Build the required error log header file for elogs

Take the elog.yaml file and generate the required hpp
file required for build time validation and error log

A future commit will delete elog-gen.hpp and will
start dynamically generating it during build.

Change-Id: I21a87d959096a2541de69fde47f57f02482a00cc
Signed-off-by: Andrew Geissler <>
diff --git a/elog-gen-template.mako.hpp b/elog-gen-template.mako.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8461f70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/elog-gen-template.mako.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+## Note that this file is not auto generated, it is what generates the
+## elog-gen.hpp file
+// This file was autogenerated.  Do not edit!
+// See for more details
+#pragma once
+#include <tuple>
+#include <type_traits>
+#include "log.hpp"
+namespace phosphor
+namespace logging
+    % for a in errors:
+namespace _${errors[a]}
+    % for b in meta[a]:
+struct ${b}
+    static constexpr auto str = "${meta_data[b]['str']}";
+    static constexpr auto str_short = "${meta_data[b]['str_short']}";
+    using type = std::tuple<std::decay_t<decltype(str)>,${meta_data[b]['type']}>;
+    explicit constexpr ${b}(${meta_data[b]['type']} a) : _entry(entry(str, a)) {};
+    type _entry;
+    % endfor
+}  // namespace _${errors[a]}
+<% meta_string = ', '.join(meta[a]) %>
+struct ${errors[a]}
+    static constexpr auto err_code = "xyz.openbmc_project.logging.${errors[a]}";
+    static constexpr auto err_msg = "${error_msg[errors[a]]}";
+    static constexpr auto L = level::${error_lvl[errors[a]]};
+    % for b in meta[a]:
+    using ${b} = _${errors[a]}::${b};
+    % endfor
+    using metadata_types = std::tuple<${meta_string}>;
+    % endfor
+} // namespace logging
+} // namespace phosphor