
This script will pull callouts out of the FRU_PATH attribute on
connections and create a JSON file that has those callouts along with
the FSI/I2C/SPI/FSI-I2C/FSI-SPI keys to look them up.

It will be used by OpenBMC code to add callouts to error logs for device
access failure.

This first commit just builds an array of all the FSI/I2C/SPI bus
segments in the system and optionally prints them to JSON.

Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <>
Change-Id: I4c789ca82b48e00925e03e613b03e965edd383d4
diff --git a/Build.PL b/Build.PL
index eee4b60..3774185 100755
--- a/Build.PL
+++ b/Build.PL
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
+                     '',
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e7260aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+# This script is used for generating callout lists from the MRW for devices
+# that can be accessed from the BMC.  The callouts have a location code, the
+# target name (for debug), a priority, and in some cases a MRU.  The script
+# supports I2C, FSI, SPI, FSI-I2C, and FSI-SPI devices.  The output is a JSON
+# file organized into sections for each callout type, with keys based on the
+# type.  I2c uses a bus and address, FSI uses a link, and SPI uses a bus
+# number. If FSI is combined with I2C or SPI, then the link plus the I2C/SPI
+# keys is used.  Multi-hop FSI links are indicated by a dash in between the
+# links, eg "0-1".
+# An example section is:
+# "FSI":
+# {
+#   "5":
+#   {
+#      "Callouts":[
+#        {
+#           "Priority":"H"
+#           "LocationCode": "P1-C50",
+#           "MRU":"/sys-0/node-0/motherboard/proc_socket-0/module-0/power9-0",
+#           "Name":"/sys-0/node-0/motherboard/cpu0"
+#        },
+#        {
+#           "Priority":"H",
+#           "LocationCode": "P1-C42",
+#           "MRU":"/sys-0/node-0/motherboard/ebmc-card/BMC-0",
+#           "Name":"/sys-0/node-0/motherboard/ebmc-card"
+#        },
+#        {
+#           "Priority":"L",
+#           "LocationCode": "P1",
+#           "Name":"/sys-0/node-0/motherboard"
+#        }
+#     ],
+#     "Dest":"/sys-0/node-0/motherboard-0/proc_socket-0/module-0/power9-0",
+#     "Source":"/sys-0/node-0/motherboard-0/ebmc-card-connector-0/card-0/bmc-0"
+#   }
+# }
+# The Name, Dest and Source entries are MRW targets and are just for debug.
+# The optional --segments argument will output a JSON file of all the bus
+# segments in the system, which is what the callouts are made from.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use mrw::Targets;
+use mrw::Util;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Basename;
+use JSON;
+my $mrwFile = "";
+my $outFile = "";
+my $printSegments = 0;
+# Not supporting priorites A, B, or C until necessary
+my %priorities = (H => 3, M => 2, L => 1);
+# Segment bus types
+my %busTypes = ( I2C => 1, FSIM => 1, FSICM => 1, SPI => 1 );
+    "m=s" => \$mrwFile,
+    "o=s" => \$outFile,
+    "segments" => \$printSegments
+    or printUsage();
+if (($mrwFile eq "") or ($outFile eq ""))
+    printUsage();
+# Load system MRW
+my $targets = Targets->new;
+# Find all single segment buses that we care about
+my %allSegments = getPathSegments();
+# Write the segments to a JSON file
+if ($printSegments)
+    my $outDir = dirname($outFile);
+    my $segmentsFile = "$outDir/segments.json";
+    open(my $fh, '>', $segmentsFile) or
+        die "Could not open file '$segmentsFile' $!";
+    my $json = JSON->new;
+    $json->indent(1);
+    $json->canonical(1);
+    my $text = $json->encode(\%allSegments);
+    print $fh $text;
+    close $fh;
+# Returns a hash of all the FSI, I2C, and SPI segments in the MRW
+sub getPathSegments
+    my %segments;
+    foreach my $target (sort keys %{$targets->getAllTargets()})
+    {
+        my $numConnections = $targets->getNumConnections($target);
+        if ($numConnections == 0)
+        {
+            next;
+        }
+        for (my $connIndex=0;$connIndex<$numConnections;$connIndex++)
+        {
+            my $connBusObj = $targets->getConnectionBus($target, $connIndex);
+            my $busType = $connBusObj->{bus_type};
+            # We only care about certain bus types
+            if (not exists $busTypes{$busType})
+            {
+                next;
+            }
+            my $dest = $targets->getConnectionDestination($target, $connIndex);
+            my %segment;
+            $segment{BusType} = $busType;
+            $segment{SourceUnit} = $target;
+            $segment{SourceChip} = getParentByClass($target, "CHIP");
+            if ($segment{SourceChip} eq "")
+            {
+                die "Warning: Could not get parent chip for source $target\n";
+            }
+            $segment{DestUnit} = $dest;
+            $segment{DestChip} = getParentByClass($dest, "CHIP");
+            # If the unit's direct parent is a connector that's OK too.
+            if ($segment{DestChip} eq "")
+            {
+                my $parent = $targets->getTargetParent($dest);
+                if ($targets->getAttribute($parent, "CLASS") eq "CONNECTOR")
+                {
+                    $segment{DestChip} = $parent;
+                }
+            }
+            if ($segment{DestChip} eq "")
+            {
+                die "Warning: Could not get parent chip for dest $dest\n";
+            }
+            my $fruPath = $targets->getBusAttribute(
+                $target, $connIndex, "FRU_PATH");
+            if (defined $fruPath)
+            {
+                $segment{FRUPath} = $fruPath;
+                my @callouts = getFRUPathCallouts($fruPath);
+                $segment{Callouts} = \@callouts;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                $segment{FRUPath} = "";
+                my @empty;
+                $segment{Callouts} = \@empty;
+            }
+            if ($busType eq "I2C")
+            {
+                $segment{I2CBus} = $targets->getAttribute($target, "I2C_PORT");
+                $segment{I2CAddress} =
+                    hex($targets->getAttribute($dest, "I2C_ADDRESS"));
+                $segment{I2CBus} = $segment{I2CBus};
+                # Convert to the 7 bit address that linux uses
+                $segment{I2CAddress} =
+                    Util::adjustI2CAddress($segment{I2CAddress});
+            }
+            elsif ($busType eq "FSIM")
+            {
+                $segment{FSILink} =
+                    hex($targets->getAttribute($target, "FSI_LINK"));
+            }
+            elsif ($busType eq "SPI")
+            {
+                $segment{SPIBus} = $targets->getAttribute($target, "SPI_PORT");
+                # Seems to be in HEX sometimes
+                if ($segment{SPIBus} =~ /^0x/i)
+                {
+                    $segment{SPIBus} = hex($segment{SPIBus});
+                }
+            }
+            push @{$segments{$busType}}, { %segment };
+        }
+    }
+    return %segments;
+#Breaks the FRU_PATH atttribute up into its component callouts.
+#It looks like:  "H:<some target>,L:<some other target>(<MRU>)"
+#Where H/L are the priorities and can be H/M/L.
+#The MRU that is in parentheses is optional and is a chip name on that
+#FRU target.
+sub getFRUPathCallouts
+    my @callouts;
+    my $fruPath = shift;
+    my @entries = split(',', $fruPath);
+    for my $entry (@entries)
+    {
+        my %callout;
+        my ($priority, $path) = split(':', $entry);
+        # pull the MRU out of the parentheses at the end and then
+        # remove the parentheses.
+        if ($path =~ /\(.+\)$/)
+        {
+            ($callout{MRU}) = $path =~ /\((.+)\)/;
+            $path =~ s/\(.+\)$//;
+        }
+        # check if the target we read out is valid by
+        # checking for a required attribute
+        if ($targets->isBadAttribute($path, "CLASS"))
+        {
+            die "FRU Path $path not a valid target\n";
+        }
+        $callout{Priority} = $priority;
+        if (not exists $priorities{$priority})
+        {
+            die "Invalid priority: '$priority' on callout $path\n";
+        }
+        $callout{Name} = $path;
+        push @callouts, \%callout;
+    }
+    return @callouts;
+# Returns an ancestor target based on its class
+sub getParentByClass
+    my ($target, $class) = @_;
+    my $parent = $targets->getTargetParent($target);
+    while (defined $parent)
+    {
+        if (!$targets->isBadAttribute($parent, "CLASS"))
+        {
+            if ($class eq $targets->getAttribute($parent, "CLASS"))
+            {
+                return $parent;
+            }
+        }
+        $parent = $targets->getTargetParent($parent);
+    }
+    return "";
+sub printUsage
+    print "$0 -m <MRW file> -o <Output filename> [--segments] [-n]\n" .
+    "        -m <MRW file> = The MRW XML\n" .
+    "        -o <Output filename> = The output JSON\n" .
+    "        [--segments] = Optionally create a segments.json file\n" .
+    exit(1);