PEL: API to convert FAPI based data to PEL format

API support to convert  processed SBE FFDC FAPI format packets
into PEL expected format.

This function is  ported from openpower-proc-control and
customised to make independent function.

Added pdbg and device tree libraries to support phal based
device tree support.

Tested: Manually verified.

Signed-off-by: Jayanth Othayoth <>
Change-Id: I8afdb5861be6b129314621eea342bee5eaae82d7
diff --git a/extensions/openpower-pels/fapi_data_process.cpp b/extensions/openpower-pels/fapi_data_process.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68230be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/openpower-pels/fapi_data_process.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+extern "C" {
+#include <libpdbg.h>
+#include "fapi_data_process.hpp"
+#include <attributes_info.H>
+#include <fmt/format.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <list>
+#include <map>
+#include <phosphor-logging/elog.hpp>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+namespace openpower
+namespace pels
+namespace phal
+using namespace phosphor::logging;
+ * Used to pass buffer to pdbg callback api to get required target
+ * data (attributes) based on given data (attribute).
+ */
+struct TargetInfo
+    ATTR_PHYS_BIN_PATH_Type physBinPath;
+    ATTR_LOCATION_CODE_Type locationCode;
+    ATTR_PHYS_DEV_PATH_Type physDevPath;
+    ATTR_MRU_ID_Type mruId;
+    bool deconfigure;
+    TargetInfo()
+    {
+        memset(&physBinPath, '\0', sizeof(physBinPath));
+        memset(&locationCode, '\0', sizeof(locationCode));
+        memset(&physDevPath, '\0', sizeof(physDevPath));
+        mruId = 0;
+        deconfigure = false;
+    }
+ * Used to return in callback function which are used to get
+ * physical path value and it binary format value.
+ *
+ * The value for constexpr defined based on pdbg_target_traverse function usage.
+ */
+constexpr int continueTgtTraversal = 0;
+constexpr int requireAttrFound = 1;
+constexpr int requireAttrNotFound = 2;
+ * @brief Used to get target location code from phal device tree
+ *
+ * @param[in] target current device tree target
+ * @param[out] appPrivData used for accessing|storing from|to application
+ *
+ * @return 0 to continue traverse, non-zero to stop traverse
+ */
+int pdbgCallbackToGetTgtReqAttrsVal(struct pdbg_target* target,
+                                    void* appPrivData)
+    TargetInfo* targetInfo = static_cast<TargetInfo*>(appPrivData);
+    ATTR_PHYS_BIN_PATH_Type physBinPath;
+    /**
+     * TODO: Issue: phal/pdata#16
+     * Should not use direct pdbg api to read attribute. Need to use DT_GET_PROP
+     * macro for bmc app's and this will call libdt-api api but, it will print
+     * "pdbg_target_get_attribute failed" trace if attribute is not found and
+     * this callback will call recursively by using pdbg_target_traverse() until
+     * find expected attribute based on return code from this callback. Because,
+     * need to do target iteration to get actual attribute (ATTR_PHYS_BIN_PATH)
+     * value when device tree target info doesn't know to read attribute from
+     * device tree. So, Due to this error trace user will get confusion while
+     * looking traces. Hence using pdbg api to avoid trace until libdt-api
+     * provides log level setup.
+     */
+    if (!pdbg_target_get_attribute(
+            target, "ATTR_PHYS_BIN_PATH",
+            std::stoi(dtAttr::fapi2::ATTR_PHYS_BIN_PATH_Spec),
+            dtAttr::fapi2::ATTR_PHYS_BIN_PATH_ElementCount, physBinPath))
+    {
+        return continueTgtTraversal;
+    }
+    if (std::memcmp(physBinPath, targetInfo->physBinPath,
+                    sizeof(physBinPath)) != 0)
+    {
+        return continueTgtTraversal;
+    }
+    if (DT_GET_PROP(ATTR_LOCATION_CODE, target, targetInfo->locationCode))
+    {
+        log<level::ERR>("Could not read LOCATION_CODE attribute");
+        return requireAttrNotFound;
+    }
+    if (DT_GET_PROP(ATTR_PHYS_DEV_PATH, target, targetInfo->physDevPath))
+    {
+        log<level::ERR>("Could not read PHYS_DEV_PATH attribute");
+        return requireAttrNotFound;
+    }
+    if (DT_GET_PROP(ATTR_MRU_ID, target, targetInfo->mruId))
+    {
+        log<level::ERR>("Could not read MRU_ID attribute");
+        return requireAttrNotFound;
+    }
+    if (targetInfo->deconfigure)
+    {
+        ATTR_HWAS_STATE_Type hwasState;
+        if (DT_GET_PROP(ATTR_HWAS_STATE, target, hwasState))
+        {
+            log<level::ERR>("Could not read HWAS_STATE attribute");
+            return requireAttrNotFound;
+        }
+        log<level::INFO>(fmt::format("Marking target({}) as Non-Functional",
+                                     targetInfo->physDevPath)
+                             .c_str());
+        hwasState.functional = 0;
+        if (DT_SET_PROP(ATTR_HWAS_STATE, target, hwasState))
+        {
+            log<level::ERR>("Could not write HWAS_STATE attribute");
+            return requireAttrNotFound;
+        }
+    }
+    return requireAttrFound;
+ * @brief Used to get target info (attributes data)
+ *
+ * To get target required attributes value using another attribute value
+ * ("PHYS_BIN_PATH" which is present in same target attributes list) by using
+ * "ipdbg_target_traverse" api because, here we have attribute value only and
+ * doesn't have respective device tree target info to get required attributes
+ * values from it attributes list.
+ *
+ * @param[in] physBinPath to pass PHYS_BIN_PATH value
+ * @param[out] targetInfo to pas buufer to fill with required attributes
+ *
+ * @return true on success otherwise false
+ */
+bool getTgtReqAttrsVal(const std::vector<uint8_t>& physBinPath,
+                       TargetInfo& targetInfo)
+    std::memcpy(&targetInfo.physBinPath,,
+                sizeof(targetInfo.physBinPath));
+    int ret = pdbg_target_traverse(NULL, pdbgCallbackToGetTgtReqAttrsVal,
+                                   &targetInfo);
+    if (ret == 0)
+    {
+        log<level::ERR>(fmt::format("Given ATTR_PHYS_BIN_PATH value({}) "
+                                    "not found in phal device tree",
+                                    targetInfo.physBinPath)
+                            .c_str());
+        return false;
+    }
+    else if (ret == requireAttrNotFound)
+    {
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+ * @brief GET PEL priority from pHAL priority
+ *
+ * The pHAL callout priority is in different format than PEL format
+ * so, this api is used to return current phal supported priority into
+ * PEL expected format.
+ *
+ * @param[in] phalPriority used to pass phal priority format string
+ *
+ * @return pel priority format string else empty if failure
+ *
+ * @note For "NONE" returning "L" (LOW)
+ */
+static std::string getPelPriority(const std::string& phalPriority)
+    const std::map<std::string, std::string> priorityMap = {
+        {"HIGH", "H"}, {"MEDIUM", "M"}, {"LOW", "L"}, {"NONE", "L"}};
+    auto it = priorityMap.find(phalPriority);
+    if (it == priorityMap.end())
+    {
+        log<level::ERR>(fmt::format("Unsupported phal priority({}) is given "
+                                    "to get pel priority format",
+                                    phalPriority)
+                            .c_str());
+        return "H";
+    }
+    return it->second;
+void convertFAPItoPELformat(FFDC& ffdc, json& pelJSONFmtCalloutDataList,
+                            FFDCData& ffdcUserData)
+    if (ffdc.ffdc_type == FFDC_TYPE_HWP)
+    {
+        // Adding hardware procedures return code details
+        ffdcUserData.emplace_back("HWP_RC", ffdc.hwp_errorinfo.rc);
+        ffdcUserData.emplace_back("HWP_RC_DESC", ffdc.hwp_errorinfo.rc_desc);
+        // Adding hardware procedures required ffdc data for debug
+        for_each(
+            ffdc.hwp_errorinfo.ffdcs_data.begin(),
+            ffdc.hwp_errorinfo.ffdcs_data.end(),
+            [&ffdcUserData](std::pair<std::string, std::string>& ele) -> void {
+                std::string keyWithPrefix("HWP_FFDC_");
+                keyWithPrefix.append(ele.first);
+                ffdcUserData.emplace_back(keyWithPrefix, ele.second);
+            });
+        // Adding hardware callout details
+        int calloutCount = 0;
+        for_each(
+            ffdc.hwp_errorinfo.hwcallouts.begin(),
+            ffdc.hwp_errorinfo.hwcallouts.end(),
+            [&ffdcUserData, &calloutCount,
+             &pelJSONFmtCalloutDataList](const HWCallout& hwCallout) -> void {
+                calloutCount++;
+                std::stringstream keyPrefix;
+                keyPrefix << "HWP_HW_CO_" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2)
+                          << calloutCount << "_";
+                ffdcUserData.emplace_back(
+                    std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("HW_ID"),
+                    hwCallout.hwid);
+                ffdcUserData.emplace_back(
+                    std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("PRIORITY"),
+                    hwCallout.callout_priority);
+                phal::TargetInfo targetInfo;
+                phal::getTgtReqAttrsVal(hwCallout.target_entity_path,
+                                        targetInfo);
+                std::string locationCode = std::string(targetInfo.locationCode);
+                ffdcUserData.emplace_back(
+                    std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("LOC_CODE"),
+                    locationCode);
+                std::string physPath = std::string(targetInfo.physDevPath);
+                ffdcUserData.emplace_back(
+                    std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("PHYS_PATH"), physPath);
+                ffdcUserData.emplace_back(
+                    std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("CLK_POS"),
+                    std::to_string(hwCallout.clkPos));
+                json jsonCalloutData;
+                jsonCalloutData["LocationCode"] = locationCode;
+                std::string pelPriority =
+                    getPelPriority(hwCallout.callout_priority);
+                jsonCalloutData["Priority"] = pelPriority;
+                if (targetInfo.mruId != 0)
+                {
+                    jsonCalloutData["MRUs"] = json::array({
+                        {{"ID", targetInfo.mruId}, {"Priority", pelPriority}},
+                    });
+                }
+                pelJSONFmtCalloutDataList.emplace_back(jsonCalloutData);
+            });
+        // Adding CDG (callout, deconfigure and guard) targets details
+        calloutCount = 0;
+        for_each(
+            ffdc.hwp_errorinfo.cdg_targets.begin(),
+            ffdc.hwp_errorinfo.cdg_targets.end(),
+            [&ffdcUserData, &calloutCount,
+             &pelJSONFmtCalloutDataList](const CDG_Target& cdg_tgt) -> void {
+                calloutCount++;
+                std::stringstream keyPrefix;
+                keyPrefix << "HWP_CDG_TGT_" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2)
+                          << calloutCount << "_";
+                phal::TargetInfo targetInfo;
+                targetInfo.deconfigure = cdg_tgt.deconfigure;
+                phal::getTgtReqAttrsVal(cdg_tgt.target_entity_path, targetInfo);
+                std::string locationCode = std::string(targetInfo.locationCode);
+                ffdcUserData.emplace_back(
+                    std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("LOC_CODE"),
+                    locationCode);
+                std::string physPath = std::string(targetInfo.physDevPath);
+                ffdcUserData.emplace_back(
+                    std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("PHYS_PATH"), physPath);
+                ffdcUserData.emplace_back(
+                    std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("CO_REQ"),
+                    (cdg_tgt.callout == true ? "true" : "false"));
+                ffdcUserData.emplace_back(
+                    std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("CO_PRIORITY"),
+                    cdg_tgt.callout_priority);
+                ffdcUserData.emplace_back(
+                    std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("DECONF_REQ"),
+                    (cdg_tgt.deconfigure == true ? "true" : "false"));
+                ffdcUserData.emplace_back(
+                    std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("GUARD_REQ"),
+                    (cdg_tgt.guard == true ? "true" : "false"));
+                ffdcUserData.emplace_back(
+                    std::string(keyPrefix.str()).append("GUARD_TYPE"),
+                    cdg_tgt.guard_type);
+                json jsonCalloutData;
+                jsonCalloutData["LocationCode"] = locationCode;
+                std::string pelPriority =
+                    getPelPriority(cdg_tgt.callout_priority);
+                jsonCalloutData["Priority"] = pelPriority;
+                if (targetInfo.mruId != 0)
+                {
+                    jsonCalloutData["MRUs"] = json::array({
+                        {{"ID", targetInfo.mruId}, {"Priority", pelPriority}},
+                    });
+                }
+                jsonCalloutData["Deconfigured"] = cdg_tgt.deconfigure;
+                jsonCalloutData["Guarded"] = cdg_tgt.guard;
+                pelJSONFmtCalloutDataList.emplace_back(jsonCalloutData);
+            });
+    }
+    else if ((ffdc.ffdc_type != FFDC_TYPE_NONE) &&
+             (ffdc.ffdc_type != FFDC_TYPE_UNSUPPORTED))
+    {
+        log<level::ERR>(fmt::format("Unsupported phal FFDC type to create PEL. "
+                                    "MSG: {}",
+                                    ffdc.message)
+                            .c_str());
+    }
+} // namespace phal
+} // namespace pels
+} // namespace openpower