PEL: Usability fixes to msg registry validator

This commit makes some usability improvements to the script that
validates the PEL message registry.

1) Renames the script from to
   to more accurately reflect what it does.
2) Removes the '-v' option that was required to make it do any
   validation and just run it by default.  (At one point in the past it
   was going to do more than just validation.)

An internal improvement was made to just use argparse's ability to
check for required parameters instead of checking manually.

Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <>
Change-Id: I30c4ba5c693388048095b385d5cae1993e906975
diff --git a/extensions/openpower-pels/registry/tools/ b/extensions/openpower-pels/registry/tools/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..285b3b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/openpower-pels/registry/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import argparse
+import json
+import sys
+Validates the PEL message registry JSON, which includes checking it against
+a JSON schema using the jsonschema module as well as doing some extra checks
+that can't be encoded in the schema.
+def check_duplicate_names(registry_json):
+    r"""
+    Check that there aren't any message registry entries with the same
+    'Name' field.  There may be a use case for this in the future, but there
+    isn't right now.
+    registry_json: The message registry JSON
+    """
+    names = []
+    for entry in registry_json["PELs"]:
+        if entry["Name"] in names:
+            sys.exit("Found multiple uses of error {}".format(entry["Name"]))
+        else:
+            names.append(entry["Name"])
+def check_duplicate_reason_codes(registry_json):
+    r"""
+    Check that there aren't any message registry entries with the same
+    'ReasonCode' field.
+    registry_json: The message registry JSON
+    """
+    reasonCodes = []
+    for entry in registry_json["PELs"]:
+        if entry["SRC"]["ReasonCode"] in reasonCodes:
+            sys.exit(
+                "Found duplicate SRC reason code {}".format(
+                    entry["SRC"]["ReasonCode"]
+                )
+            )
+        else:
+            reasonCodes.append(entry["SRC"]["ReasonCode"])
+def check_component_id(registry_json):
+    r"""
+    Check that the upper byte of the ComponentID field matches the upper byte
+    of the ReasonCode field, but not on "11" type SRCs where they aren't
+    supposed to match.
+    registry_json: The message registry JSON
+    """
+    for entry in registry_json["PELs"]:
+        # Don't check on "11" SRCs as those reason codes aren't supposed to
+        # match the component ID.
+        if entry["SRC"].get("Type", "") == "11":
+            continue
+        if "ComponentID" in entry:
+            id = int(entry["ComponentID"], 16)
+            reason_code = int(entry["SRC"]["ReasonCode"], 16)
+            if (id & 0xFF00) != (reason_code & 0xFF00):
+                sys.exit(
+                    "Found mismatching component ID {} vs reason "
+                    "code {} for error {}".format(
+                        entry["ComponentID"],
+                        entry["SRC"]["ReasonCode"],
+                        entry["Name"],
+                    )
+                )
+def check_message_args(registry_json):
+    r"""
+    Check that if the Message field uses the '%' style placeholders that there
+    are that many entries in the MessageArgSources field.  Also checks that
+    the MessageArgSources field is present but only if there are placeholders.
+    registry_json: The message registry JSON
+    """
+    for entry in registry_json["PELs"]:
+        num_placeholders = entry["Documentation"]["Message"].count("%")
+        if num_placeholders == 0:
+            continue
+        if "MessageArgSources" not in entry["Documentation"]:
+            sys.exit(
+                "Missing MessageArgSources property for error {}".format(
+                    entry["Name"]
+                )
+            )
+        if num_placeholders != len(
+            entry["Documentation"]["MessageArgSources"]
+        ):
+            sys.exit(
+                "Different number of placeholders found in "
+                "Message vs MessageArgSources for error {}".format(
+                    entry["Name"]
+                )
+            )
+def validate_schema(registry, schema):
+    r"""
+    Validates the passed in JSON against the passed in schema JSON
+    registry: Path of the file containing the registry JSON
+    schema:   Path of the file containing the schema JSON
+              Use None to skip the pure schema validation
+    """
+    with open(registry) as registry_handle:
+        registry_json = json.load(registry_handle)
+        if schema:
+            import jsonschema
+            with open(schema) as schema_handle:
+                schema_json = json.load(schema_handle)
+                try:
+                    jsonschema.validate(registry_json, schema_json)
+                except jsonschema.ValidationError as e:
+                    print(e)
+                    sys.exit("Schema validation failed")
+        check_duplicate_names(registry_json)
+        check_duplicate_reason_codes(registry_json)
+        check_component_id(registry_json)
+        check_message_args(registry_json)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+        description="PEL message registry validator"
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-s",
+        "--schema-file",
+        dest="schema_file",
+        help="The message registry JSON schema file",
+        required=True,
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-r",
+        "--registry-file",
+        dest="registry_file",
+        help="The message registry JSON file",
+        required=True,
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-k",
+        "--skip-schema-validation",
+        action="store_true",
+        dest="skip_schema",
+        help="Skip running schema validation. Only do the extra checks.",
+    )
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    schema = args.schema_file
+    if args.skip_schema:
+        schema = None
+    validate_schema(args.registry_file, schema)