Synchronize channel info between network and ipmi

Synchronizing the channel privilege config between network
interface(generic) and channel managament(IPMI).
 1) During start-up get the network interface privilege and
    update the IPMI data base(NV).
 2) Catch the signal for network interface channel privilege
    and update the ipmi data base(Volatile and NV data).
 3) During ipmi privilege update(NV), send it to network interface
    over DBUS.

Unit Test:
 Verified the changes by modifying MaxPrivilege in network interfaces
and signal catching logic and vise versa as specified in description.

Change-Id: Iaa7e9e248f1cac6ab560137c8c136abdd44e190e
Signed-off-by: AppaRao Puli <>
Signed-off-by: Richard Marian Thomaiyar <>
2 files changed