Generate tach based presence detect YAML

Create to find the FRUs that use
tach readings as their presence detects, and create
the YAML definition necessary for mapping the tach
sensor readings to specific FRUs.

Change-Id: I3b3b1c4a32827b0efab2927353b0988880eaefa0
Signed-off-by: Matt Spinler <>
diff --git a/Build.PL b/Build.PL
index e62edfc..a69ee08 100644
--- a/Build.PL
+++ b/Build.PL
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
+                     '',
     pm_files => {'' => 'lib/mrw/',
                  '' => 'lib/mrw/'},
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..96e323d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+#This script generates YAML that defines the presence detects used
+#for FRUs.  Its output is used by code that determines which FRUs
+#are present in a system.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use mrw::Inventory;
+use mrw::Targets;
+use mrw::Util;
+my $serverwizFile;
+my $outputFile;
+GetOptions("i=s" => \$serverwizFile,
+           "o=s" => \$outputFile) or printUsage();
+if ((not defined $serverwizFile) ||
+    (not defined $outputFile))
+    printUsage();
+my $targets = Targets->new;
+my @inventory = Inventory::getInventory($targets);
+my %presence;
+#Future: Find other sorts of presence detects
+printYAML(\%presence, $outputFile);
+exit 0;
+#Finds FRUs and their Presence detects where a tach reading
+#is used as the presence detect, such as when a nonzero fan RPM
+#tach reading can be used to tell that a particular fan is present.
+sub findTachBasedPresenceDetects
+    my ($presence) = @_;
+    my %tachs;
+    for my $target (keys %{$targets->getAllTargets()})
+    {
+        my $connections = $targets->findConnections($target, "TACH");
+        next if ($connections eq "");
+        for my $tach (sort @{$connections->{CONN}})
+        {
+            #Because findConnections is recursive, we can hit this same
+            #connection multiple times so only use it once.
+            next if (exists $tachs{$tach->{SOURCE}}{$tach->{DEST}});
+            $tachs{$tach->{SOURCE}}{$tach->{DEST}} = 1;
+            my $fru = Util::getEnclosingFru($targets, $tach->{SOURCE});
+            my $name = Util::getObmcName(\@inventory, $fru);
+            if (not defined $name)
+            {
+                die "$target was not found in the inventory\n";
+            }
+            my $sensor = getSensor($tach->{DEST});
+            #For now, assuming only fans use tachs
+            $$presence{Tach}{$name}{type} = 'Fan';
+            #Multi-rotor fans will have > 1 sensors per FRU
+            push @{$$presence{Tach}{$name}{sensors}}, $sensor;
+        }
+    }
+#Creates the YAML representation of the data
+sub printYAML
+    my ($presence, $outputFile) = @_;
+    open (F, ">$outputFile") or die "Could not open $outputFile\n";
+    while (my ($method, $FRUs) = each(%{$presence}))
+    {
+        print F "- $method:\n";
+        while (my ($name, $data) = each(%{$FRUs}))
+        {
+            my ($prettyName) = $name =~ /\b(\w+)$/;
+            print F "  - PrettyName: $prettyName\n";
+            print F "    Inventory: $name\n";
+            print F "    Description:\n"; #purposely leaving blank.
+            print F "    Sensors:\n";
+            for my $s (@{$data->{sensors}})
+            {
+                print F "      - $s\n";
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    close F;
+#Find what hwmon will call this unit's reading by looking in
+#the child unit-hwmon-feature unit.
+sub getSensor
+    my ($unit) = @_;
+    my @hwmons = Util::getChildUnitsWithTargetType($targets,
+                                                   "unit-hwmon-feature",
+                                                   $unit);
+    die "No HWMON children found for $unit\n" unless (scalar @hwmons != 0);
+    my $name = $targets->getAttributeField($hwmons[0],
+                                           "HWMON_FEATURE",
+                                           "DESCRIPTIVE_NAME");
+    die "No HWMON name for hwmon unit $hwmons[0]\n" if ($name eq "");
+    return $name;
+sub printUsage
+    print "$0 -i [XML filename] -o [output YAML filename]\n";
+    exit(1);