tree: de775b0b3013fc186b5dd7a0fcbc05cc657c833a [path history] [tgz]
  1. callouts/
  2. extensions/
  3. org/
  4. phosphor-logging/
  5. phosphor-rsyslog-config/
  6. test/
  7. tools/
  8. xyz/
  9. .clang-format
  10. .gitignore
  13. elog.cpp
  14. elog_entry.cpp
  15. elog_entry.hpp
  16. elog_meta.cpp
  17. elog_meta.hpp
  18. elog_serialize.cpp
  19. elog_serialize.hpp
  20. extensions.cpp
  21. extensions.hpp
  23. log_manager.cpp
  24. log_manager.hpp
  25. log_manager_main.cpp
  26. logging_test.cpp
  29. org.openbmc.Associations.cpp
  32. sdjournal.cpp


phosphor logging provides mechanism for common event and logging creation based on information from the journal log.

To Build

To build this package, do the following steps:

    1. ./
    2. ./configure ${CONFIGURE_FLAGS}
    3. make

To clean the repository run `./ clean`.

Remote Logging via Rsyslog

The BMC has the ability to stream out local logs (that go to the systemd journal) via rsyslog (

The BMC will send everything. Any kind of filtering and appropriate storage will have to be managed on the rsyslog server. Various examples are available on the internet. Here are few pointers :

Configuring rsyslog server for remote logging

The BMC is an rsyslog client. To stream out logs, it needs to talk to an rsyslog server, to which there's connectivity over a network. REST API can be used to set the remote server's IP address and port number.

The following presumes a user has logged on to the BMC (see

Set the IP:

curl -b cjar -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT \
    -d '{"data": <IP address>}' \
    https://<BMC IP address>/xyz/openbmc_project/logging/config/remote/attr/Address

Set the port:

curl -b cjar -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT \
    -d '{"data": <port number>}' \
    https://<BMC IP address>/xyz/openbmc_project/logging/config/remote/attr/Port

Querying the current configuration

curl -b cjar -k \
    https://<BMC IP address>/xyz/openbmc_project/logging/config/remote

Setting the hostname

Rsyslog can store logs separately for each host. For this reason, it's useful to provide a unique hostname to each managed BMC. Here's how that can be done via a REST API :

curl -b cjar -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT \
    -d '{"data": "myHostName"}' \
    https://<BMC IP address>//xyz/openbmc_project/network/config/attr/HostName

Disabling remote logging

Remote logging can be disabled by writing 0 to the port, or an empty string("") to the IP.

Changing the rsyslog server

When switching to a new server from an existing one (i.e the address, or port, or both change), it is recommended to disable the existing configuration first.

Adding application specific error YAML

  • This document captures steps for adding application specific error YAML files and generating local elog-errors.hpp header file for application use.
  • Should cater for continuous integration (CI) build, bitbake image build, and local repository build.

Continuous Integration (CI) build

  • Make is called on the repository that is modified.
  • Dependent packages are pulled based on the dependency list specified in the script.

Recipe build

  • Native recipes copy error YAML files to shared location.
  • phosphor-logging builds elog-errors.hpp by parsing the error YAML files from the shared location.

Local repository build

  • Copies local error YAML files to the shared location in SDK
  • Make generates elog-errors.hpp by parsing the error YAML files from the shared location.

Makefile changes


Export error YAML to shared location

Modify to export newly added error YAML to shared location

yamldir = ${datadir}/phosphor-dbus-yaml/yaml
nobase_yaml_DATA = \
Generate elog-errors.hpp using elog parser from SDK location
  • Add a conditional check "GEN_ERRORS"
  • Disable the check for recipe bitbake image build
  • Enable it for local repository build
  • If "GEN_ERRORS" is enabled, build generates elog-errors.hpp header file.
  # Generate phosphor-logging/elog-errors.hpp
  ELOG_MAKO ?= elog-gen-template.mako.hpp
  ELOG_DIR ?= ${OECORE_NATIVE_SYSROOT}${datadir}/phosphor-logging/elog
  ELOG_GEN_DIR ?= ${ELOG_DIR}/tools/
  ELOG_MAKO_DIR ?= ${ELOG_DIR}/tools/phosphor-logging/templates/
  YAML_DIR ?= ${OECORE_NATIVE_SYSROOT}${datadir}/phosphor-dbus-yaml/yaml
      @mkdir -p ${YAML_DIR}/org/open_power/
      @cp ${top_srcdir}/org/open_power/Host.errors.yaml \
      @mkdir -p `dirname $@`
      @chmod 777 $(ELOG_GEN_DIR)/
      $(AM_V_at)$(PYTHON) $(ELOG_GEN_DIR)/ -y ${YAML_DIR} \
        -t ${ELOG_MAKO_DIR} -m ${ELOG_MAKO} -o $@
  • Append elog-errors.hpp to BUILT_SOURCES list and put it in conditional check GEN_ERRORS so that the elog-errors.hpp is generated only during local repository build.
    nobase_nodist_include_HEADERS += \
    BUILT_SOURCES += phosphor-logging/elog-errors.hpp
Conditional check for native build
  • As the same Makefile is used both for recipe image build and native recipe build, add a conditional to ensure that only installation of error yaml files happens during native build. It is not required to build repository during native build.

Autotools changes


Add option(argument) to enable/disable installing error yaml file
  • Install error yaml option(argument) is enabled for native recipe build and disabled for bitbake build.

  • When install error yaml option is disabled do not check for target specific packages in autotools configure script.

Add option(argument) to install error yaml files
    [Enable installing error yaml file]),[], [install_error_yaml=no])
    [test "x$enable_install_error_yaml" = "xyes"])
AS_IF([test "x$enable_install_error_yaml" != "xyes"], [
Add option(argument) to enable/disable generating elog-errors header file
    AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-gen_errors], [Enable elog-errors.hpp generation ]),
AM_CONDITIONAL([GEN_ERRORS], [test "x$enable_gen_errors" != "xno"])

Recipe changes


Extend recipe for native and nativesdk
  • Extend the recipe for native and native SDK builds
BBCLASSEXTEND += "native nativesdk"
Remove dependencies for native and native SDK build
  • Native recipe caters only for copying error yaml files to shared location.
  • For native and native SDK build remove dependency on packages that recipe build depends
Remove dependency on phosphor-logging for native build
DEPENDS_remove_class-native = "phosphor-logging"
Remove dependency on phosphor-logging for native SDK build
DEPENDS_remove_class-nativesdk = "phosphor-logging"
Add install_error_yaml argument during native build
  • Add package config to enable/disable install_error_yaml feature.
Add package config to enable/disable install_error_yaml feature
PACKAGECONFIG ??= "install_error_yaml"
PACKAGECONFIG[install_error_yaml] = " \
        --enable-install_error_yaml, \
        --disable-install_error_yaml, ,\
Enable install_error_yaml check for native build
PACKAGECONFIG_add_class-native = "install_error_yaml"
PACKAGECONFIG_add_class-nativesdk = "install_error_yaml"
Disable install_error_yaml during target build
PACKAGECONFIG_remove_class-target = "install_error_yaml"
Disable generating elog-errors.hpp for bitbake build
  • Disable gen_errors argument for bitbake image build as the application uses the elog-errors.hpp generated by phosphor-logging
  • Argument is enabled by default for local repository build in the configure script of the local repository.
 XTRA_OECONF += "--disable-gen_errors"

Local build

  • During local build use --prefix=/usr for the configure script.

Event Log Extensions

The extension concept is a way to allow code that creates other formats of error logs besides phosphor-logging's event logs to still reside in the phosphor-log-manager application.

The extension code lives in the extensions/<extension> subdirectories, and is enabled with a --enable-<extension> configure flag. The extension code won't compile unless enabled with this flag.

Extensions can register themselves to have functions called at the following points using the REGISTER_EXTENSION_FUNCTION macro.

  • On startup
    • Function type void(internal::Manager&)
  • After an event log is created
    • Function type void(args)
    • The args are:
      • const std::string& - The Message property
      • uin32_t - The event log ID
      • uint64_t - The event log timestamp
      • Level - The event level
      • const AdditionalDataArg& - the additional data
      • const AssociationEndpointsArg& - Association endpoints (callouts)
  • Before an event log is deleted, to check if it is allowed.
    • Function type void(std::uint32_t, bool&) that takes the event ID
  • After an event log is deleted
    • Function type void(std::uint32_t) that takes the event ID

Using these callback points, they can create their own event log for each OpenBMC event log that is created, and delete these logs when the corresponding OpenBMC event log is deleted.

In addition, an extension has the option of disabling phosphor-logging's default error log capping policy so that it can use its own. The macro DISABLE_LOG_ENTRY_CAPS() is used for that.


The reason for adding support for extensions inside the phosphor-log-manager daemon as opposed to just creating new daemons that listen for D-Bus signals is to allow interactions that would be complicated or expensive if just done over D-Bus, such as:

  • Allowing for custom old log retention algorithms.
  • Prohibiting manual deleting of certain logs based on an extension's requirements.

Creating extensions

  1. Add a new flag to to enable the extension:
                             [Create Foo logs]))
               [test "x$enable_foo_extension" == "xyes"])
  1. Add the code in extensions/<extension>/.
  2. Create a makefile include to add the new code to phosphor-log-manager:
phosphor_log_manager_SOURCES += \
  1. In extensions/, add the makefile include:
include extensions/foo/
  1. In the extension code, register the functions to call and optionally disable log capping using the provided macros:

void fooStartup(internal::Manager& manager)
    // Initialize


void fooCreate(const std::string& message, uint32_t id, uint64_t timestamp,
               Entry::Level severity, const AdditionalDataArg& additionalData,
               const AssociationEndpointsArg& assocs)
    // Create a different type of error log based on 'entry'.


void fooRemove(uint32_t id)
    // Delete the extension error log that corresponds to 'id'.

