Implemented close session cmd in host interface

This command can close any session via host interface.


Close the existing valid session by session id
ipmitool raw 0x6 0x3c <valid sesssion id >
Response : 00  // success

Close the existing valid session by session handle
ipmitool raw 0x6 0x3c <zero session id> <valid session handle>
Response : 00  // success

Close the session by zero session id
ipmitool raw 0x6 0x3c <zero session id>
Response : 0x87  // inavlid session id

Close the session by zero session handle
ipmitool raw 0x6 0x3c <zero session id> <zero session handle>
Response : 0x88  // inavlid session handle

Close an inactive session.
ipmitool raw 0x6 0x3c <valid session id>
Response : 0xcc  // invalid data field in request

Close an inactive session.
ipmitool raw 0x6 0x3c <zero session id> <valid session hnadle>
Response : 0xcc  // invalid data field in request

Signed-off-by: Rajashekar Gade Reddy <>
Change-Id: I8af290001d8effbbcdbbe2dd93aabf1b015e7a88
diff --git a/apphandler.cpp b/apphandler.cpp
index c5a608d..0c8eb92 100644
--- a/apphandler.cpp
+++ b/apphandler.cpp
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
 #include <filesystem>
 #include <fstream>
 #include <ipmid/api.hpp>
+#include <ipmid/sessiondef.hpp>
+#include <ipmid/sessionhelper.hpp>
 #include <ipmid/types.hpp>
 #include <ipmid/utils.hpp>
 #include <memory>
@@ -842,6 +844,112 @@
     return ipmi::responseSuccess(uuid);
+ * @brief set the session state as teardown
+ *
+ * This function is to set the session state to tear down in progress if the
+ * state is active.
+ *
+ * @param[in] busp - Dbus obj
+ * @param[in] service - service name
+ * @param[in] obj - object path
+ *
+ * @return success completion code if it sets the session state to
+ * tearDownInProgress else return the corresponding error completion code.
+ **/
+uint8_t setSessionState(std::shared_ptr<sdbusplus::asio::connection>& busp,
+                        const std::string& service, const std::string& obj)
+    try
+    {
+        uint8_t sessionState = std::get<uint8_t>(ipmi::getDbusProperty(
+            *busp, service, obj, session::sessionIntf, "State"));
+        if (sessionState == static_cast<uint8_t>(session::State::active))
+        {
+            ipmi::setDbusProperty(
+                *busp, service, obj, session::sessionIntf, "State",
+                static_cast<uint8_t>(session::State::tearDownInProgress));
+            return ipmi::ccSuccess;
+        }
+    }
+    catch (std::exception& e)
+    {
+        log<level::ERR>("Failed in getting session state property",
+                        entry("service=%s", service.c_str()),
+                        entry("object path=%s", obj.c_str()),
+                        entry("interface=%s", session::sessionIntf));
+        return ipmi::ccUnspecifiedError;
+    }
+    return ipmi::ccInvalidFieldRequest;
+ipmi::RspType<> ipmiAppCloseSession(uint32_t reqSessionId,
+                                    std::optional<uint8_t> requestSessionHandle)
+    auto busp = getSdBus();
+    uint8_t reqSessionHandle =
+        requestSessionHandle.value_or(session::defaultSessionHandle);
+    if (reqSessionId == session::sessionZero &&
+        reqSessionHandle == session::defaultSessionHandle)
+    {
+        return ipmi::response(session::ccInvalidSessionId);
+    }
+    if (reqSessionId == session::sessionZero &&
+        reqSessionHandle == session::invalidSessionHandle)
+    {
+        return ipmi::response(session::ccInvalidSessionHandle);
+    }
+    if (reqSessionId != session::sessionZero &&
+        reqSessionHandle != session::defaultSessionHandle)
+    {
+        return ipmi::response(ipmi::ccInvalidFieldRequest);
+    }
+    try
+    {
+        ipmi::ObjectTree objectTree = ipmi::getAllDbusObjects(
+            *busp, session::sessionManagerRootPath, session::sessionIntf);
+        for (auto& objectTreeItr : objectTree)
+        {
+            const std::string obj = objectTreeItr.first;
+            if (isSessionObjectMatched(obj, reqSessionId, reqSessionHandle))
+            {
+                auto& serviceMap = objectTreeItr.second;
+                // Session id and session handle are unique for each session.
+                // Session id and handler are retrived from the object path and
+                // object path will be unique for each session. Checking if
+                // multiple objects exist with same object path under multiple
+                // services.
+                if (serviceMap.size() != 1)
+                {
+                    return ipmi::responseUnspecifiedError();
+                }
+                auto itr = serviceMap.begin();
+                const std::string service = itr->first;
+                return ipmi::response(setSessionState(busp, service, obj));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    catch (sdbusplus::exception::SdBusError& e)
+    {
+        log<level::ERR>("Failed to fetch object from dbus",
+                        entry("INTERFACE=%s", session::sessionIntf),
+                        entry("ERRMSG=%s", e.what()));
+        return ipmi::responseUnspecifiedError();
+    }
+    return ipmi::responseInvalidFieldRequest();
 static std::unique_ptr<SysInfoParamStore> sysInfoParamStore;
 static std::string sysInfoReadSystemName()
@@ -1175,6 +1283,10 @@
                           ipmi::Privilege::Operator, ipmiSetWatchdogTimer);
+    ipmi::registerHandler(ipmi::prioOpenBmcBase, ipmi::netFnApp,
+                          ipmi::app::cmdCloseSession, ipmi::Privilege::Callback,
+                          ipmiAppCloseSession);
     // <Get Watchdog Timer>
     ipmi::registerHandler(ipmi::prioOpenBmcBase, ipmi::netFnApp,
diff --git a/include/ b/include/
index 996c41a..08824c4 100644
--- a/include/
+++ b/include/
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 	ipmid/api.hpp \
 	ipmid/api-types.hpp \
 	ipmid/sessiondef.hpp \
+	ipmid/sessionhelper.hpp \
 	ipmid/filter.hpp \
 	ipmid/handler.hpp \
 	ipmid/message.hpp \
diff --git a/include/ipmid/sessiondef.hpp b/include/ipmid/sessiondef.hpp
index 9fce256..48ee4c6 100644
--- a/include/ipmid/sessiondef.hpp
+++ b/include/ipmid/sessiondef.hpp
@@ -28,7 +28,10 @@
 static constexpr size_t maxSessionlessCount = 1;
 static constexpr uint8_t invalidSessionID = 0;
 static constexpr uint8_t invalidSessionHandle = 0;
+static constexpr uint8_t defaultSessionHandle = 0xFF;
 static constexpr uint8_t maxNetworkInstanceSupported = 4;
+static constexpr uint8_t ccInvalidSessionId = 0x87;
+static constexpr uint8_t ccInvalidSessionHandle = 0x88;
 // MSB BIT 7 BIT 6 assigned for netipmid instance in session handle.
 static constexpr uint8_t multiIntfaceSessionHandleMask = 0x3F;
diff --git a/include/ipmid/sessionhelper.hpp b/include/ipmid/sessionhelper.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a96f037
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/ipmid/sessionhelper.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+ * @brief parse session input payload.
+ *
+ * This function retrives the session id and session handle from the session
+ * object path.
+ * A valid object path will be in the form
+ * "/xyz/openbmc_project/ipmi/session/channel/sessionId_sessionHandle"
+ *
+ * Ex: "/xyz/openbmc_project/ipmi/session/eth0/12a4567d_8a"
+ * SessionId    : 0X12a4567d
+ * SessionHandle: 0X8a
+ * @param[in] objectPath - session object path
+ * @param[in] sessionId - retrived session id will be asigned.
+ * @param[in] sessionHandle - retrived session handle will be asigned.
+ *
+ * @return true if session id and session handle are retrived else returns
+ * false.
+ */
+bool parseCloseSessionInputPayload(const std::string& objectPath,
+                                   uint32_t& sessionId, uint8_t& sessionHandle)
+    if (objectPath.empty())
+    {
+        return false;
+    }
+    // getting the position of session id and session handle string from
+    // object path.
+    std::size_t ptrPosition = objectPath.rfind("/");
+    uint16_t tempSessionHandle = 0;
+    if (ptrPosition != std::string::npos)
+    {
+        // get the sessionid & session handle string from the session object
+        // path Ex: sessionIdString: "12a4567d_8a"
+        std::string sessionIdString = objectPath.substr(ptrPosition + 1);
+        std::size_t pos = sessionIdString.rfind("_");
+        if (pos != std::string::npos)
+        {
+            // extracting the session handle
+            std::string sessionHandleString = sessionIdString.substr(pos + 1);
+            // extracting the session id
+            sessionIdString = sessionIdString.substr(0, pos);
+            // converting session id string  and session handle string to
+            // hexadecimal.
+            std::stringstream handle(sessionHandleString);
+            handle >> std::hex >> tempSessionHandle;
+            sessionHandle = tempSessionHandle & 0xFF;
+            std::stringstream idString(sessionIdString);
+            idString >> std::hex >> sessionId;
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    return false;
+ * @brief is session object matched.
+ *
+ * This function checks whether the objectPath contains reqSessionId and
+ * reqSessionHandle, e.g., "/xyz/openbmc_project/ipmi/session/eth0/12a4567d_8a"
+ * matches sessionId 0x12a4567d and sessionHandle 0x8a.
+ *
+ * @param[in] objectPath - session object path
+ * @param[in] reqSessionId - request session id
+ * @param[in] reqSessionHandle - request session handle
+ *
+ * @return true if the object is matched else return false
+ **/
+bool isSessionObjectMatched(const std::string objectPath,
+                            const uint32_t reqSessionId,
+                            const uint8_t reqSessionHandle)
+    uint32_t sessionId = 0;
+    uint8_t sessionHandle = 0;
+    if (parseCloseSessionInputPayload(objectPath, sessionId, sessionHandle))
+    {
+        return (reqSessionId == sessionId) ||
+               (reqSessionHandle == sessionHandle);
+    }
+    return false;
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index e4ff261..0faeda7 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -72,3 +72,21 @@
     %reldir%/message/unpack.cpp \
 check_PROGRAMS += %reldir%/message_unittest
+# Build/add closesession_unittest to test suite
+session_unittest_CPPFLAGS = \
+    -Igtest \
+session_unittest_CXXFLAGS = \
+session_unittest_LDFLAGS = \
+    -lgtest_main \
+    -lgtest \
+    -pthread \
+session_unittest_SOURCES = %reldir%/session/closesession_unittest.cpp
+check_PROGRAMS += %reldir%/session_unittest
diff --git a/test/session/closesession_unittest.cpp b/test/session/closesession_unittest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b184ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/session/closesession_unittest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+#include <ipmid/sessionhelper.hpp>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+TEST(parseSessionInputPayloadTest, ValidObjectPath)
+    uint32_t sessionId = 0;
+    uint8_t sessionHandle = 0;
+    std::string objectPath =
+        "/xyz/openbmc_project/ipmi/session/eth0/12a4567d_8a";
+        parseCloseSessionInputPayload(objectPath, sessionId, sessionHandle));
+    EXPECT_EQ(0x12a4567d, sessionId);
+    EXPECT_EQ(0x8a, sessionHandle);
+TEST(parseSessionInputPayloadTest, InvalidObjectPath)
+    uint32_t sessionId = 0;
+    uint8_t sessionHandle = 0;
+    // A valid object path will be like
+    // "/xyz/openbmc_project/ipmi/session/channel/sessionId_sessionHandle"
+    // Ex: "/xyz/openbmc_project/ipmi/session/eth0/12a4567d_8a"
+    // SessionId    : 0X12a4567d
+    // SessionHandle: 0X8a
+    std::string objectPath = "/xyz/openbmc_project/ipmi/session/eth0/12a4567d";
+        parseCloseSessionInputPayload(objectPath, sessionId, sessionHandle));
+TEST(parseSessionInputPayloadTest, NoObjectPath)
+    uint32_t sessionId = 0;
+    uint8_t sessionHandle = 0;
+    std::string objectPath;
+        parseCloseSessionInputPayload(objectPath, sessionId, sessionHandle));
+TEST(isSessionObjectMatchedTest, ValidSessionId)
+    std::string objectPath =
+        "/xyz/openbmc_project/ipmi/session/eth0/12a4567d_8a";
+    uint32_t sessionId = 0x12a4567d;
+    uint8_t sessionHandle = 0;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(isSessionObjectMatched(objectPath, sessionId, sessionHandle));
+TEST(isSessionObjectMatchedTest, ValidSessionHandle)
+    std::string objectPath =
+        "/xyz/openbmc_project/ipmi/session/eth0/12a4567d_8a";
+    uint32_t sessionId = 0;
+    uint8_t sessionHandle = 0x8a;
+    EXPECT_TRUE(isSessionObjectMatched(objectPath, sessionId, sessionHandle));
+TEST(isSessionObjectMatchedTest, InvalidSessionId)
+    std::string objectPath =
+        "/xyz/openbmc_project/ipmi/session/eth0/12a4567d_8a";
+    uint32_t sessionId = 0x1234b67d;
+    uint8_t sessionHandle = 0;
+    EXPECT_FALSE(isSessionObjectMatched(objectPath, sessionId, sessionHandle));
+TEST(isSessionObjectMatchedTest, InvalidSessionHandle)
+    std::string objectPath =
+        "/xyz/openbmc_project/ipmi/session/eth0/12a4567d_8a";
+    uint32_t sessionId = 0;
+    uint8_t sessionHandle = 0x9b;
+    EXPECT_FALSE(isSessionObjectMatched(objectPath, sessionId, sessionHandle));
+TEST(isSessionObjectMatchedTest, ZeroSessionId_ZeroSessionHandle)
+    std::string objectPath =
+        "/xyz/openbmc_project/ipmi/session/eth0/12a4567d_8a";
+    uint32_t sessionId = 0;
+    uint8_t sessionHandle = 0;
+    EXPECT_FALSE(isSessionObjectMatched(objectPath, sessionId, sessionHandle));
+TEST(isSessionObjectMatchedTest, InvalidObjectPath)
+    // A valid object path will be like
+    // "/xyz/openbmc_project/ipmi/session/channel/sessionId_sessionHandle"
+    // Ex: "/xyz/openbmc_project/ipmi/session/eth0/12a4567d_8a"
+    // SessionId    : 0X12a4567d
+    // SessionHandle: 0X8a
+    std::string objectPath = "/xyz/openbmc_project/ipmi/session/eth0/12a4567d";
+    uint32_t sessionId = 0x12a4567d;
+    uint8_t sessionHandle = 0;
+    EXPECT_FALSE(isSessionObjectMatched(objectPath, sessionId, sessionHandle));
+TEST(isSessionObjectMatchedTest, NoObjectPath)
+    std::string objectPath;
+    uint32_t sessionId = 0x12a4567d;
+    uint8_t sessionHandle = 0x8a;
+    EXPECT_FALSE(isSessionObjectMatched(objectPath, sessionId, sessionHandle));