Check TARGET_MODE on target sensors

Move the TARGET_MODE config entry to be done on target specific sensors.

    Target sensors are still created for the mode given in TARGET_MODE

Change-Id: I7731b73e14495360ccb5b8fb8ada59176e9125d3
Signed-off-by: Matthew Barth <>
diff --git a/mainloop.cpp b/mainloop.cpp
index d3987cc..29ce2b3 100644
--- a/mainloop.cpp
+++ b/mainloop.cpp
@@ -285,32 +285,6 @@
 void MainLoop::getObject(SensorSet::container_t::const_reference sensor)
-    //If this device supports target speeds,
-    //check which type to use.
-    targetType fanTargetType = targetType::DEFAULT;
-    auto targetMode = getenv("TARGET_MODE");
-    if (targetMode)
-    {
-        std::string type{targetMode};
-        std::transform(type.begin(), type.end(), type.begin(), toupper);
-        if (type == RPM_TARGET)
-        {
-            fanTargetType = targetType::RPM;
-        }
-        else if (type == PWM_TARGET)
-        {
-            fanTargetType = targetType::PWM;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            log<level::ERR>(
-                    "Invalid TARGET_MODE env var found",
-                    entry("TARGET_MODE=%s", targetMode),
-                    entry("DEVPATH=%s", _devPath.c_str()));
-        }
-    }
     // Get list of return codes for removing sensors on device
     std::string deviceRmRCs;
     auto devRmRCs = getenv("REMOVERCS");
@@ -422,23 +396,13 @@
     addThreshold<WarningObject>(sensor.first.first, id, sensorValue, info);
     addThreshold<CriticalObject>(sensor.first.first, id, sensorValue, info);
-    if ((fanTargetType == targetType::RPM) ||
-        (fanTargetType == targetType::DEFAULT))
+    auto target = addTarget<hwmon::FanSpeed>(
+            sensor.first, ioAccess, _devPath, info);
+    if (target)
-        auto target = addTarget<hwmon::FanSpeed>(
-                sensor.first, ioAccess, _devPath, info);
-        if (target)
-        {
-            target->enable();
-        }
+        target->enable();
-    if ((fanTargetType == targetType::PWM) ||
-        (fanTargetType == targetType::DEFAULT))
-    {
-        addTarget<hwmon::FanPwm>(sensor.first, ioAccess, _devPath, info);
-    }
+    addTarget<hwmon::FanPwm>(sensor.first, ioAccess, _devPath, info);
     // All the interfaces have been created.  Go ahead
     // and emit InterfacesAdded.
diff --git a/targets.hpp b/targets.hpp
index ecef77b..3c6dc0d 100644
--- a/targets.hpp
+++ b/targets.hpp
@@ -101,42 +101,77 @@
     if (fs::exists(sysfsFullPath))
-        uint32_t targetSpeed = 0;
-        try
+        auto useTarget = true;
+        auto tmEnv = getenv("TARGET_MODE");
+        if (tmEnv)
-            targetSpeed =
-                targetName,
-                targetId,
-                entry,
-                sysfs::hwmonio::retries,
-                sysfs::hwmonio::delay);
-        }
-        catch (const std::system_error& e)
-        {
-            using namespace phosphor::logging;
-            using namespace sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::
-                Sensor::Device::Error;
-            using metadata = xyz::openbmc_project::Sensor::
-                Device::ReadFailure;
+            std::string mode{tmEnv};
+            std::transform(mode.begin(), mode.end(), mode.begin(), toupper);
-            report<ReadFailure>(
-                    metadata::CALLOUT_ERRNO(e.code().value()),
-                    metadata::CALLOUT_DEVICE_PATH(devPath.c_str()));
-            log<level::INFO>("Logging failing sysfs file",
-                    phosphor::logging::entry(
-                            "FILE=%s", sysfsFullPath.c_str()));
+            if (mode == RPM_TARGET)
+            {
+                if (type != InterfaceType::FAN_SPEED)
+                {
+                    useTarget = false;
+                }
+            }
+            else if (mode == PWM_TARGET)
+            {
+                if (type != InterfaceType::FAN_PWM)
+                {
+                    useTarget = false;
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                using namespace phosphor::logging;
+                log<level::ERR>("Invalid TARGET_MODE env var found",
+                        phosphor::logging::entry(
+                                "TARGET_MODE=%s", tmEnv),
+                        phosphor::logging::entry(
+                                "DEVPATH=%s", devPath.c_str()));
+            }
-        target = std::make_shared<T>(ioAccess.path(),
-                                     devPath,
-                                     targetId,
-                                     bus,
-                                     objPath.c_str(),
-                                     deferSignals,
-                                     targetSpeed);
-        obj[type] = target;
+        if (useTarget)
+        {
+            uint32_t targetSpeed = 0;
+            try
+            {
+                targetSpeed =
+                    targetName,
+                    targetId,
+                    entry,
+                    sysfs::hwmonio::retries,
+                    sysfs::hwmonio::delay);
+            }
+            catch (const std::system_error& e)
+            {
+                using namespace phosphor::logging;
+                using namespace sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::
+                    Sensor::Device::Error;
+                using metadata = xyz::openbmc_project::Sensor::
+                    Device::ReadFailure;
+                report<ReadFailure>(
+                        metadata::CALLOUT_ERRNO(e.code().value()),
+                        metadata::CALLOUT_DEVICE_PATH(devPath.c_str()));
+                log<level::INFO>("Logging failing sysfs file",
+                        phosphor::logging::entry(
+                                "FILE=%s", sysfsFullPath.c_str()));
+            }
+            target = std::make_shared<T>(ioAccess.path(),
+                                         devPath,
+                                         targetId,
+                                         bus,
+                                         objPath.c_str(),
+                                         deferSignals,
+                                         targetSpeed);
+            obj[type] = target;
+        }
     return target;