Generate LED Group YAML file from MRW

This PERL parser walks the MRW and generates the YAML file describing
the LED group definition. It walks the targetInstances having LED as
MRW type and creates groups. It also walks all the Inventory targets
and creates the groups for the ones that do not have an associated LED

Fixes openbmc/openbmc#803

Change-Id: Ib73358c6e028059ec9a2d92ebcc0b4d5aed4cfb7
Signed-off-by: Vishwanatha Subbanna <>
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5530578
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use mrw::Targets; # Set of APIs allowing access to parsed ServerWiz2 XML output
+use mrw::Inventory; # To get list of Inventory targets
+use Getopt::Long; # For parsing command line arguments
+use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); # Dumping blob
+# Globals
+my $force           = 0;
+my $serverwizFile  = "";
+my $debug           = 0;
+my $outputFile     = "";
+my $verbose         = 0;
+# Command line argument parsing
+"f"   => \$force,             # numeric
+"i=s" => \$serverwizFile,    # string
+"o=s" => \$outputFile,       # string
+"d"   => \$debug,
+"v"   => \$verbose,
+or printUsage();
+if (($serverwizFile eq "") or ($outputFile eq ""))
+    printUsage();
+# Hashmap of all the LED groups with the properties
+my %hashGroup;
+# hash of targets to Names that have the FRU Inventory instances
+my %invHash;
+# Array of Enclosure Fault LED names. These are generally
+# front-fault-led and rear-fault-led
+my @encFaults;
+# API used to access parsed XML data
+my $targetObj = Targets->new;
+if($verbose == 1)
+    $targetObj->{debug} = 1;
+if($force == 1)
+    $targetObj->{force} = 1;
+print "Loaded MRW XML: $serverwizFile \n";
+# Iterate over Inventory and get all the Inventory targets.
+my @inventory = Inventory::getInventory($targetObj);
+for my $item (@inventory)
+    # Target to Obmc_Name hash.
+    $invHash{$item->{TARGET}} = $item->{OBMC_NAME};
+# For debugging purpose.
+printDebug("\nList of Inventory targets\n");
+foreach my $key (sort keys %invHash)
+    printDebug("$invHash{$key}\n");
+# Process all the targets in the XML. If the target is associated with a FRU,
+# then remember it so that when we do the FRU inventory lookup, we know if
+# that Inventory has a LED associated with it or not.
+foreach my $target (sort keys %{$targetObj->getAllTargets()})
+    # Some the target instances may *not* have this MRW_TYPE attribute.
+    if($targetObj->isBadAttribute($target, "MRW_TYPE"))
+    {
+        next;
+    }
+    # Return true if not populated -or- not present
+    if("LED" eq $targetObj->getMrwType($target))
+    {
+        # Just for clarity.
+        my $ledTarget = $target;
+        # OBMC_NAME field of the FRU
+        # fruPath ex /system/chassis/motherboard/dimm1
+        # device "dimm1"
+        my $fruPath = '';
+        my $device = '';
+        # Get if this LED is a ENC-FAULT type.
+        if(!$targetObj->isBadAttribute($target, "LED_TYPE"))
+        {
+            if("ENC-FAULT" eq $targetObj->getAttribute($ledTarget, "LED_TYPE"))
+            {
+                push @encFaults, $targetObj->getInstanceName($ledTarget);
+            }
+        }
+        # Find if this LED is associated with a FRU.
+        # Example, FAN will have LED on that assembly.
+        my $conns = $targetObj->findConnections($ledTarget, "LOGICAL_ASSOCIATION");
+        if ($conns ne "")
+        {
+            # This LED is associated with a FRU
+            for my $conn (@{$conns->{CONN}})
+            {
+                my $destTarget = $conn->{DEST_PARENT};
+                # If we have found this, then that means, we do not need to
+                # hand cook a group name. delete this value from the inventory
+                # array
+                if(exists($invHash{$destTarget}))
+                {
+                    # This will remove a particular {key, value} pair
+                    $fruPath = $invHash{$destTarget};
+                    printDebug("$destTarget : $fruPath is having associated LED\n");
+                    delete ($invHash{$destTarget});
+                }
+            }
+            # fetch FruName from the device path
+            $device = getFruName($fruPath);
+            printDebug("$target; $device has device\n");
+        }
+        if($targetObj->isBadAttribute($ledTarget, "CONTROL_GROUPS"))
+        {
+            next;
+        }
+        # Need this to populate the table incase the device is empty
+        my $instance = $targetObj->getInstanceName($ledTarget);
+        my $controlGroup = $targetObj->getAttribute($ledTarget, "CONTROL_GROUPS");
+        #remove spaces, because serverwiz isn't good at removing them itself
+        $controlGroup =~ s/\s//g;
+        my @groups= split(',', $controlGroup);  #just a long 16x3 = 48 element list
+        for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @groups; $i += 3)
+        {
+            if (($groups[$i] ne "NA") && ($groups[$i] ne ""))
+            {
+                my $groupName = $groups[$i];
+                printDebug("$groupName\n");
+                my $blinkFreq = $groups[$i+1];
+                my $action = "'On'";
+                my $period = 0;
+                # Period in milli seconds
+                my $dutyCycle = $groups[$i+2];
+                if($blinkFreq > 0)
+                {
+                    $action = "'Blink'";
+                    $period = (1 / $blinkFreq) * 1000;
+                }
+                # Insert into hash map;
+                my $fru = ($device eq '') ? $instance : $device;
+                $hashGroup{$groupName}{$fru}{"Action"} = $action;
+                $hashGroup{$groupName}{$fru}{"Period"} = $period;
+                $hashGroup{$groupName}{$fru}{"DutyOn"} = $dutyCycle;
+            }
+        } # Walk CONTROL_GROUP
+    } # Has LED target
+} # All the targets
+# These are the FRUs that do not have associated LEDs. All of these need to be
+# mapped to some group, which will be named after this target name and the
+# elements of the group are EnclosureFaults Front and Back
+printDebug("\nFRUs that do not have associated LEDs\n");
+foreach my $key (sort keys %invHash)
+    my $device = getFruName($invHash{$key});
+    # For each of these device, the Group record would be this :
+    my $groupName = $device . "Fault";
+    printDebug("$device :: $groupName\n");
+    # Setup roll-up LEDs to the ones that are of type ENC-FAULT
+    foreach my $led (0 .. $#encFaults)
+    {
+        $hashGroup{$groupName}{$encFaults[$led]}{"Action"} = "'On'";
+        $hashGroup{$groupName}{$encFaults[$led]}{"Period"} = 0;
+        $hashGroup{$groupName}{$encFaults[$led]}{"DutyOn"} = 50;
+    }
+# Generate the yaml file
+#------------------------------------END OF MAIN-----------------------
+# Gven a '/' separated string, returns the leaf.
+# Ex: /a/b/c/d returns device=d
+sub getFruName
+    my $path = shift;
+    my $device = '';
+    my $lastSlash=rindex($path, '/');
+    $device=substr($path, $lastSlash+1);
+sub generateYamlFile
+    my $fileName = $outputFile;
+    my $groupCopy = '';
+    my $ledCopy = '';
+    open(my $fh, '>', $fileName) or die "Could not open file '$fileName' $!";
+    foreach my $group (sort keys %hashGroup)
+    {
+        if($group ne $groupCopy)
+        {
+            $groupCopy = '';
+            $ledCopy = '';
+        }
+        foreach my $led (keys %{ $hashGroup{$group} })
+        {
+            foreach my $property (keys %{ $hashGroup{$group}{$led}})
+            {
+                if($group ne $groupCopy)
+                {
+                    $groupCopy = $group;
+                    print $fh "$group:\n";
+                }
+                print $fh "    ";
+                if($led ne $ledCopy)
+                {
+                    $ledCopy = $led;
+                    print $fh "$led:\n";
+                    print $fh "    ";
+                }
+                print $fh "    ";
+                print $fh "$property:";
+                print $fh " $hashGroup{$group}{$led}{$property}\n";
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    close $fh;
+# Helper function to put debug statements.
+sub printDebug
+    my $str = shift;
+    print "DEBUG: ", $str, "\n" if $debug;
+# Usage
+sub printUsage
+    print "
+    $0 -i [XML filename] -o [Output filename] [OPTIONS]
+    -f = force output file creation even when errors
+    -d = debug mode
+    -v = verbose mode - for verbose o/p from
+PS: mrw::Targets can be found in
+    mrw::Inventory can be found in
+    \n";
+    exit(1);
+#------------------------------------END OF SUB-----------------------