http-redirect: semi-exhaustive good and some bad paths

Generate all encodings of http scheme and all combinations of port
attached to host, with and without explicit path.  Verify host from
URI is used instead of host from Host: header.

Generate all combinations of host and port in host header with
absolute path of /.  Verify https url is returned.

Test at least once occurrance of each bad status code.  A few more
should be added.

Change-Id: If31724d8e3ab557943b9acd0c8d5ef682027407d
Signed-off-by: Milton Miller <>
diff --git a/http-redirect/test.awk b/http-redirect/test.awk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..542890a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/http-redirect/test.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+	if (!resultfile)
+		resultfile="testfile"
+	if (!script)
+		script = "http-redirect.awk"
+	invoke="awk -f " script
+	cmd = invoke " > " resultfile
+	if (tracefile)
+		invoke = invoke " -v tracefile=" tracefile
+function reportfail(resultfile, expect, request, headers)
+	print("Testcase FAIL")
+	print("Expected to find :" expect)
+	print("actual:")
+	system("cat " resultfile)
+	print("expect:" expect)
+	print("input:")
+	print("reuest: " request)
+	for (h in headers)
+		print("headers:" headers[h])
+	print("")
+	print("FAIL")
+	exit(1)
+function test(code, expect, request, headers)
+	runtest(cmd, request, headers)
+	result = check(resultfile, code, expect, request, headers)
+	results[result] = results[result] + 1
+	if (result == "FAIL")
+		reportfail(resultfile, expect, request, headers)
+function check(resultfile, code, expect, request, headers)
+	line = ""
+	getline result < resultfile
+	while ((getline line < resultfile) > 0)
+		if (line ~ /^Location/)
+			found = line
+	close(resultfile)
+	if (code in locations)
+	if ((line == expect) && (location ~ " " code " "))
+		rc = "PASS"
+	else
+		rc = fail
+	return rc
+function runtest(cmd, request, headers,	h, OORS)
+	if (!cmd)
+		return
+	ORS = "\r\n"
+	print(request) | cmd
+	for (h in headers)
+		print(headers[h]) | cmd
+	print("") | cmd
+	close(cmd)
+function add(array, value) {
+	counter = counter + 1
+	array[counter] = value
+function mkrequest(method, path, version)
+	return method " " path " " version
+	failingtests()
+	passingtests()
+	exit(0)
+function failingtests(headers) {
+	host1 = ""
+	headers[0] = "Host: " host1 ports[port]
+	version="HTTP/1.1"
+	path="/"
+	method="GET"
+	othermethods(path, version, headers)
+	test(505, "", mkrequest(method, path, "HTTP/1"), headers)
+	test(505, "", mkrequest(method, path, "HTTP/2.0"), headers)
+	test(505, "", mkrequest(method, path, "http/1.1"), headers)
+	junk[0] = "Host:"
+	test(400, "", mkrequest(method, path, "HTTP/1.1"), junk)
+	test(400, "", mkrequest(method, path, "HTTP/1.1"), headers)
+	test(404, "", mkrequest(method, "/abc", "HTTP/1.1"), junk)
+function othermethods(path, version, headers, methods, m)
+	add(methods, "PUT")
+	add(methods, "POST")
+	add(methods, "TRACE")
+	add(methods, "CONNECT")
+	add(methods, "get")
+	add(methods, "head")
+	for (m in methods)
+		test(501, "", mkrequest(methods[m], path, version), headers)
+function passingtests(headers) {
+	method="GET"
+	path="/"
+	version="HTTP/1.1"
+	host1 = ""
+	host2 = ""
+	mkports(ports)
+	expect="Location: https://" host1 "/\r"
+	request = mkrequest(method, path, version)
+	for (port in ports) {
+		headers[0] = "Host: " host1 ports[port]
+		test(308, expect, request, headers)
+	}
+	test(308, expect, mkrequest("HEAD", path, version), headers)
+	headers[0] = "Host: " host2
+	testabsuris(expect, headers, host1, ports)
+function testabsuris(expect, headers, host, ports)
+	mkabsuris(uris, host, ports)
+	# test with and without path
+	for (uri in uris) {
+		u = uris[uri]
+		test(308, expect, mkrequest(method, u, version), headers)
+		test(308, expect, mkrequest(method, u "/", version), headers)
+	}
+function mkports(ports) {
+	add(ports, "")
+	add(ports, ":")
+	add(ports, ":8080")
+function mkabsuris(uris, host, ports,	schemes, scheme, port)
+	mkschemes(schemes)
+	for (scheme in schemes)
+		for (port in ports)
+			add(uris, schemes[scheme] "://" host ports[port] )
+function mkschemes(schemes,	h, t1, t2, p, hs, ts, ps) {
+	mkletters(hs, 4, 8)
+	mkletters(ts, 5, 4)
+	mkletters(ps, 5, 0)
+	for (h in hs)
+		for (t1 in ts)
+			for (t2 in ts)
+				for (p in ps)
+					add(schemes, hs[h] ts[t1] ts[t2] ps[p])
+function mkletters(ns, h1, h2)
+	add(ns, "%" h1 h2)
+	add(ns, "%" (h1 + 2) h2)
+	add(ns, sprintf("%c", h1 * 16 + h2))
+	add(ns, sprintf("%c", (h1 + 2) * 16 + h2))
diff --git a/http-redirect/tests b/http-redirect/tests
index a11031f..870f0fa 100755
--- a/http-redirect/tests
+++ b/http-redirect/tests
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 overrides="-v urlfile=$URLFILE -f add-urls.awk -v tracefile=$TRACEFILE"
 command="awk -f ./http-redirect.awk $overrides"
+awk -f ./test.awk -v "resultfile=$TMPFILE" -v "tracefile=$TRACEFILE"
 # remember the CR in your expect