Remove readme section on app specific yaml

Requiring application specific phosphor-dbus-interfaces YAML definitions
is very rare and also it is autoconf specific and all repositories have
moved to meson.

Change-Id: I21d69da5aaf07b1c5e232ed77f3ebd1ea3031520
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <>
diff --git a/ b/
index 25c6af8..684e8f9 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -279,208 +279,6 @@
-## Adding application specific error YAML
-- This document captures steps for adding application specific error YAML files
-  and generating local elog-errors.hpp header file for application use.
-- Should cater for continuous integration (CI) build, bitbake image build, and
-  local repository build.
-### Continuous Integration (CI) build
-- Make is called on the repository that is modified.
-- Dependent packages are pulled based on the dependency list specified in the
- script.
-#### Recipe build
-- Native recipes copy error YAML files to shared location.
-- phosphor-logging builds elog-errors.hpp by parsing the error YAML files from
-  the shared location.
-#### Local repository build
-- Copies local error YAML files to the shared location in SDK
-- Make generates elog-errors.hpp by parsing the error YAML files from the shared
-  location.
-#### Makefile changes
-##### Export error YAML to shared location
-##### Modify to export newly added error YAML to shared location
-yamldir = ${datadir}/phosphor-dbus-yaml/yaml
-nobase_yaml_DATA = \
-    org/open_power/Host.errors.yaml
-###### Generate elog-errors.hpp using elog parser from SDK location
-- Add a conditional check "GEN_ERRORS"
-- Disable the check for recipe bitbake image build
-- Enable it for local repository build
-- If "GEN_ERRORS" is enabled, build generates elog-errors.hpp header file.
-  # Generate phosphor-logging/elog-errors.hpp
-  ELOG_MAKO ?= elog-gen-template.mako.hpp
-  ELOG_DIR ?= ${OECORE_NATIVE_SYSROOT}${datadir}/phosphor-logging/elog
-  ELOG_GEN_DIR ?= ${ELOG_DIR}/tools/
-  ELOG_MAKO_DIR ?= ${ELOG_DIR}/tools/phosphor-logging/templates/
-  YAML_DIR ?= ${OECORE_NATIVE_SYSROOT}${datadir}/phosphor-dbus-yaml/yaml
-  phosphor-logging/elog-errors.hpp:
-      @mkdir -p ${YAML_DIR}/org/open_power/
-      @cp ${top_srcdir}/org/open_power/Host.errors.yaml \
-        ${YAML_DIR}/org/open_power/Host.errors.yaml
-      @mkdir -p `dirname $@`
-      @chmod 777 $(ELOG_GEN_DIR)/
-      $(AM_V_at)$(PYTHON) $(ELOG_GEN_DIR)/ -y ${YAML_DIR} \
-        -t ${ELOG_MAKO_DIR} -m ${ELOG_MAKO} -o $@
-  endif
-###### Update BUILT_SOURCES
-- Append elog-errors.hpp to BUILT_SOURCES list and put it in conditional check
-  GEN_ERRORS so that the elog-errors.hpp is generated only during local
-  repository build.
-    if GEN_ERRORS
-    nobase_nodist_include_HEADERS += \
-                phosphor-logging/elog-errors.hpp
-    endif
-    if GEN_ERRORS
-    BUILT_SOURCES += phosphor-logging/elog-errors.hpp
-    endif
-###### Conditional check for native build
-- As the same Makefile is used both for recipe image build and native recipe
-  build, add a conditional to ensure that only installation of error yaml files
-  happens during native build. It is not required to build repository during
-  native build.
-   endif
-#### Autotools changes
-##### Add option(argument) to enable/disable installing error yaml file
-- Install error yaml option(argument) is enabled for native recipe build and
-  disabled for bitbake build.
-- When install error yaml option is disabled do not check for target specific
-  packages in autotools configure script.
-###### Add option(argument) to install error yaml files
-    AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-install_error_yaml],
-    [Enable installing error yaml file]),[], [install_error_yaml=no])
-    [test "x$enable_install_error_yaml" = "xyes"])
-AS_IF([test "x$enable_install_error_yaml" != "xyes"], [
-###### Add option(argument) to enable/disable generating elog-errors header file
-    AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-gen_errors], [Enable elog-errors.hpp generation ]),
-    [],[gen_errors=yes])
-AM_CONDITIONAL([GEN_ERRORS], [test "x$enable_gen_errors" != "xno"])
-#### Recipe changes
-##### Extend recipe for native and nativesdk
-- Extend the recipe for native and native SDK builds
-BBCLASSEXTEND += "native nativesdk"
-###### Remove dependencies for native and native SDK build
-- Native recipe caters only for copying error yaml files to shared location.
-- For native and native SDK build remove dependency on packages that recipe
-  build depends
-###### Remove dependency on phosphor-logging for native build
-DEPENDS_remove_class-native = "phosphor-logging"
-###### Remove dependency on phosphor-logging for native SDK build
-DEPENDS_remove_class-nativesdk = "phosphor-logging"
-###### Add install_error_yaml argument during native build
-- Add package config to enable/disable install_error_yaml feature.
-###### Add package config to enable/disable install_error_yaml feature
-PACKAGECONFIG ??= "install_error_yaml"
-PACKAGECONFIG[install_error_yaml] = " \
-        --enable-install_error_yaml, \
-        --disable-install_error_yaml, ,\
-        "
-###### Enable install_error_yaml check for native build
-PACKAGECONFIG_add_class-native = "install_error_yaml"
-PACKAGECONFIG_add_class-nativesdk = "install_error_yaml"
-###### Disable install_error_yaml during target build
-PACKAGECONFIG_remove_class-target = "install_error_yaml"
-###### Disable generating elog-errors.hpp for bitbake build
-- Disable gen_errors argument for bitbake image build as the application uses
-  the elog-errors.hpp generated by phosphor-logging
-- Argument is enabled by default for local repository build in the configure
-  script of the local repository.
- XTRA_OECONF += "--disable-gen_errors"
-#### Local build
-- During local build use --prefix=/usr for the configure script.
 ## Event Log Extensions
 The extension concept is a way to allow code that creates other formats of error