Final IPMI Net Function router
diff --git a/ipmid-api.h b/ipmid-api.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..615e0d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipmid-api.h
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+// length of Completion Code and its ALWAYS _1_
+#define IPMI_CC_LEN 1
+// IPMI Net Function number as specified by IPMI V2.0 spec.
+// Example : 
+// NETFUN_APP      =   (0x06 << 2),
+typedef unsigned char   ipmi_netfn_t;
+// IPMI Command for a Net Function number as specified by IPMI V2.0 spec.
+typedef unsigned char   ipmi_cmd_t;
+// Buffer containing data from sender of netfn and command as part of request
+typedef void*           ipmi_request_t;
+// This is the response buffer that the provider of [netfn,cmd] will send back
+// to the caller. Provider will allocate the memory inside the handler and then
+// will do a memcpy to this response buffer and also will set the data size
+// parameter to the size of the buffer.
+// unsigned char str[] = {0x00, 0x01, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0x0A, 0x01};
+// *data_len = 6;
+// memcpy(response, &str, *data_len);
+typedef void*           ipmi_response_t;
+// This buffer contains any *user specific* data that is of interest only to the
+// plugin. For a ipmi function router, this data is opaque. At the time of
+// registering the plugin handlers, plugin may optionally allocate a memory and
+// fill in whatever needed that will be of help during the actual handling of
+// command. IPMID will just pass the netfn, cmd and also this data to plugins
+// during the command handler invocation.
+typedef void*           ipmi_context_t;
+// Length of request / response buffer depending on whether the data is a
+// request or a response from a plugin handler.
+typedef size_t*   ipmi_data_len_t;
+// Plugin function return the status code
+typedef unsigned char ipmi_ret_t;
+// This is the callback handler that the plugin registers with IPMID. IPMI
+// function router will then make a call to this callback handler with the
+// necessary arguments of netfn, cmd, request, response, size and context.
+typedef ipmi_ret_t (*ipmid_callback_t)(ipmi_netfn_t, ipmi_cmd_t, ipmi_request_t,
+                                       ipmi_response_t, ipmi_data_len_t, ipmi_context_t);
+// This is the constructor function that is called into by each plugin handlers.
+// When ipmi sets up the callback handlers, a call is made to this with
+// information of netfn, cmd, callback handler pointer and context data.
+// Making this a extern "C" so that plugin libraries written in C can also use
+// it.
+extern "C" void ipmi_register_callback(ipmi_netfn_t, ipmi_cmd_t, 
+                                       ipmi_context_t, ipmid_callback_t);
+// These are the command network functions, the response
+// network functions are the function + 1. So to determine
+// the proper network function which issued the command
+// associated with a response, subtract 1.
+// Note: these are also shifted left to make room for the LUN.
+enum ipmi_net_fns
+    NETFUN_CHASSIS  =   (0x00 << 2),
+    NETFUN_BRIDGE   =   (0x02 << 2),
+    NETFUN_SENSOR   =   (0x04 << 2),
+    NETFUN_APP      =   (0x06 << 2),
+    NETFUN_FIRMWARE =   (0x08 << 2),
+    NETFUN_STORAGE  =   (0x0a << 2),
+    NETFUN_TRANPORT =   (0x0c << 2),
+    NETFUN_GRPEXT   =   (0x2c << 2),
+    NETFUN_NONE     =   (0x30 << 2)
+// IPMI commands for net functions. Since this is to be used both by the ipmi
+// function router and also the callback handler registration function, its put
+// in this .H file.
+enum ipmi_netfn_wild_card_cmd
+    IPMI_CMD_WILDCARD       = 0xFF,
+// Return codes from a IPMI operation as needed by IPMI V2.0 spec.
+enum ipmi_return_codes
+    IPMI_CC_OK = 0x00,