IPMI: Virtual sensor support in host ipmid

Resolves openbmc/openbmc#1608

Change-Id: Id76446061fd0fa6dc3dead702538e424293af7ce
Signed-off-by: Dhruvaraj Subhashchandran <dhruvaraj@in.ibm.com>
diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index 8dd3fc2..18b198c 100644
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -64,7 +64,8 @@
 	fru-read-gen.cpp \
 	selutility.cpp \
 	ipmi_fru_info_area.cpp \
-	read_fru_data.cpp
+	read_fru_data.cpp \
+	sensordatahandler.cpp
 libapphandler_la_LDFLAGS = $(SYSTEMD_LIBS) $(libmapper_LIBS) $(PHOSPHOR_LOGGING_LIBS) $(PHOSPHOR_DBUS_INTERFACES_LIBS) -lstdc++fs -version-info 0:0:0 -shared
diff --git a/scripts/sensor-example.yaml b/scripts/sensor-example.yaml
index c17b977..750da95 100755
--- a/scripts/sensor-example.yaml
+++ b/scripts/sensor-example.yaml
@@ -1,12 +1,35 @@
+#sample yaml with documentation
+#Sensor Number
+  #Sensor Type
   sensorType: 0x0C
+  #There are two types of updates one with Set method and other with
+  #Notify method for inventory updates. The path indicates Inventory path for
+  #the Notify method and Dbus object path for Set method.
   path: /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm0
+  #event reading type
   sensorReadingType: 0x6F
+  #Dbus service interface to make a bus call to update or request value of a
+  #property
+  serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager
+  #command data has three fields, sensor reading value, assertion and
+  #deassertion bits and event data, this indicates which data field should
+  #be used. Possible value to be updated.
+  readingType: assertion
+  #List of dbus interfaces associated with the interested properties.
+    #Dbus interface implementing the interested property.
+      #DBus property
+        #Offset, for assertion it should be a bit mask to indicate which bit
+        #indicates the property is true or false, in event or reading types
+        #the value will get mapped to a Dbus enum, 0xFF need to give if the
+        #reading or event value need to be updated as it is.
+          #type of the property
           type: bool
+          #mapping from event offset bit in the command to the property value.
           deassert: "true"
           assert: "false"
@@ -15,10 +38,25 @@
           type: bool
           assert: "true"
           deassert: "false"
+  sensorType: 0xC3
+  path: /xyz/openbmc_project/control/host0
+  sensorReadingType: 0x6F
+  serviceInterface: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties
+  readingType: reading
+  interfaces:
+    xyz.openbmc_project.Control.Boot.RebootAttempts:
+      AttemptsLeft:
+          #A 0xFF indicates the value need to be send to dbus
+          0xFF:
+            type: uint32_t
   sensorType: 0x0C
   path: /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm1
   sensorReadingType: 0x6F
+  serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager
+  readingType: assertion
+  byteOffset: 0x00
@@ -36,6 +74,9 @@
   sensorType: 0x0C
   path: /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm2
   sensorReadingType: 0x6F
+  serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager
+  readingType: assertion
+  byteOffset: 0x00
@@ -53,6 +94,9 @@
   sensorType: 0x0C
   path: /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm3
   sensorReadingType: 0x6F
+  serviceInterface: xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager
+  readingType: assertion
+  byteOffset: 0x00
diff --git a/scripts/writesensor.mako.cpp b/scripts/writesensor.mako.cpp
index cb3be09..41f9d60 100644
--- a/scripts/writesensor.mako.cpp
+++ b/scripts/writesensor.mako.cpp
@@ -2,10 +2,107 @@
 ## into the rendered file; feel free to edit this file.
 // !!! WARNING: This is a GENERATED Code..Please do NOT Edit !!!
+from collections import defaultdict
+readingTypes = { 'reading': 'cmdData.reading',
+                 'assertion': '0',
+                 'eventdata1': 'cmdData.eventData1',
+                 'eventdata2': 'cmdData.eventData2',
+                 'eventdata3': 'cmdData.eventData3'}
+funcProps = {}
+%for key in sensorDict.iterkeys():
+    sensor = sensorDict[key]
+    sensorType = sensor["sensorType"]
+    serviceInterface = sensor["serviceInterface"]
+    readingType = sensor["readingType"]
+    if serviceInterface == "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties":
+        command = "Set"
+    elif serviceInterface == "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager":
+        command = "Notify"
+    else:
+        assert "Un-supported interface: serviceInterface"
+    endif
+    sensorInterface = serviceInterface
+    updateFunc = "sensor_set::sensor_type_" + str(sensorType) + "::update"
+    funcProps[sensorType] = {}
+    funcProps[sensorType].update({"command" : command})
+    funcProps[sensorType].update({"path" : sensor["path"]})
+    funcProps[sensorType].update({"serviceInterface" : serviceInterface})
+    funcProps[sensorType].update({"updateFunc" : updateFunc})
+    funcProps[sensorType].update({"readingType" : readingType})
+    funcProps[sensorType].update({"source" : readingTypes[readingType]})
+    funcProps[sensorType].update({"interfaces" : sensor["interfaces"]})
+    if command == "Set":
+        for interface, props in funcProps[sensorType]["interfaces"].items():
+            sensorInterface = interface
+    funcProps[sensorType].update({"sensorInterface" : sensorInterface})
+% endfor
+#include <bitset>
 #include "types.hpp"
-using namespace ipmi::sensor;
+#include "host-ipmid/ipmid-api.h"
+#include <phosphor-logging/elog-errors.hpp>
+#include "xyz/openbmc_project/Common/error.hpp"
+#include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp>
+#include "sensordatahandler.hpp"
+namespace ipmi
+namespace sensor
+namespace sensor_set
+% for sensorType, funcProp in funcProps.iteritems():
+namespace sensor_type_${sensorType}
+ipmi_ret_t update(const SetSensorReadingReq& cmdData,
+                  const Info& sensorInfo)
+    auto msg = ${(funcProp["command"]).lower()}::makeDbusMsg(
+                    "${funcProp['serviceInterface']}",
+                     sensorInfo.sensorPath,
+                    "${funcProp['command']}",
+                    "${funcProp['sensorInterface']}");
+    auto interfaceList = sensorInfo.sensorInterfaces;
+% for interface, properties in funcProp["interfaces"].iteritems():
+    % for dbus_property, property_value in properties.iteritems():
+        % for offset, values in property_value.iteritems():
+            % if offset == 0xFF:
+<%                funcName = "appendReadingData"%>\
+<%                param = "static_cast<"+values["type"]+">("+funcProp["source"]+")"%>\
+            %  elif funcProp["readingType"] == "assertion":
+<%                funcName = "appendAssertion"%>\
+<%                param = "sensorInfo.sensorPath, cmdData"%>\
+            % else:
+<%                funcName = "appendDiscreteSignalData"%>\
+<%                param = funcProp["source"]%>\
+            % endif
+        % endfor
+    % endfor
+% endfor
+    auto result = ${(funcProp["command"]).lower()}::${funcName}(msg,
+                        interfaceList,
+                        ${param});
+    if (result != IPMI_CC_OK)
+    {
+        return result;
+    }
+    return updateToDbus(msg);
+}//namespace sensor_type_${sensorType}
+% endfor
+}//namespace sensor_get
+}//namespace sensor
+}//namespace ipmi
+using namespace ipmi::sensor;
 extern const IdInfoMap sensors = {
 % for key in sensorDict.iterkeys():
    % if key:
@@ -19,24 +116,30 @@
        multiplier = sensor.get("multiplierM", 1)
        offset = sensor.get("offsetB", 0)
        exp = sensor.get("bExp", 0)
+       valueReadingType = sensor["readingType"]
+       updateFunc = funcProps[sensorType]["updateFunc"]
-        ${offset * pow(10,exp)},{
+        ${offset * pow(10,exp)},${updateFunc},{
     % for interface,properties in interfaces.iteritems():
             % for dbus_property,property_value in properties.iteritems():
                 % for offset,values in property_value.iteritems():
                     { ${offset},{
-                        <% valueType = values["type"] %>\
-                     % for name,value in values.iteritems():
+                        % if offset == 0xFF:
+                            }},
+<%                          continue %>\
+                        % endif
+<%                          valueType = values["type"] %>\
+                    % for name,value in values.iteritems():
                         % if name == "type":
-                             <% continue %>\
+<%                          continue %>\
                         % endif
                         % if valueType == "string":
                         % elif valueType == "bool":
-                           <% value = str(value).lower() %>\
+<%                         value = str(value).lower() %>\
                         % else:
diff --git a/sensordatahandler.cpp b/sensordatahandler.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c7b9ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sensordatahandler.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+#include <bitset>
+#include <phosphor-logging/elog-errors.hpp>
+#include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp>
+#include "xyz/openbmc_project/Common/error.hpp"
+#include "types.hpp"
+#include "sensordatahandler.hpp"
+namespace ipmi
+namespace sensor
+using namespace phosphor::logging;
+using InternalFailure =
+    sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Common::Error::InternalFailure;
+static constexpr auto MAPPER_BUSNAME = "xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper";
+static constexpr auto MAPPER_PATH = "/xyz/openbmc_project/object_mapper";
+static constexpr auto MAPPER_INTERFACE = "xyz.openbmc_project.ObjectMapper";
+/** @brief get the D-Bus service and service path
+ *  @param[in] bus - The Dbus bus object
+ *  @param[in] interface - interface to the service
+ *  @param[in] path - interested path in the list of objects
+ *  @return pair of service path and service
+ */
+ServicePath getServiceAndPath(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus,
+                              const std::string& interface,
+                              const std::string& path)
+    auto depth = 0;
+    auto mapperCall = bus.new_method_call(MAPPER_BUSNAME,
+                                          MAPPER_PATH,
+                                          MAPPER_INTERFACE,
+                                          "GetSubTree");
+    mapperCall.append("/");
+    mapperCall.append(depth);
+    mapperCall.append(std::vector<Interface>({interface}));
+    auto mapperResponseMsg = bus.call(mapperCall);
+    if (mapperResponseMsg.is_method_error())
+    {
+        std::string err = "Error in mapper GetSubTree "
+                          "Interface: " + interface;
+        log<level::ERR>(err.c_str());
+        elog<InternalFailure>();
+    }
+    MapperResponseType mapperResponse;
+    mapperResponseMsg.read(mapperResponse);
+    if (mapperResponse.empty())
+    {
+        std::string err = "Invalid response from mapper "
+                          "Command: GetSubTree "
+                          "Interface:" + interface;
+        log<level::ERR>(err.c_str());
+        elog<InternalFailure>();
+    }
+    if (path.empty())
+    {
+        //Get the first one if the path is not in list.
+        return std::make_pair(mapperResponse.begin()->first,
+                              mapperResponse.begin()->second.begin()->first);
+    }
+    const auto& iter = mapperResponse.find(path);
+    if (iter == mapperResponse.end())
+    {
+        std::string err = "Error in finding sensor dbus"
+                          "Command: GetSubTree "
+                          "Interface:" + interface;
+        log<level::ERR>(err.c_str());
+        elog<InternalFailure>();
+    }
+    return std::make_pair(iter->first, iter->second.begin()->first);
+AssertionSet getAssertionSet(const SetSensorReadingReq& cmdData)
+    Assertion assertionStates =
+        (static_cast<Assertion>(cmdData.assertOffset8_14)) << 8 |
+        cmdData.assertOffset0_7;
+    Deassertion deassertionStates =
+        (static_cast<Deassertion>(cmdData.deassertOffset8_14)) << 8 |
+        cmdData.deassertOffset0_7;
+    return std::make_pair(assertionStates, deassertionStates);
+ipmi_ret_t updateToDbus(IpmiUpdateData& msg)
+    sdbusplus::bus::bus bus{ipmid_get_sd_bus_connection()};
+    try
+    {
+        auto serviceResponseMsg = bus.call(msg);
+        if (serviceResponseMsg.is_method_error())
+        {
+            log<level::ERR>("Error in D-Bus call");
+            return IPMI_CC_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR;
+        }
+    }
+    catch (InternalFailure& e)
+    {
+        commit<InternalFailure>();
+    }
+    return IPMI_CC_OK;
+namespace set
+IpmiUpdateData makeDbusMsg(const std::string& updateInterface,
+                           const std::string& sensorPath,
+                           const std::string& command,
+                           const std::string& sensorInterface)
+    sdbusplus::bus::bus bus{ipmid_get_sd_bus_connection()};
+    using namespace std::string_literals;
+    std::string dbusService;
+    std::string dbusPath;
+    std::tie(dbusPath, dbusService) = getServiceAndPath(bus,
+                                      sensorInterface,
+                                      sensorPath);
+    return bus.new_method_call(dbusService.c_str(),
+                               dbusPath.c_str(),
+                               updateInterface.c_str(),
+                               command.c_str());
+ipmi_ret_t appendDiscreteSignalData(IpmiUpdateData& msg,
+                                    const DbusInterfaceMap& interfaceMap,
+                                    uint8_t data)
+    const auto& interface = interfaceMap.begin();
+    msg.append(interface->first);
+    for (const auto& property : interface->second)
+    {
+        msg.append(property.first);
+        const auto& iter = property.second.find(data);
+        if (iter == property.second.end())
+        {
+            log<level::ERR>("Invalid event data");
+            return IPMI_CC_PARM_OUT_OF_RANGE;
+        }
+        msg.append(iter->second.assert);
+    }
+    return IPMI_CC_OK;
+ipmi_ret_t appendReadingData(IpmiUpdateData& msg,
+                             const DbusInterfaceMap& interfaceMap,
+                             const Value &data)
+    const auto& interface = interfaceMap.begin();
+    msg.append(interface->first);
+    for (const auto& property : interface->second)
+    {
+        msg.append(property.first);
+        msg.append(data);
+    }
+    return IPMI_CC_OK;
+ipmi_ret_t appendAssertion(IpmiUpdateData& msg,
+                           const DbusInterfaceMap& interfaceMap,
+                           const std::string& sensorPath,
+                           const SetSensorReadingReq& cmdData)
+    std::bitset<16> assertionSet(getAssertionSet(cmdData).first);
+    std::bitset<16> deassertionSet(getAssertionSet(cmdData).second);
+    const auto& interface = interfaceMap.begin();
+    msg.append(interface->first);
+    for (const auto& property : interface->second)
+    {
+        msg.append(property.first);
+        for (const auto& value : property.second)
+        {
+            if (assertionSet.test(value.first))
+            {
+                msg.append(value.second.assert);
+            }
+            if (deassertionSet.test(value.first))
+            {
+                msg.append(value.second.deassert);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return IPMI_CC_OK;
+}//namespace set
+namespace notify
+IpmiUpdateData makeDbusMsg(const std::string& updateInterface,
+                           const std::string& sensorPath,
+                           const std::string& command,
+                           const std::string& sensorInterface)
+    sdbusplus::bus::bus bus{ipmid_get_sd_bus_connection()};
+    using namespace std::string_literals;
+    std::string dbusService;
+    std::string dbusPath;
+    std::tie(dbusPath, dbusService) = getServiceAndPath(bus,
+                                      updateInterface);
+    return bus.new_method_call(dbusService.c_str(),
+                               dbusPath.c_str(),
+                               updateInterface.c_str(),
+                               command.c_str());
+ipmi_ret_t appendAssertion(IpmiUpdateData& msg,
+                           const DbusInterfaceMap& interfaceMap,
+                           const std::string& sensorPath,
+                           const SetSensorReadingReq& cmdData)
+    std::bitset<16> assertionSet(getAssertionSet(cmdData).first);
+    std::bitset<16> deassertionSet(getAssertionSet(cmdData).second);
+    ipmi::sensor::ObjectMap objects;
+    ipmi::sensor::InterfaceMap interfaces;
+    for (const auto& interface : interfaceMap)
+    {
+        for (const auto& property : interface.second)
+        {
+            ipmi::sensor::PropertyMap props;
+            bool valid = false;
+            for (const auto& value : property.second)
+            {
+                if (assertionSet.test(value.first))
+                {
+                    props.emplace(property.first, value.second.assert);
+                    valid = true;
+                }
+                else if (deassertionSet.test(value.first))
+                {
+                    props.emplace(property.first, value.second.deassert);
+                    valid = true;
+                }
+            }
+            if (valid)
+            {
+                interfaces.emplace(interface.first, std::move(props));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    objects.emplace(sensorPath, std::move(interfaces));
+    msg.append(std::move(objects));
+    return IPMI_CC_OK;
+}//namespace notify
+}//namespace sensor
+}//namespace ipmi
diff --git a/sensordatahandler.hpp b/sensordatahandler.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa74235
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sensordatahandler.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+#include "types.hpp"
+#include "host-ipmid/ipmid-api.h"
+namespace ipmi
+namespace sensor
+using Assertion = uint16_t;
+using Deassertion = uint16_t;
+using AssertionSet = std::pair<Assertion, Deassertion>;
+using Service = std::string;
+using Path = std::string;
+using Interface = std::string;
+using ServicePath = std::pair<Path, Service>;
+using Interfaces = std::vector<Interface>;
+using MapperResponseType = std::map<Path, std::map<Service, Interfaces>>;
+/** @brief get the D-Bus service and service path
+ *  @param[in] bus - The Dbus bus object
+ *  @param[in] interface - interface to the service
+ *  @param[in] path - interested path in the list of objects
+ *  @return pair of service path and service
+ */
+ServicePath getServiceAndPath(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus,
+                              const std::string& interface,
+                              const std::string& path = std::string());
+/** @brief Make assertion set from input data
+ *  @param[in] cmdData - Input sensor data
+ *  @return pair of assertion and deassertion set
+ */
+AssertionSet getAssertionSet(const SetSensorReadingReq& cmdData);
+/** @brief send the message to DBus
+ *  @param[in] msg - message to send
+ *  @return failure status in IPMI error code
+ */
+ipmi_ret_t updateToDbus(const IpmiUpdateData& msg);
+namespace set
+/** @brief Make a DBus message for a Dbus call
+ *  @param[in] updateInterface - Interface name
+ *  @param[in] sensorPath - Path of the sensor
+ *  @param[in] command - command to be executed
+ *  @param[in] sensorInterface - DBus interface of sensor
+ *  @return a dbus message
+ */
+IpmiUpdateData makeDbusMsg(const std::string& updateInterface,
+                           const std::string& sensorPath,
+                           const std::string& command,
+                           const std::string& sensorInterface);
+/** @brief Create a message for IPMI assertion
+ *  @param[in] msg - Message to add the values
+ *  @param[in] interface - sensor interface
+ *  @param[in] sensorPath - Path of the sensor
+ *  @param[in] cmdData - input sensor data
+ *  @return a IPMI error code
+ */
+ipmi_ret_t appendAssertion(IpmiUpdateData& msg,
+                           const DbusInterfaceMap& interfaceMap,
+                           const std::string& sensorPath,
+                           const SetSensorReadingReq& cmdData);
+/** @brief Create a message for discrete signal
+ *  @param[in] msg - Message to add the values
+ *  @param[in] interface - sensor interface
+ *  @param[in] data - input discrete sensor data
+ *  @return a IPMI error code
+ */
+ipmi_ret_t appendDiscreteSignalData(IpmiUpdateData& msg,
+                                    const DbusInterfaceMap& interfaceMap,
+                                    uint8_t data);
+/** @brief Create a message for reading data
+ *  @param[in] msg - Message to add the values
+ *  @param[in] interface - sensor interface
+ *  @param[in] data - input sensor data
+ *  @return a IPMI error code
+ */
+ipmi_ret_t appendReadingData(IpmiUpdateData& msg,
+                             const DbusInterfaceMap& interfaceMap,
+                             const Value& data);
+}//namespace set
+namespace notify
+/** @brief Make a DBus message for a Dbus call
+ *  @param[in] updateInterface - Interface name
+ *  @param[in] sensorPath - Path of the sensor
+ *  @param[in] command - command to be executed
+ *  @param[in] sensorInterface - DBus interface of sensor
+ *  @return a dbus message
+ */
+IpmiUpdateData makeDbusMsg(const std::string& updateInterface,
+                           const std::string& sensorPath,
+                           const std::string& command,
+                           const std::string& sensorInterface);
+/** @brief Create a message for IPMI discrete signal
+ *  @param[in] msg - Message to add the values
+ *  @param[in] interfaceMap - sensor interface
+ *  @param[in] sensorPath - Path of the sensor
+ *  @param[in] cmdData - input sensor data
+ *  @return a IPMI error code
+ */
+inline ipmi_ret_t appendDiscreteSignalData(IpmiUpdateData& msg,
+        const DbusInterfaceMap& interfaceMap,
+        uint8_t data)
+    return IPMI_CC_OK;
+/** @brief Create a message for reading data
+ *  @param[in] msg - Message to add the values
+ *  @param[in] interfaceMap - sensor interface
+ *  @param[in] data - input sensor data
+ *  @return a IPMI error code
+ */
+inline ipmi_ret_t appendReadingData(IpmiUpdateData& msg,
+                                    const DbusInterfaceMap& interfaceMap,
+                                    const Value &data)
+    return IPMI_CC_OK;
+/** @brief Create a message for IPMI asserting
+ *  @param[in] msg - Message to add the values
+ *  @param[in] interfaceMap - sensor interface
+ *  @param[in] sensorPath - Path of the sensor
+ *  @param[in] cmdData - input sensor data
+ *  @return a IPMI error code
+ */
+ipmi_ret_t appendAssertion(IpmiUpdateData& msg,
+                           const DbusInterfaceMap& interfaceMap,
+                           const std::string& sensorPath,
+                           const SetSensorReadingReq& cmdData);
+}//namespace notify
+}//namespace sensor
+}//namespace ipmi
diff --git a/sensorhandler.cpp b/sensorhandler.cpp
index 25d6861..a4cfe34 100644
--- a/sensorhandler.cpp
+++ b/sensorhandler.cpp
@@ -408,93 +408,17 @@
 ipmi_ret_t setSensorReading(void *request)
-    auto cmdData = static_cast<SetSensorReadingReq *>(request);
-    auto assertionStates =
-            (static_cast<uint16_t>(cmdData->assertOffset8_14)) << 8 |
-            cmdData->assertOffset0_7;
-    auto deassertionStates =
-            (static_cast<uint16_t>(cmdData->deassertOffset8_14)) << 8 |
-            cmdData->deassertOffset0_7;
-    std::bitset<16> assertionSet(assertionStates);
-    std::bitset<16> deassertionSet(deassertionStates);
+    SetSensorReadingReq cmdData =
+            *(static_cast<SetSensorReadingReq *>(request));
     // Check if the Sensor Number is present
-    auto iter = sensors.find(cmdData->number);
+    const auto iter = sensors.find(cmdData.number);
     if (iter == sensors.end())
         return IPMI_CC_SENSOR_INVALID;
-    auto& interfaceList = iter->second.sensorInterfaces;
-    if (interfaceList.empty())
-    {
-        log<level::ERR>("Interface List empty for the sensor",
-                entry("Sensor Number = %d", cmdData->number));
-    }
-    ipmi::sensor::ObjectMap objects;
-    ipmi::sensor::InterfaceMap interfaces;
-    for (const auto& interface : interfaceList)
-    {
-        for (const auto& property : interface.second)
-        {
-            ipmi::sensor::PropertyMap props;
-            bool valid = false;
-            for (const auto& value : property.second)
-            {
-                if (assertionSet.test(value.first))
-                {
-                    props.emplace(property.first, value.second.assert);
-                    valid = true;
-                }
-                else if (deassertionSet.test(value.first))
-                {
-                    props.emplace(property.first, value.second.deassert);
-                    valid = true;
-                }
-            }
-            if (valid)
-            {
-                interfaces.emplace(interface.first, std::move(props));
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    objects.emplace(iter->second.sensorPath, std::move(interfaces));
-    sdbusplus::bus::bus bus{ipmid_get_sd_bus_connection()};
-    using namespace std::string_literals;
-    static const auto intf = "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager"s;
-    static const auto path = "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory"s;
-    std::string service;
-    try
-    {
-        service = ipmi::getService(bus, intf, path);
-        // Update the inventory manager
-        auto pimMsg = bus.new_method_call(service.c_str(),
-                                          path.c_str(),
-                                          intf.c_str(),
-                                          "Notify");
-        pimMsg.append(std::move(objects));
-        auto inventoryMgrResponseMsg = bus.call(pimMsg);
-        if (inventoryMgrResponseMsg.is_method_error())
-        {
-            log<level::ERR>("Error in notify call");
-            return IPMI_CC_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR;
-        }
-    }
-    catch (const std::runtime_error& e)
-    {
-        log<level::ERR>(e.what());
-    }
-    return IPMI_CC_OK;
+    return iter->second.updateFunc(cmdData, iter->second);
 ipmi_ret_t ipmi_sen_set_sensor(ipmi_netfn_t netfn, ipmi_cmd_t cmd,
diff --git a/types.hpp b/types.hpp
index d6fa988..801efd5 100644
--- a/types.hpp
+++ b/types.hpp
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 #include <string>
 #include <sdbusplus/server.hpp>
+#include "sensorhandler.h"
 namespace ipmi
@@ -15,7 +16,8 @@
 using DbusInterface = std::string;
 using DbusObjectInfo = std::pair<DbusObjectPath, DbusService>;
 using DbusProperty = std::string;
-using Value = sdbusplus::message::variant<bool, int64_t, uint8_t, std::string>;
+using Value = sdbusplus::message::variant<bool, int64_t, uint8_t,
+                            std::string, uint32_t>;
 using PropertyMap = std::map<DbusProperty, Value>;
 using ObjectTree = std::map<DbusObjectPath,
                             std::map<DbusService, std::vector<DbusInterface>>>;
@@ -56,6 +58,7 @@
    OffsetB coefficientB;
    Exponent exponentB;
    ScaledOffset scaledOffset;
+   std::function<uint8_t(SetSensorReadingReq&,const Info&)> updateFunc;
    DbusInterfaceMap sensorInterfaces;
@@ -69,6 +72,8 @@
 using Object = sdbusplus::message::object_path;
 using ObjectMap = std::map<Object, InterfaceMap>;
+using IpmiUpdateData = sdbusplus::message::message;
 struct SelData
    Id sensorID;