Spec used
+    combFruArea.emplace_back(specVersion);
+    //2nd byte is offset to internal use data
+    combFruArea.emplace_back(recordNotPresent);
+    //3rd byte is offset to chassis data
+    FruAreaData chassisArea;
+    auto chassisIt = inventory.find(chassis);
+    if (chassisIt != inventory.end())
+    {
+        chassisArea = std::move(buildChassisInfoArea(chassisIt->second));
+    }
+    buildCommonHeaderSection(chassisArea.size(), curDataOffset, combFruArea);
+    //4th byte is offset to board data
+    FruAreaData boardArea;
+    auto boardIt = inventory.find(board);
+    if (boardIt != inventory.end())
+    {
+        boardArea = std::move(buildBoardInfoArea(boardIt->second));
+    }
+    //5th byte is offset to product data
+    FruAreaData prodArea;
+    auto prodIt = inventory.find(product);
+    if (prodIt != inventory.end())
+    {
+        prodArea = std::move(buildProductInfoArea(prodIt->second));
+    }
+    buildCommonHeaderSection(prodArea.size(), curDataOffset, combFruArea);
+    //6th byte is offset to multirecord data
+    combFruArea.emplace_back(recordNotPresent);
+    //7th byte is PAD
+    padData(combFruArea);
+    //8th (Final byte of Header Format) is the checksum
+    appendDataChecksum(combFruArea);
+    //Combine everything into one full IPMI FRU specification Record
+    //add chassis use area data
+    combFruArea.insert(
+            combFruArea.end(), chassisArea.begin(), chassisArea.end());
+    //add board area data
+    combFruArea.insert(combFruArea.end(), boardArea.begin(), boardArea.end());
+    //add product use area data
+    combFruArea.insert(combFruArea.end(), prodArea.begin(), prodArea.end());
+    return combFruArea;
+} //fru
+} //ipmi