Refactor to use new version of OEM IPMI Handler

Using the new version of ipmi handler provide a higher level wrapper
over the same functionalities. It helps us parse the input and output to
have more control of the input/output we see.

Changes to note,
- All cmd are removed from the request data. That is automatically
  extracted now.

Unit Test Passed.

All IPMI OEM command still works the same as before this change.

$ burn_my_bmc -command stage -image /tmp/test.txt -interface ipmipci
Set up ipmi flash updater with /flash/dummy
Received failure on delete: Received IPMI_CC: 255
Sending over the firmware image.
Find [0x1050 0x750]
Upload to BMC 100% |Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooogle| Time: 00:00:00
Opening the verification file
Committing to /flash/verify to trigger service
Calling stat on /flash/verify session to check status

Also tested gBMC Update workflow which worked fine.

Change-Id: Ib2bfeab0c2ec5aa72ede1ff457ef5f90e488053c
Signed-off-by: Willy Tu <>
diff --git a/test/ipmi_delete_unittest.cpp b/test/ipmi_delete_unittest.cpp
index 3336b2d..cb1401a 100644
--- a/test/ipmi_delete_unittest.cpp
+++ b/test/ipmi_delete_unittest.cpp
@@ -12,79 +12,58 @@
 using ::testing::Return;
 using ::testing::StrEq;
-// ipmid.hpp isn't installed where we can grab it and this value is per BMC
-// SoC.
-#define MAX_IPMI_BUFFER 64
 TEST(BlobDeleteTest, InvalidRequestLengthReturnsFailure)
     // There is a minimum blobId length of one character, this test verifies
     // we check that.
     ManagerMock mgr;
-    size_t dataLen;
-    uint8_t request[MAX_IPMI_BUFFER] = {0};
-    uint8_t reply[MAX_IPMI_BUFFER] = {0};
-    auto req = reinterpret_cast<struct BmcBlobDeleteTx*>(request);
+    std::vector<uint8_t> request;
+    struct BmcBlobDeleteTx req;
+    req.crc = 0;
     std::string blobId = "abc";
-    req->cmd = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(BlobOEMCommands::bmcBlobDelete);
-    req->crc = 0;
-    // length() doesn't include the nul-terminator.
-    std::memcpy(req + 1, blobId.c_str(), blobId.length());
+    request.resize(sizeof(struct BmcBlobDeleteTx));
+    std::memcpy(, &req, sizeof(struct BmcBlobDeleteTx));
+    request.insert(request.end(), blobId.begin(), blobId.end());
-    dataLen = sizeof(struct BmcBlobDeleteTx) + blobId.length();
-              deleteBlob(&mgr, request, reply, &dataLen));
+    EXPECT_EQ(ipmi::responseReqDataLenInvalid(), deleteBlob(&mgr, request));
 TEST(BlobDeleteTest, RequestRejectedReturnsFailure)
     // The blobId is rejected for any reason.
     ManagerMock mgr;
-    size_t dataLen;
-    uint8_t request[MAX_IPMI_BUFFER] = {0};
-    uint8_t reply[MAX_IPMI_BUFFER] = {0};
-    auto req = reinterpret_cast<struct BmcBlobDeleteTx*>(request);
+    std::vector<uint8_t> request;
+    struct BmcBlobDeleteTx req;
+    req.crc = 0;
     std::string blobId = "a";
-    req->cmd = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(BlobOEMCommands::bmcBlobDelete);
-    req->crc = 0;
-    // length() doesn't include the nul-terminator, request buff is initialized
-    // to 0s
-    std::memcpy(req + 1, blobId.c_str(), blobId.length());
-    dataLen = sizeof(struct BmcBlobDeleteTx) + blobId.length() + 1;
+    request.resize(sizeof(struct BmcBlobDeleteTx));
+    std::memcpy(, &req, sizeof(struct BmcBlobDeleteTx));
+    request.insert(request.end(), blobId.begin(), blobId.end());
+    request.emplace_back('\0');
     EXPECT_CALL(mgr, deleteBlob(StrEq(blobId))).WillOnce(Return(false));
-              deleteBlob(&mgr, request, reply, &dataLen));
+    EXPECT_EQ(ipmi::responseUnspecifiedError(), deleteBlob(&mgr, request));
 TEST(BlobDeleteTest, BlobDeleteReturnsOk)
     // The boring case where the blobId is deleted.
     ManagerMock mgr;
-    size_t dataLen;
-    uint8_t request[MAX_IPMI_BUFFER] = {0};
-    uint8_t reply[MAX_IPMI_BUFFER] = {0};
-    auto req = reinterpret_cast<struct BmcBlobDeleteTx*>(request);
+    std::vector<uint8_t> request;
+    struct BmcBlobDeleteTx req;
+    req.crc = 0;
     std::string blobId = "a";
-    req->cmd = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(BlobOEMCommands::bmcBlobDelete);
-    req->crc = 0;
-    // length() doesn't include the nul-terminator, request buff is initialized
-    // to 0s
-    std::memcpy(req + 1, blobId.c_str(), blobId.length());
-    dataLen = sizeof(struct BmcBlobDeleteTx) + blobId.length() + 1;
+    request.resize(sizeof(struct BmcBlobDeleteTx));
+    std::memcpy(, &req, sizeof(struct BmcBlobDeleteTx));
+    request.insert(request.end(), blobId.begin(), blobId.end());
+    request.emplace_back('\0');
     EXPECT_CALL(mgr, deleteBlob(StrEq(blobId))).WillOnce(Return(true));
-    EXPECT_EQ(IPMI_CC_OK, deleteBlob(&mgr, request, reply, &dataLen));
+    EXPECT_EQ(ipmi::responseSuccess(std::vector<uint8_t>{}),
+              deleteBlob(&mgr, request));
 } // namespace blobs