PEL: Watch for manually deleted PEL files

Currently, if someone were to manually delete a PEL file, the Repository
class would not know to remove it from its _pelAttributes index which
will lead to problems down the line.

To fix this, create an inotify watch that looks for files to be deleted
in the PEL directory.  When one or more is deleted, remove it from the
Repository class and also remove the OpenBMC event log for it.

Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <>
Change-Id: I238c0b886b01e88cc931162a0596b848d1d975b1
diff --git a/test/openpower-pels/pel_manager_test.cpp b/test/openpower-pels/pel_manager_test.cpp
index bbc89a6..b7146c9 100644
--- a/test/openpower-pels/pel_manager_test.cpp
+++ b/test/openpower-pels/pel_manager_test.cpp
@@ -105,6 +105,23 @@
     return count;
+void deletePELFile(uint32_t id)
+    char search[20];
+    sprintf(search, "\\d+_%.8X", id);
+    std::regex expr{search};
+    for (auto& f : fs::directory_iterator(getPELRepoPath() / "logs"))
+    {
+        if (std::regex_search(f.path().string(), expr))
+        {
+            fs::remove(f.path());
+            break;
+        }
+    }
 // Test that using the RAWPEL=<file> with the Manager::create() call gets
 // a PEL saved in the repository.
 TEST_F(ManagerTest, TestCreateWithPEL)
@@ -609,3 +626,145 @@
+// Test that manually deleting a PEL file will be recognized by the code.
+TEST_F(ManagerTest, TestPELManualDelete)
+    sdeventplus::Event e{sdEvent};
+    std::unique_ptr<DataInterfaceBase> dataIface =
+        std::make_unique<MockDataInterface>();
+    openpower::pels::Manager manager{
+        logManager, std::move(dataIface),
+        std::bind(std::mem_fn(&TestLogger::log), &logger, std::placeholders::_1,
+                  std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3)};
+    auto data = pelDataFactory(TestPELType::pelSimple);
+    auto dir = makeTempDir();
+    fs::path pelFilename = dir / "rawpel";
+    std::string adItem = "RAWPEL=" + pelFilename.string();
+    std::vector<std::string> additionalData{adItem};
+    std::vector<std::string> associations;
+    // Add 20 PELs, they will get incrementing IDs like
+    // 0x50000001, 0x50000002, etc.
+    for (int i = 1; i <= 20; i++)
+    {
+        std::ofstream pelFile{pelFilename};
+        pelFile.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(, data.size());
+        pelFile.close();
+        manager.create("error message", 42, 0,
+                       phosphor::logging::Entry::Level::Error, additionalData,
+                       associations);
+        // Sanity check this ID is really there so we can test
+        // it was deleted later.  This will throw an exception if
+        // not present.
+        manager.getPEL(0x50000000 + i);
+        // Run an event loop pass where the internal FD is deleted
+        // after the getPEL function call.
+    }
+    EXPECT_EQ(countPELsInRepo(), 20);
+    deletePELFile(0x50000001);
+    // Run a single event loop pass so the inotify event can run
+    EXPECT_EQ(countPELsInRepo(), 19);
+        manager.getPEL(0x50000001),
+        sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Common::Error::InvalidArgument);
+    // Delete a few more, they should all get handled in the same
+    // event loop pass
+    std::vector<uint32_t> toDelete{0x50000002, 0x50000003, 0x50000004,
+                                   0x50000005, 0x50000006};
+    std::for_each(toDelete.begin(), toDelete.end(),
+                  [](auto i) { deletePELFile(i); });
+    EXPECT_EQ(countPELsInRepo(), 14);
+    std::for_each(toDelete.begin(), toDelete.end(), [&manager](const auto i) {
+        EXPECT_THROW(
+            manager.getPEL(i),
+            sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Common::Error::InvalidArgument);
+    });
+    fs::remove_all(dir);
+// Test that deleting all PELs at once is handled OK.
+TEST_F(ManagerTest, TestPELManualDeleteAll)
+    sdeventplus::Event e{sdEvent};
+    std::unique_ptr<DataInterfaceBase> dataIface =
+        std::make_unique<MockDataInterface>();
+    openpower::pels::Manager manager{
+        logManager, std::move(dataIface),
+        std::bind(std::mem_fn(&TestLogger::log), &logger, std::placeholders::_1,
+                  std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3)};
+    auto data = pelDataFactory(TestPELType::pelSimple);
+    auto dir = makeTempDir();
+    fs::path pelFilename = dir / "rawpel";
+    std::string adItem = "RAWPEL=" + pelFilename.string();
+    std::vector<std::string> additionalData{adItem};
+    std::vector<std::string> associations;
+    // Add 200 PELs, they will get incrementing IDs like
+    // 0x50000001, 0x50000002, etc.
+    for (int i = 1; i <= 200; i++)
+    {
+        std::ofstream pelFile{pelFilename};
+        pelFile.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(, data.size());
+        pelFile.close();
+        manager.create("error message", 42, 0,
+                       phosphor::logging::Entry::Level::Error, additionalData,
+                       associations);
+        // Sanity check this ID is really there so we can test
+        // it was deleted later.  This will throw an exception if
+        // not present.
+        manager.getPEL(0x50000000 + i);
+        // Run an event loop pass where the internal FD is deleted
+        // after the getPEL function call.
+    }
+    // Delete them all at once
+    auto logPath = getPELRepoPath() / "logs";
+    std::string cmd = "rm " + logPath.string() + "/*";
+    system(cmd.c_str());
+    EXPECT_EQ(countPELsInRepo(), 0);
+    // It will take 5 event loop passes to process them all
+    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
+    {
+    }
+    for (int i = 1; i <= 200; i++)
+    {
+        EXPECT_THROW(
+            manager.getPEL(0x50000000 + i),
+            sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Common::Error::InvalidArgument);
+    }
+    fs::remove_all(dir);