Add multi-host support

This refactoring includes:
- added multi-host mode support;
- added support for graceful shutdown of the service;
- added support to flush the log buffer as it fills;
- D-Bus service xyz.openbmc_project.HostLogger replaced with SIGUSR1
  signal handler;
- self diagnostic messages now registered via phosphor-logging;
- added unit tests;
- build system migrated from autotools to meson;
- source code aligned with OpenBMC conventions.

Change-Id: If6c1dfde278af685d8563450543a6587a282c7e4
Signed-off-by: Artem Senichev <>
diff --git a/test/file_storage_test.cpp b/test/file_storage_test.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba74bd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/file_storage_test.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Copyright (C) 2020 YADRO
+#include "file_storage.hpp"
+#include <fstream>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+namespace fs = std::filesystem;
+ * @class FileStorageTest
+ * @brief Persistent file storage tests.
+ */
+class FileStorageTest : public ::testing::Test
+  protected:
+    void SetUp() override
+    {
+        fs::remove_all(logPath);
+    }
+    void TearDown() override
+    {
+        fs::remove_all(logPath);
+    }
+    const fs::path logPath =
+        fs::temp_directory_path() / "file_storage_test_out";
+TEST_F(FileStorageTest, InvalidPath)
+    ASSERT_THROW(FileStorage("", "", 0), std::invalid_argument);
+    ASSERT_THROW(FileStorage("relative/path", "", 0), std::invalid_argument);
+    ASSERT_THROW(FileStorage("/noaccess", "", 0), fs::filesystem_error);
+TEST_F(FileStorageTest, Save)
+    const char* data = "test message\n";
+    LogBuffer buf(0, 0);
+    buf.append(data, strlen(data));
+    FileStorage fs(logPath, "", 0);
+    const auto itBegin = fs::recursive_directory_iterator(logPath);
+    const auto itEnd = fs::recursive_directory_iterator{};
+    ASSERT_EQ(std::distance(itBegin, itEnd), 1);
+    const fs::path file = *fs::directory_iterator(logPath);
+    EXPECT_NE(fs::file_size(file), 0);
+TEST_F(FileStorageTest, Rotation)
+    const size_t limit = 5;
+    const std::string prefix = "host123";
+    const char* data = "test message\n";
+    LogBuffer buf(0, 0);
+    buf.append(data, strlen(data));
+    FileStorage fs(logPath, prefix, limit);
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < limit + 3; ++i)
+    {
+    }
+    // Dir and other files that can not be removed
+    const fs::path dir = logPath / (prefix + "_11111111_222222.log.gz");
+    const fs::path files[] = {logPath / "short",
+                              logPath / (prefix + "_11111111_222222.bad.ext"),
+                              logPath / (prefix + "x_11111111_222222.log.gz")};
+    fs::create_directory(dir);
+    for (const auto& i : files)
+    {
+        std::ofstream dummy(i);
+    }
+    const auto itBegin = fs::recursive_directory_iterator(logPath);
+    const auto itEnd = fs::recursive_directory_iterator{};
+    EXPECT_EQ(std::distance(itBegin, itEnd),
+              limit + 1 /*dir*/ + sizeof(files) / sizeof(files[0]));
+    EXPECT_TRUE(fs::exists(dir));
+    for (const auto& i : files)
+    {
+        EXPECT_TRUE(fs::exists(i));
+    }