bmc: require at least one action pack configuration

In the event the phosphor-ipmi-flash package is added to an image with
only a default configuration, it should not register itself as a blob
handler.  The default installation does not include any json
configuration files.  Therefore, this lack of a configuration can be
checked at load time.

Added validation that the firmware image list contains at least two
handlers, and one is always the hash blob handler.
Added validation that the action map contains at least one action pack

Signed-off-by: Patrick Venture <>
Change-Id: I0b2f6cded78121869e8a01290d29e420c555a16d
diff --git a/bmc/test/firmware_handler_unittest.cpp b/bmc/test/firmware_handler_unittest.cpp
index 700a75a..50801c9 100644
--- a/bmc/test/firmware_handler_unittest.cpp
+++ b/bmc/test/firmware_handler_unittest.cpp
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 using ::testing::UnorderedElementsAreArray;
-TEST(FirmwareHandlerTest, CreateEmptyListVerifyFails)
+TEST(FirmwareHandlerTest, CreateEmptyHandlerListVerifyFails)
     std::vector<DataHandlerPack> data = {
         {FirmwareFlags::UpdateFlags::ipmi, nullptr},
@@ -41,6 +41,61 @@
         std::move(blobs), {}, std::move(CreateActionMap("asdf")));
     EXPECT_EQ(handler, nullptr);
+TEST(FirmwareHandlerTest, CreateEmptyActionPackVerifyFails)
+    /* The ActionPack map corresponds to the firmware list passed in, but
+     * they're not checked against each other yet.
+     */
+    std::vector<DataHandlerPack> data = {
+        {FirmwareFlags::UpdateFlags::ipmi, nullptr},
+    };
+    std::vector<HandlerPack> blobs;
+    blobs.push_back(
+        std::move(HandlerPack("asdf", std::make_unique<ImageHandlerMock>())));
+    blobs.push_back(std::move(
+        HandlerPack(hashBlobId, std::make_unique<ImageHandlerMock>())));
+    ActionMap emptyMap;
+    auto handler = FirmwareBlobHandler::CreateFirmwareBlobHandler(
+        std::move(blobs), data, std::move(emptyMap));
+    EXPECT_EQ(handler, nullptr);
+TEST(FirmwareHandlerTest, FirmwareHandlerListRequiresAtLeastTwoEntries)
+    /* The hashblob handler must be one of the entries, but it cannot be the
+     * only entry.
+     */
+    std::vector<DataHandlerPack> data = {
+        {FirmwareFlags::UpdateFlags::ipmi, nullptr},
+    };
+    /* Provide a firmware list that has the hash blob, which is the required one
+     * -- tested in a different test.
+     */
+    std::vector<HandlerPack> blobs;
+    blobs.push_back(std::move(
+        HandlerPack(hashBlobId, std::make_unique<ImageHandlerMock>())));
+    auto handler = FirmwareBlobHandler::CreateFirmwareBlobHandler(
+        std::move(blobs), data, std::move(CreateActionMap("asdf")));
+    EXPECT_EQ(handler, nullptr);
+    /* Add second firmware and it'll now work. */
+    std::vector<HandlerPack> blobs2;
+    blobs2.push_back(std::move(
+        HandlerPack(hashBlobId, std::make_unique<ImageHandlerMock>())));
+    blobs2.push_back(
+        std::move(HandlerPack("asdf", std::make_unique<ImageHandlerMock>())));
+    handler = FirmwareBlobHandler::CreateFirmwareBlobHandler(
+        std::move(blobs2), data, std::move(CreateActionMap("asdf")));
+    auto result = handler->getBlobIds();
+    std::vector<std::string> expectedBlobs = {"asdf", hashBlobId};
+    EXPECT_THAT(result, UnorderedElementsAreArray(expectedBlobs));
 TEST(FirmwareHandlerTest, VerifyHashRequiredForHappiness)
     std::vector<DataHandlerPack> data = {