user_mgmt: Enable SOL payload access by default.

Enabling SOL payload access for all users in all channels, by default.
It is not mandated by IPMI spec, but needed for backward-compatibility.

1. Run Get User Payload Access Command for random user on LAN channel.
   // Command - (channel 3 is of LAN channel type)
   ipmitool  -I lanplus...raw 0x06 0x4D 3 7
   02 00 00 00 // Response

2. Disable SOL payload and rerun Get User Payload Access Command.
   // Command
   ipmitool  -I lanplus...raw 0x06 0x4C 3 0x48 0x02 0 0x00 0
   ipmitool  -I lanplus...raw 0x06 0x4D 3 8
   00 00 00 00 // Response

3. Run Get User Payload Access on non-LAN, session-less channel.
   // Command - (channel 7 is KCS channel type)
   ipmitool  -I lanplus...raw 0x06 0x4D 7 7
   Error:(...rsp=0xcc): Invalid data field in request // Response

4. Check SOL session activation and 'ipmi_user.json' file contents.

Change-Id: I48c50e6366a0025d5ae066c8a8f3694d2f710732
Signed-off-by: Saravanan Palanisamy <>
1 file changed