multiple ipmi shortname implementations

As ipmi subsystem requires short names, and there are multiple
ways to implement that, this patch provides compile-time configuration

 - shortname-remove-suffix
 - shortname-replace-words

Previously, PSU Sensor Names were stripped of some
suffixes, some of which uniquely identified the sensor.

e.g. "_Input_Voltage", "_Output_Voltage".
Without the suffix, the sensor cannot be uniquely identified.

Example: "PSU0_Input_Voltage", "PSU0_Output_Voltage"
both become "PSU0".

 - with both configurations turned off, name is only trucated
 - with nothing configured, default config is applied and suffix is
   removed (current behavior)
 - word replacement enabled and suffix removal disabled: expected
 - word replacement disabled and suffix removal enabled: expected

Change-Id: I01dd35f31e75df3c31733e9818884813a241440a
Signed-off-by: Alexander Hansen <>
diff --git a/meson.options b/meson.options
index fb0c5f2..2513c56 100644
--- a/meson.options
+++ b/meson.options
@@ -60,6 +60,10 @@
 # Sensor Cache
 option('sensors-cache', type: 'feature', value: 'disabled', description: 'Sensor cache stack is disabled by default; offer a way to enable it')
+# Short Sensor Names for IPMI
+option('shortname-remove-suffix', type: 'feature', value: 'enabled', description: 'shortname-remove-suffix is enabled by default')
+option('shortname-replace-words', type: 'feature', value: 'disabled', description: 'shortname-replace-words is disabled by default')
 # SEL Logger
 option('sel-logger-clears-sel', type: 'feature', value: 'disabled', description: 'Clearing SEL through sel-logger is disabled by default; offer a way to enable it')