Implemented close session cmd in host interface

This command can close any session via host interface.


Close the existing valid session by session id
ipmitool raw 0x6 0x3c <valid sesssion id >
Response : 00  // success

Close the existing valid session by session handle
ipmitool raw 0x6 0x3c <zero session id> <valid session handle>
Response : 00  // success

Close the session by zero session id
ipmitool raw 0x6 0x3c <zero session id>
Response : 0x87  // inavlid session id

Close the session by zero session handle
ipmitool raw 0x6 0x3c <zero session id> <zero session handle>
Response : 0x88  // inavlid session handle

Close an inactive session.
ipmitool raw 0x6 0x3c <valid session id>
Response : 0xcc  // invalid data field in request

Close an inactive session.
ipmitool raw 0x6 0x3c <zero session id> <valid session hnadle>
Response : 0xcc  // invalid data field in request

Signed-off-by: Rajashekar Gade Reddy <>
Change-Id: I8af290001d8effbbcdbbe2dd93aabf1b015e7a88
diff --git a/include/ipmid/sessiondef.hpp b/include/ipmid/sessiondef.hpp
index 9fce256..48ee4c6 100644
--- a/include/ipmid/sessiondef.hpp
+++ b/include/ipmid/sessiondef.hpp
@@ -28,7 +28,10 @@
 static constexpr size_t maxSessionlessCount = 1;
 static constexpr uint8_t invalidSessionID = 0;
 static constexpr uint8_t invalidSessionHandle = 0;
+static constexpr uint8_t defaultSessionHandle = 0xFF;
 static constexpr uint8_t maxNetworkInstanceSupported = 4;
+static constexpr uint8_t ccInvalidSessionId = 0x87;
+static constexpr uint8_t ccInvalidSessionHandle = 0x88;
 // MSB BIT 7 BIT 6 assigned for netipmid instance in session handle.
 static constexpr uint8_t multiIntfaceSessionHandleMask = 0x3F;