handler: add descriptions for each method
Describe each method's goals and how they vary by the current state.
Change-Id: Idbdd0b39a92abec6920b591660c1cd9f4fa4315b
Signed-off-by: Patrick Venture <venture@google.com>
diff --git a/firmware_handler.cpp b/firmware_handler.cpp
index b7c0c60..7f4fff4 100644
--- a/firmware_handler.cpp
+++ b/firmware_handler.cpp
@@ -17,8 +17,10 @@
bool FirmwareBlobHandler::canHandleBlob(const std::string& path)
+ /* Check if the path is in our supported list (or active list). */
return false;
std::vector<std::string> FirmwareBlobHandler::getBlobIds()
@@ -35,46 +37,110 @@
return blobs;
bool FirmwareBlobHandler::deleteBlob(const std::string& path)
+ /*
+ * Per the design, this mean abort, and this will trigger whatever
+ * appropriate actions are required to abort the process.
+ */
return false;
bool FirmwareBlobHandler::stat(const std::string& path, struct BlobMeta* meta)
+ /*
+ * Stat on the files will return information such as what supported
+ * transport mechanisms are available.
+ *
+ * Stat on an active file or hash will return information such as the size
+ * of the data cached, and any additional pertinent information. The
+ * blob_state on the active files will return the state of the update.
+ */
return false;
bool FirmwareBlobHandler::open(uint16_t session, uint16_t flags,
const std::string& path)
+ /*
+ * If you open /flash/image or /flash/tarball, or /flash/hash it will
+ * interpret the open flags and perform whatever actions are required for
+ * that update process. The session returned can be used immediately for
+ * sending data down, without requiring one to open the new active file.
+ *
+ * If you open the active flash image or active hash it will let you
+ * overwrite pieces, depending on the state.
+ * Once the verification process has started the active files cannot be
+ * opened.
+ */
return false;
std::vector<uint8_t> FirmwareBlobHandler::read(uint16_t session,
uint32_t offset,
uint32_t requestedSize)
+ /*
+ * Currently, the design does not provide this with a function, however,
+ * it will likely change to support reading data back.
+ */
return {};
bool FirmwareBlobHandler::write(uint16_t session, uint32_t offset,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& data)
+ /*
+ * This will do whatever behavior is expected by mechanism - likely will
+ * just call the specific write handler.
+ */
return false;
bool FirmwareBlobHandler::writeMeta(uint16_t session, uint32_t offset,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& data)
+ /*
+ * If the active session (image or hash) is over LPC, this allows
+ * configuring it. This option is only available before you start
+ * writing data for the given item (image or hash). This will return
+ * false at any other part.
+ */
return false;
bool FirmwareBlobHandler::commit(uint16_t session,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& data)
+ /*
+ * If this command is called on the session for the hash image, it'll
+ * trigger a systemd service `verify_image.service` to attempt to verify
+ * the image. Before doing this, if the transport mechanism is not IPMI
+ * BT, it'll shut down the mechanism used for transport preventing the
+ * host from updating anything.
+ */
return false;
bool FirmwareBlobHandler::close(uint16_t session)
+ /*
+ * Close must be called on the firmware image before triggering
+ * verification via commit. Once the verification is complete, you can
+ * then close the hash file.
+ *
+ * If the `verify_image.service` returned success, closing the hash file
+ * will have a specific behavior depending on the update. If it's UBI,
+ * it'll perform the install. If it's static layout, it'll do nothing. The
+ * verify_image service in the static layout case is responsible for placing
+ * the file in the correct staging position.
+ */
return false;
bool FirmwareBlobHandler::stat(uint16_t session, struct BlobMeta* meta)
+ /*
+ * Return the supported mechanisms if it's the handler blob_id, versus
+ * the active one.
+ */
return false;
bool FirmwareBlobHandler::expire(uint16_t session)