Get certain attributes from a YAML config file.

Code implementation specific values will now be stored in
a .yaml config file to keep it out of the hardware specific
XML.  This includes header file names, memory ranges, and
the chosen and alias nodes.

Also removed the SPI support for now.  That info will just
come from an include file until the new device driver is
pulled in that requires a new binding, and then it will
be rewritten.

Cleaned up a few other minor things as well.

Change-Id: I100d2cb735c8c907067e0b18c6f6eda6b665e1cd
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <>
diff --git a/ b/
index 50c9a77..4b1b94f 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -7,41 +7,49 @@
 use XML::Simple;
 use mrw::Targets;
 use Getopt::Long;
+use YAML::Tiny qw(LoadFile);
+use Scalar::Util qw(looks_like_number);
-use constant VERSION => "/dts-v1/;";
-use constant ZERO_LENGTH_PROPERTY => "zero_length_property";
-#For converting MRW I2C Bus numbers to Linux relative ones.
-my %I2C_BUS_ADJUST = (
-    AST2400 => -1,
-    AST2500 => -1
+use constant {
+    VERSION => "/dts-v1/;",
+    ZERO_LENGTH_PROPERTY => "zero_length_property",
+    PRE_ROOT_INCLUDES => "pre-root-node",
+    ROOT_INCLUDES => "root-node",
+    POST_ROOT_INCLUDES => "post-root-node"
 my $serverwizFile;
+my $configFile;
 my $outputFile;
 my $debug;
 GetOptions("x=s" => \$serverwizFile,
+           "y=s" => \$configFile,
            "o=s" => \$outputFile,
            "d" => \$debug)
 or printUsage();
-if ((not defined $serverwizFile) || (not defined $outputFile)) {
+if ((not defined $serverwizFile) || (not defined $outputFile) ||
+    (not defined $configFile)) {
+my %g_configuration = %{ LoadFile($configFile) };
 my $g_targetObj = Targets->new;
 my ($g_bmc, $g_bmcModel, $g_bmcMfgr, $g_systemName);
+my $g_i2cBusAdjust = 0;
 open (my $f, ">$outputFile") or die "Could not open $outputFile\n";
-printIncludes($f, 0);
+printIncludes($f, PRE_ROOT_INCLUDES);
 printPropertyList($f, 1, "model", getSystemBMCModel());
@@ -49,12 +57,14 @@
 printNode($f, 1, "aliases", getAliases());
 printNode($f, 1, "chosen", getChosen());
-printNode($f, 1, "memory", getMemory($g_bmc));
+printNode($f, 1, "memory", getBmcMemory());
 printNodes($f, 1, getSpiFlashNodes());
 printNode($f, 1, "leds", getLEDNode());
+printIncludes($f, ROOT_INCLUDES);
 printRootNodeEnd($f, 0);
 printNodes($f, 0, getI2CNodes());
@@ -62,6 +72,8 @@
 printNodes($f, 0, getUARTNodes());
 printNodes($f, 0, getVuartNodes());
+printIncludes($f, POST_ROOT_INCLUDES);
 close $f;
 exit 0;
@@ -102,20 +114,20 @@
 sub getAliases()
     my %aliases;
-    my $name, my $val;
-    #The MRW supports up to 6 name and value pairs.
-    for (my $i = 1; $i <= 6; $i++) {
-        my $nameAttr = "name$i";
-        my $valAttr = "value$i";
+    #Get the info from the config file
-        $name = $g_targetObj->getAttributeField($g_bmc, "BMC_DT_ALIASES",
-                                                $nameAttr);
-        if ($name ne "") {
-            $val =  $g_targetObj->getAttributeField($g_bmc, "BMC_DT_ALIASES",
-                                                    $valAttr);
-            #The value will be printed as '&val'
-            $aliases{$name} = "(alias)$val";
+    if ((not exists $g_configuration{aliases}) ||
+        (keys %{$g_configuration{aliases}} == 0)) {
+        print "WARNING:  Missing or empty 'aliases' section in config file.\n";
+        return %aliases;
+    }
+    %aliases = %{ $g_configuration{aliases} };
+    #add a & reference if one is missing
+    foreach my $a (keys %aliases) {
+        if (($aliases{$a} !~ /^&/) && ($aliases{$a} !~ /^\(ref\)/)) {
+            $aliases{$a} = "(ref)$aliases{$a}";
@@ -131,202 +143,77 @@
 #   }
 sub getChosen()
-    my $bmcStdOut = $g_targetObj->getAttributeField($g_bmc, "BMC_DT_CHOSEN",
-                                                    "stdout-path");
-    my $args = $g_targetObj->getAttributeField($g_bmc, "BMC_DT_CHOSEN",
-                                              "bootargs");
     my %chosen;
-    $chosen{"stdout-path"} = $bmcStdOut;
-    $chosen{"bootargs"} = $args;
+    my @allowed = qw(bootargs stdin-path stdout-path);
+    #Get the info from the config file
+    if (not exists $g_configuration{chosen}) {
+        die "ERROR:  Missing 'chosen' section in config file.\n";
+    }
+    %chosen = %{ $g_configuration{chosen} };
+    #Check for allowed entries.  Empty is OK.
+    foreach my $key (keys %chosen) {
+        my $found = 0;
+        foreach my $good (@allowed) {
+            if ($key eq $good) {
+                $found = 1;
+            }
+        }
+        if ($found == 0) {
+            die "Invalid entry $key in 'chosen' section in config file\n";
+        }
+    }
     return %chosen;
-#Gets the nodes that represents the BMC's SPI flash chips.  They're based
-#on information from the spi-master-unit end of the connection, with
-#a subnode of information from the destination chip.
-#On ASPEED chips, they're nested under the ahb node (Advanced
-#High-performance Bus).
+#Return a hash that represents the 'memory' node.
 #Will look like:
-#   ahb {
-#     fmc@... {
-#       reg = ...
-#       #address-cells = ...
-#       #size-cells = ...
-#       #compatible = ...
-#       flash@... {
-#          reg = ...
-#          compatible = ...
-#          label = ...
-# #include ...
-#       }
-#     }
-#     spi@... {
-#     ...
-#     }
-#   }
+#  memory {
+#     reg = < base size >
+#  }
+sub getBmcMemory()
+    my %memory;
+    #Get the info from the config file
+    if (not exists $g_configuration{memory}) {
+        die "ERROR:  Missing 'memory' section in config file.\n";
+    }
+    if ((not exists $g_configuration{memory}{base}) ||
+        ($g_configuration{memory}{base} !~ /0x/)) {
+        die "ERROR:  The base entry in the memory section in the config " .
+            "file is either missing or invalid.\n";
+    }
+    if ((not exists $g_configuration{memory}{size}) ||
+        ($g_configuration{memory}{size} !~ /0x/)) {
+        die "ERROR:  The size entry in the memory section in the config " .
+            "file is either missing or invalid.\n";
+    }
+    #Future: could do more validation on the actual values
+    $memory{reg} = "<$g_configuration{memory}{base} " .
+                   "$g_configuration{memory}{size}>";
+    return %memory;
 sub getSpiFlashNodes()
-    my %parentNode, my %node, my @nodes;
-    my $lastParentNodeName = "default";
-    my $parentNodeName = "ahb";
-    my $connections = findConnections($g_bmc, "SPI", "FLASH");
-    if ($connections eq "") {
-        print "WARNING:  No SPI flashes found connected to the BMC\n";
-        return @nodes;
-    }
-    foreach my $spi (@{$connections->{CONN}}) {
-        my %unitNode; #Node for the SPI master unit
-        my %flashNode; #subnode for the flash chip itself
-        my $flashNodeName = "flash";
-        my $nodeLabel = "";
-        my @addresses;
-        #Adds a comment into the output file about the MRW connection
-        #that makes up this node.  Not that {SOURCE} always represents
-        #the master unit, and DEST_PARENT represents the destination
-        #chip.  The destination unit {DEST} isn't usually that interesting.
-        $unitNode{COMMENT} = "$spi->{SOURCE} ->\n$spi->{DEST_PARENT}";
-        #These flashes are nested in the 'ahb' (an internal chip bus)
-        #node in ASPEED chips.  Get the name of it here. Will default
-        #to 'ahb' if not set.
-        if (!$g_targetObj->isBadAttribute($spi->{SOURCE},
-                                        "INTERNAL_BUS", "NA")) {
-            $parentNodeName = $g_targetObj->getAttribute($spi->{SOURCE},
-                                                       "INTERNAL_BUS");
-            #Not going to support this unless we have to
-            if ($parentNodeName != $lastParentNodeName) {
-                die "ERROR: SPI master unit $spi->{SOURCE} has a " .
-                    "different internal bus name $parentNodeName than " .
-                    "previous name $lastParentNodeName\n";
-            }
-            else {
-                $lastParentNodeName = $parentNodeName;
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            print "WARNING: No INTERNAL_BUS attribute value found for " .
-                  "SPI flash unit $spi->{SOURCE}. Using '$parentNodeName'\n";
-        }
-        #The reg base and size of the unit will be added into
-        #the reg property
-        my $regBase = $g_targetObj->getAttribute($spi->{SOURCE},
-                                               "BMC_DT_REG_BASE");
-        my $regSize = $g_targetObj->getAttribute($spi->{SOURCE},
-                                               "BMC_DT_REG_SIZE");
-        #There is also another memory range that goes into reg
-        my %sourceRegHash = getMemory($spi->{SOURCE});
-        #Insert the regBase and regSize to the memory < ... > property
-        $unitNode{reg} = "< $regBase $regSize " . substr($sourceRegHash{reg}, 2);
-        #usually, this will be something like 'smc' or 'spi'
-        my $nodeName = "spi";
-        if (!$g_targetObj->isBadAttribute($spi->{SOURCE},
-                                        "BMC_DT_NODE_NAME")) {
-            $nodeName = $g_targetObj->getAttribute($spi->{SOURCE},
-                                                 "BMC_DT_NODE_NAME");
-        }
-        else {
-            print "WARNING: No BMC_DT_NODE_NAME attribute value found for " .
-                  "SPI flash unit $spi->{SOURCE}. Using 'spi'\n";
-        }
-        #now turn it into something like fmc@...
-        $regBase =~ s/^0x//;
-        $nodeName .= "@".$regBase;
-        if (!$g_targetObj->isBadAttribute($spi->{SOURCE},
-                                        "BMC_DT_COMPATIBLE")) {
-            $unitNode{compatible} = $g_targetObj->
-                    getAttribute($spi->{SOURCE}, "BMC_DT_COMPATIBLE");
-        }
-        else {
-            print "WARNING: No BMC_DT_COMPATIBLE attribute found for SPI " .
-                  "flash unit $spi->{SOURCE}\n";
-        }
-        #The flash chip has its one reg property as well
-        if (!$g_targetObj->isBadAttribute($spi->{DEST_PARENT},
-                                        "BMC_DT_REG_PROPERTY")) {
-            $flashNode{reg} = $g_targetObj->getAttribute($spi->{DEST_PARENT},
-                                                       "BMC_DT_REG_PROPERTY");
-            $flashNode{reg} = "<" . $flashNode{reg} . ">";
-        }
-        else {
-            print "WARNING: No BMC_REG_PROPERTY attribute found for SPI " .
-                  "flash $spi->{DEST_PARENT}.  Using <0>.\n";
-            $flashNode{reg} = "<0>";
-        }
-        if (!$g_targetObj->isBadAttribute($spi->{DEST_PARENT},
-                                        "BMC_DT_COMPATIBLE")) {
-            $flashNode{compatible} = $g_targetObj->
-                    getAttribute($spi->{DEST_PARENT}, "BMC_DT_COMPATIBLE");
-        }
-        else {
-            print "WARNING: No BMC_DT_COMPATIBLE attribute found for SPI " .
-                  "flash $spi->{DEST_PARENT}\n";
-        }
-        if (!$g_targetObj->isBadAttribute($spi->{DEST_PARENT},
-                                        "BMC_DT_LABEL_PROPERTY")) {
-            $flashNode{label} = $g_targetObj->
-                    getAttribute($spi->{DEST_PARENT}, "BMC_DT_LABEL_PROPERTY");
-        }
-        #Some flash chips have a .dtsi include to pull in more properties.
-        #Future - contents of the includes could be pulled into the MRW
-        #as new attributes.
-        if (!$g_targetObj->isBadAttribute($spi->{DEST_PARENT},
-                                        "BMC_DT_INCLUDES")) {
-            my $incs = $g_targetObj->
-                    getAttribute($spi->{DEST_PARENT}, "BMC_DT_INCLUDES");
-            #first remove the spaces and NAs
-            $incs =~ s/\s+//g;
-            $incs =~ s/NA,*//g;
-            $flashNode{DTSI_INCLUDE} = $incs;
-        }
-        #the flash subnode name also has its reg[0] appended
-        #like flash@...
-        @addresses = split(' ', $flashNode{reg});
-        $addresses[0] =~ s/<//;
-        $addresses[0] =~ s/>//;
-        $flashNodeName .= "@" . $addresses[0];
-        $unitNode{$flashNodeName} = { %flashNode };
-        #For now, just support a chip with 1 reg value
-        if (scalar @addresses == 1) {
-            $unitNode{'#address-cells'} = "<1>";
-            $unitNode{'#size-cells'} = "<0>";
-        }
-        else {
-            die "ERROR:  Unsupported number of <reg> entries " .
-                "in flash node $flashNodeName for SPI flash " .
-                "$spi->{DEST_PARENT}.  Only 1 entry supported.\n";
-        }
-        #This node will end up being in an array on the parent node
-        my %node;
-        $node{$nodeName} = { %unitNode };
-        push @nodes, { %node };
-    }
-    $parentNode{$parentNodeName}{nodes} = [ @nodes ];
-    #There is always just one in the array
-    my @finalNodes;
-    push @finalNodes, { %parentNode };
-    return @finalNodes;
+    #TODO: A new binding is coming soon that is much more simple than
+    #the previous one.  When that is available, this function will
+    #be updated to support it.  Before then, a root node include
+    #will pick up the legacy spi flash nodes.
@@ -596,7 +483,7 @@
         #Convert the number to the Linux numbering scheme.
-        $busNum = adjustI2CBusNum($busNum);
+        $busNum += $g_i2cBusAdjust;
         #Get the compatible property
         if ($g_targetObj->isBadAttribute($i2c->{DEST_PARENT},
@@ -689,55 +576,23 @@
-#Converts the I2C Bus number from the one in the MRW/schematics to the
-#kernel based number.  Usually involves subtracting 1.
-#  $num = I2C Bus number from the MRW
-sub adjustI2CBusNum()
+#Sets the global $g_i2cBusAdjust from the configuration file.
+sub getI2CBusAdjust()
-    my $num = shift;
+    if (exists $g_configuration{"i2c-bus-adjust"}) {
-    if (exists $I2C_BUS_ADJUST{$g_bmcModel}) {
-        my $op = $I2C_BUS_ADJUST{$g_bmcModel};
-        $num = $num + $op;
-    }
-    else {
-        print "WARNING: No I2C Bus number adjustment done " .
-              "for this BMC model\n";
-    }
+        $g_i2cBusAdjust = $g_configuration{"i2c-bus-adjust"};
-    return $num;
-#Returns a hash{'reg'} = "<.....>"  based on the
-#BMC_DT_MEMORY attribute.  This is used to display
-#memory ranges.
-sub getMemory()
-    my $target = shift;
-    my $memory = $g_targetObj->getAttribute($target, "BMC_DT_MEMORY");
-    my @mem = split(',', $memory);
-    my %property;
-    my $val = "< ";
-    #Encoded as 4 <base address>,<size> pairs of memory ranges
-    #Unused ranges are all 0s.
-    #For now, assumes 32 bit numbers, revisit later for 64 bit support
-    #Convert it into:  <num1 num2 num3 num4 etc>
-    for (my $i = 0;$i < scalar @mem;$i += 2) {
-        #pair is valid if size is nonzero
-        if (hex($mem[$i+1]) != 0) {
-            $val .= "$mem[$i] $mem[$i+1] ";
+        if (!looks_like_number($g_i2cBusAdjust)) {
+            die "ERROR:  Invalid i2c-bus-adjust value $g_i2cBusAdjust " .
+                "found in config file.\n";
-    $val =~ s/\s$//;
-    $val .= " >";
-    $property{reg} = $val;
-    return %property;
+    else {
+        $g_i2cBusAdjust = 0;
+        print "WARNING: No I2C Bus number adjustment done " .
+              "for this system.\n";
+    }
@@ -889,7 +744,7 @@
     print $f indent($level) . "$name = ";
     for (my $i = 0;$i < scalar @vals; $i++) {
-        print $f "\"$vals[$i]\"";
+        print $f qq("$vals[$i]");
         if ($i < (scalar(@vals) - 1)) {
             print $f ", ";
@@ -906,37 +761,37 @@
 sub printProperty()
     my ($f, $level, $name, $val) = @_;
-    my $quote = "\"";
+    my $quoteChar = qq(");
-    $val = convertAlias($val);
+    $val = convertReference($val);
     #properties with < > or single word aliases don't need quotes
     if (($val =~ /<.*>/) || ($val =~ /^&\w+$/)) {
-        $quote = "";
+        $quoteChar = "";
-    print $f indent($level) . "$name = $quote$val$quote;\n";
+    print $f indent($level) . "$name = $quoteChar$val$quoteChar;\n";
-#Prints a standalone property e.g. some-property;
+#Prints a zero length property e.g. some-property;
 #  $f = file handle
 #  $level = indent level (0,1,etc)
 #  $name = name of property
-sub printStandaloneProperty()
+sub printZeroLengthProperty()
     my ($f, $level, $name) = @_;
     print $f indent($level) . "$name;\n";
-#Replace '(alias)' with '&'.
+#Replace '(ref)' with '&'.
 #Needed because Serverwiz doesn't properly escape '&'s in the XML,
-#so the '(alias)' string is used to represent the alias
+#so the '(ref)' string is used to represent the reference
 #specifier instead of '&'.
-sub convertAlias() {
+sub convertReference() {
     my $val = shift;
-    $val =~ s/\(alias\)/&/g;
+    $val =~ s/\(ref\)/&/g;
     return $val
@@ -965,48 +820,48 @@
 #Prints the #include line for pulling in an include file.
+#The files to include come from the configuration file.
 #  $f = file handle
-#  $level = indent level (0,1,etc)
+#  $type = include type
 sub printIncludes()
-    my ($f, $level) = @_;
-    my @includes = getIncludes($g_bmc);
+    my ($f, $type) = @_;
+    my @includes = getIncludes($type);
     foreach my $i (@includes) {
         #if a .dtsi, gets " ", otherwise < >
         if ($i =~ /\.dtsi$/) {
-            $i = "\"" . $i . "\"";
+            $i = qq("$i");
         else {
-            $i = "<" . $i . ">";
+            $i = "<$i>";
-        print $f indent($level) . "#include $i;\n";
+        print $f "#include $i\n";
-#Returns an array of includes from the BMC_DT_INCLUDES attribute
-#on the target passed in.
-#  $target = the target to get the includes from
+#Returns an array of include files found in the config file
+#for the type specified.
+# $type = the include type, which is the section name in the
+#         YAML configuration file.
 sub getIncludes()
-    my $target = shift;
+    my $type = shift;
     my @includes;
-    if (!$g_targetObj->isBadAttribute($target, "BMC_DT_INCLUDES")) {
-        my $attr = $g_targetObj->getAttribute($target, "BMC_DT_INCLUDES");
-        $attr =~ s/\s+//g; #remove whitespace
-        $attr =~ s/NA,*//g; #remove the NAs
-        my @incs = split(',', $attr);
+    #The config file may have a section but no includes
+    #listed in it, which is OK.
+    if ((exists $g_configuration{includes}{$type}) &&
+        (ref($g_configuration{includes}{$type}) eq "ARRAY")) {
-        foreach my $i (@incs) {
-            push @includes, $i
-        }
+        @includes = @{$g_configuration{includes}{$type}};
     return @includes;
 #Appends the first value of the 'reg' property
 #passed in to the name passed in to create the
 #full name for the node
@@ -1033,7 +888,7 @@
 #  $f = file handle
 sub printRootNodeStart() {
     my $f = shift;
-    print $f "\\ \{\n";
+    print $f qq(/ {\n);
@@ -1042,7 +897,7 @@
 #  $level = indent level (0,1,etc)
 sub printRootNodeEnd() {
     my ($f, $level) = @_;
-    print $f indent($level)."\};\n";
+    print $f indent($level).qq(};\n);
@@ -1120,6 +975,7 @@
 sub printUsage
-    print " -x [XML filename] -o [output filename]\n";
+    print " -x [XML filename] -y [yaml config file] " .
+          "-o [output filename]\n";