action: use PDI type

Rather than define our own enumeration for the LED Actions,
reuse the one from Led.Physical's dbus interface.

Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <>
Change-Id: I4615bed9e87c61d2632fe790bd50892a7f51e2ab
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index a52a1ce..71470c7 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -77,12 +77,12 @@
                     priority_dict[led_name] = value
                 ofile.write('        {\"' + underscore(led_name) + '\",')
-                ofile.write('phosphor::led::Layout::' +
+                ofile.write('phosphor::led::Layout::Action::' +
                             str(list_dict.get('Action', 'Off')) + ',')
                 ofile.write(str(list_dict.get('DutyOn', 50)) + ',')
                 ofile.write(str(list_dict.get('Period', 0)) + ',')
                 priority = str(list_dict.get('Priority', 'Blink'))
-                ofile.write('phosphor::led::Layout::' + priority + ',')
+                ofile.write('phosphor::led::Layout::Action::' + priority + ',')
             ofile.write('   }},\n')