build: Add meson build

Changes to note,
- `with_systemdsystemunitdir` and `with_tmpfilesdir` is removed since it
  is not being documented nor used in OpenBMC.
- Removed the Code coverage feature with `-DDHAVE_GCOV`, since it is not
  used and meson covers it.
- Removed `--enable-oe-sdk` for using the OpenBMC SDK. It should work
  directly with no change required.

Jan 01 00:01:54 ipmid[709]: Try loading blob from persistent data
Jan 01 00:01:54 ipmid[709]: Stale blob data, resetting internals...
Jan 01 00:01:56 ipmid[709]: config loaded: /flash/bios
Jan 01 00:01:56 ipmid[709]: config loaded: /flash/image
Jan 01 00:01:56 ipmid[709]: config loaded: /flash/dummy

$ ls /usr/lib/blob-ipmid/

Testing the service,
$ echo "hello" > /tmp/test.txt
$ burn_my_bmc -command update -layout dummy -image /tmp/test.txt
Sending over the firmware image.
Opening the verification file
Committing to /flash/verify to trigger service
Calling stat on /flash/verify session to check status
Returned success

On the BMC.
/run/initramfs$ cat dummy

Change-Id: I21c7c33bd62c0ee40681cb40da90125c125bea2f
Signed-off-by: Willy Tu <>
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0246aa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+  'phosphor-ipmi-flash',
+  'cpp',
+  version: '0.1',
+  meson_version: '>=0.57.0',
+  default_options: [
+    'cpp_std=c++20',
+    'warning_level=3',
+    'werror=true',
+  ])
+root_inc = include_directories('.')
+# Setting up config data
+conf_data = configuration_data()
+conf_data.set_quoted('STATIC_HANDLER_STAGED_NAME', get_option('static-handler-staged-name'))
+conf_data.set_quoted('PREPARATION_DBUS_SERVICE', get_option('preparation-dbus-service'))
+conf_data.set_quoted('VERIFY_DBUS_SERVICE', get_option('verify-dbus-service'))
+conf_data.set_quoted('UPDATE_DBUS_SERVICE', get_option('update-dbus-service'))
+conf_data.set_quoted('BIOS_STAGED_NAME', get_option('bios-staged-name'))
+conf_data.set_quoted('PREPARATION_BIOS_TARGET', get_option('preparation-bios-target'))
+conf_data.set_quoted('VERIFY_BIOS_TARGET', get_option('verify-bios-target'))
+conf_data.set_quoted('UPDATE_BIOS_TARGET', get_option('update-bios-target'))
+conf_data.set_quoted('TARBALL_STAGED_NAME', get_option('tarball-staged-name'))
+conf_data.set_quoted('HASH_FILENAME', get_option('hash-filename'))
+conf_data.set_quoted('VERIFY_STATUS_FILENAME', get_option('verify-status-filename'))
+conf_data.set_quoted('UPDATE_STATUS_FILENAME', get_option('update-status-filename'))
+conf_data.set_quoted('BIOS_VERIFY_STATUS_FILENAME', get_option('bios-verify-status-filename'))
+conf_data.set('MAPPED_ADDRESS', get_option('mapped-address'))
+conf_h = configure_file(
+  output: 'config.h',
+  configuration: conf_data)
+# Setup for the test config
+if not get_option('tests').disabled()
+  add_project_arguments('-DENABLE_STATIC_LAYOUT', language: 'cpp')
+  add_project_arguments('-DENABLE_TARBALL_UBI', language: 'cpp')
+  add_project_arguments('-DASPEED_P2A', language: 'cpp')
+  add_project_arguments('-DENABLE_PCI_BRIDGE', language: 'cpp')
+  add_project_arguments('-DASPEED_LPC', language: 'cpp')
+  add_project_arguments('-DNUVOTON_LPC', language: 'cpp')
+  add_project_arguments('-DENABLE_LPC_BRIDGE', language: 'cpp')
+  add_project_arguments('-DENABLE_HOST_BIOS', language: 'cpp')
+if get_option('lpc-type') != 'none'
+  add_project_arguments('-DENABLE_LPC_BRIDGE', language: 'cpp')
+# Enable LPC and PCI for tests only.
+  not get_option('tests').disabled() \
+    or get_option('lpc-type') == 'none' \
+    or get_option('p2a-type') == 'none',
+  'Invalid configuration enabling both PCI and LPC.')
+if get_option('p2a-type') != 'none'
+  add_project_arguments('-DENABLE_PCI_BRIDGE', language: 'cpp')
+feature_map = {
+  'host-bios'        : '-DENABLE_HOST_BIOS',
+  'ppc'              : '-DENABLE_PPC',
+  'reboot-update'    : '-DENABLE_REBOOT_UPDATE',
+  'update-status'    : '-DENABLE_UPDATE_STATUS',
+  'net-bridge'       : '-DENABLE_NET_BRIDGE',
+# Get the options status and build a project summary to show which flags are
+# being enabled during the configuration time.
+foreach option_key, option_value : feature_map
+  if get_option(option_key)
+    add_project_arguments(option_value, language: 'cpp')
+    summary(option_key, option_value, section : 'Enabled Features')
+  endif
+update_type_combo_map = {
+  'static-layout'    : '-DENABLE_STATIC_LAYOUT',
+  'tarball-ubi'      : '-DENABLE_TARBALL_UBI',
+foreach option_key, option_value : update_type_combo_map
+  if get_option('update-type') == option_key
+    add_project_arguments(option_value, language: 'cpp')
+    summary(option_key, option_value, section : 'Enabled Firmware Update Features')
+  endif
+lpc_type_combo_map = {
+  'aspeed-lpc'       : '-DASPEED_LPC',
+  'nuvoton-lpc'      : '-DASPEED_LPC',
+foreach option_key, option_value : lpc_type_combo_map
+  if get_option('lpc-type') == option_key
+    add_project_arguments(option_value, language: 'cpp')
+    summary(option_key, option_value, section : 'Enabled LPC Features')
+  endif
+pci_type_combo_map = {
+  'aspeed-p2a'       : '-DASPEED_P2A',
+  'nuvoton-p2a-vga'  : '-DNUVOTON_P2A_VGA',
+  'nuvoton-p2a-mbox' : '-DNUVOTON_P2A_MBOX',
+foreach option_key, option_value : pci_type_combo_map
+  if get_option('p2a-type') == option_key
+    add_project_arguments(option_value, language: 'cpp')
+    summary(option_key, option_value, section : 'Enabled PCI Features')
+  endif
+sys_lib = static_library(
+  'sys',
+  'internal/sys.cpp',
+  implicit_include_directories: false)
+sys_dep = declare_dependency(
+  link_with: sys_lib)
+phosphor_logging_dep = dependency(
+  'phosphor-logging',
+  fallback : [
+    'phosphor-logging',
+    'phosphor_logging_dep'])
+blobs_dep = dependency('phosphor-ipmi-blobs')
+if not get_option('tests').disabled()
+  gtest = dependency('gtest', main: true, disabler: true, required: false)
+  gmock = dependency('gmock', disabler: true, required: false)
+  if not gtest.found() or not gmock.found()
+    gtest_opt = import('cmake').subproject_options()
+    gtest_opt.append_compile_args('c++', ['-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-Wno-pedantic'])
+    gtest_proj = cmake.subproject('googletest', options: gtest_opt, required: false)
+    fmt_depj.dependency('fmt')
+    if gtest_proj.found()
+      gtest = declare_dependency(
+        dependencies: [
+          dependency('threads'),
+          gtest_proj.dependency('gtest'),
+          gtest_proj.dependency('gtest_main'),
+        ])
+      gmock = gtest_proj.dependency('gmock')
+    endif
+  endif
+if not get_option('bmc-blob-handler').disabled()
+  subdir('bmc')
+if not get_option('host-tool').disabled()
+  subdir('tools')
+if not get_option('cleanup-delete').disabled()
+  subdir('cleanup')