Populate Timestamp when error entry is committed

Populate the Entry Timestamp property which is
described as the time when the error log entry
is committed in milliseconds since 1970.

Change-Id: Id47fb974cf8220975eef0cc226581d0603a798a9
Signed-off-by: Adriana Kobylak <anoo@us.ibm.com>
diff --git a/elog_entry.hpp b/elog_entry.hpp
index 92360cb..76e51cf 100644
--- a/elog_entry.hpp
+++ b/elog_entry.hpp
@@ -39,11 +39,16 @@
          *         base class) until after the properties are set.
          *  @param[in] bus - Bus to attach to.
          *  @param[in] path - Path to attach at.
-         *  @param[in] properties - Desired Entry properties.
+         *  @param[in] idErr - The error entry id.
+         *  @param[in] timestampErr - The commit timestamp.
+         *  @param[in] severityErr - The severity of the error.
+         *  @param[in] msgErr - The message of the error.
+         *  @param[in] additionalDataErr - The error metadata.
         Entry(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus,
               const std::string& path,
               uint32_t idErr,
+              uint64_t timestampErr,
               Level severityErr,
               std::string&& msgErr,
               std::vector<std::string>&& additionalDataErr) :
@@ -52,6 +57,7 @@
+            timestamp(timestampErr);