Device ID Configuration

There is a default dev_id.json file provided by meta-phosphor/common/recipes-phosphor/ipmi/

Any target can override the default json file by providing a phosphor-ipmi-host.bbappend with an ODM or platform customizable configuration.

For a specific example, see: [Witherspoon]( meta-openbmc-machines/meta-openpower/meta-ibm/meta-witherspoon/ recipes-phosphor/ipmi/phosphor-ipmi-host.bbappend)

The JSON format for get_device_id:

{"id": 0, "revision": 0, "addn_dev_support": 0,
    "manuf_id": 0, "prod_id": 0, "aux": 0}

Each value in this JSON object should be an integer. The file is placed in /usr/share/ipmi-providers/ by Yocto, and will be parsed upon the first call to get_device_id. The data is then cached for future use. If you change the data at runtime, simply restart the service to see the new data fetched by a call to get_device_id.

IPMI D-Bus Sensor Filtering

Phosphor-ipmi-host provides a compile time option to control how IPMI sensors are populated. The default model is for the sensors to be culled from a set of JSON files. There is another model that collects the sensors to display from D-Bus. The D-Bus method is the default mode used by Redfish. Redfish does not have a fixed limit on the number of sensors that can be reported.

IPMI supports a smaller number of sensors than are available via Redfish. The limit being the number of Sensor Data Records (SDR) supported in the IPMI specification. Enabling IPMI to use D-Bus may cause the number of sensors retrieved to exceed the number SDRs IPMI can support. Even if the number of sensors retrieved is within the SDR limit IPMI can support, it may be desirable to filter entries that are uninteresting.

Meson uses the dyanmic-sensors configuration option to enable retrieving the sensors via D-Bus. When dynamic sensors are active all of the sensors placed on D-Bus by a service are added to the IPMI sensor list. In the event that too many sensors are exposed on D-Bus, the list can be filtered by adding a list of services to filter to /usr/share/ipmi-providers/sensor_filter.json.

Example filtering:

  "ServiceFilter": [

Any sensors published by the example services are blocked from being added to the IPMI SDR table.