build: Add meson build

Change-Id: Id01834cf0b6580b7e6f6fa195b4a547fd03222ce
Signed-off-by: William A. Kennington III <>
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa989c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+  'phosphor-networkd',
+  'cpp',
+  version: '0.1',
+  meson_version: '>=0.57.0',
+  default_options: [
+    'warning_level=3',
+    'cpp_std=c++20',
+  ])
+conf_data = configuration_data()
+conf_data.set_quoted('DEFAULT_BUSNAME', 'xyz.openbmc_project.Network')
+conf_data.set_quoted('SYSTEMD_TARGET', '')
+conf_data.set('HAVE_UBOOT_ENV', get_option('uboot-env'))
+  get_option('default-link-local-autoconf'))
+  get_option('default-ipv6-accept-ra'))
+conf_data.set('NIC_SUPPORTS_ETHTOOL', get_option('nic-ethtool'))
+conf_data.set('SYNC_MAC_FROM_INVENTORY', get_option('sync-mac'))
+conf_header = configure_file(
+  output: 'config.h',
+  configuration: conf_data)
+sdbusplus_dep = dependency('sdbusplus', required: false)
+if sdbusplus_dep.found()
+  sdbusplusplus_prog = find_program('sdbus++', native: true)
+  sdbuspp_gen_meson_prog = find_program('sdbus++-gen-meson', native: true)
+  sdbusplus_proj = subproject('sdbusplus', required: true)
+  sdbusplus_dep = sdbusplus_proj.get_variable('sdbusplus_dep')
+  sdbusplusplus_prog = sdbusplus_proj.get_variable('sdbusplusplus_prog')
+  sdbuspp_gen_meson_prog = sdbusplus_proj.get_variable('sdbuspp_gen_meson_prog')
+phosphor_dbus_interfaces_dep = dependency('phosphor-dbus-interfaces')
+phosphor_logging_dep = dependency('phosphor-logging')
+generated_sources = [ conf_header ]
+generated_others = []
+yaml_sources = []
+networkd_headers = include_directories('.', 'gen')
+  'ncsi-netlink',
+  'argument.cpp',
+  'ncsi_netlink_main.cpp',
+  'ncsi_util.cpp',
+  implicit_include_directories: false,
+  include_directories: networkd_headers,
+  dependencies: [
+    dependency('libnl-3.0'),
+    dependency('libnl-genl-3.0'),
+    phosphor_dbus_interfaces_dep,
+    phosphor_logging_dep,
+  ],
+  install: true,
+  install_dir: get_option('bindir'))
+json_dep = declare_dependency()
+if get_option('sync-mac')
+  # nlohmann_json might not have a pkg-config. It is header only so just make
+  # sure we can access the needed symbols from the header.
+  has_json = meson.get_compiler('cpp').has_header_symbol(
+    'nlohmann/json.hpp',
+    'nlohmann::json::string_t',
+    required: false)
+  if not has_json
+    json_dep = dependency(
+      'nlohmann_json',
+      fallback: ['nlohmann_json', 'nlohmann_json_dep'],
+      required: true)
+  endif
+networkd_deps = [
+  json_dep,
+  phosphor_dbus_interfaces_dep,
+  phosphor_logging_dep,
+  sdbusplus_dep,
+  dependency('sdeventplus', fallback: ['sdeventplus', 'sdeventplus_dep']),
+  dependency('stdplus', fallback: ['stdplus', 'stdplus_dep']),
+networkd_lib = static_library(
+  'networkd',
+  generated_sources,
+  'ethernet_interface.cpp',
+  'neighbor.cpp',
+  'ipaddress.cpp',
+  'netlink.cpp',
+  'network_config.cpp',
+  'network_manager.cpp',
+  'system_configuration.cpp',
+  'util.cpp',
+  'routing_table.cpp',
+  'config_parser.cpp',
+  'dhcp_configuration.cpp',
+  'vlan_interface.cpp',
+  'rtnetlink_server.cpp',
+  'dns_updater.cpp',
+  'watch.cpp',
+  implicit_include_directories: false,
+  include_directories: networkd_headers,
+  dependencies: networkd_deps)
+networkd_dep = declare_dependency(
+  sources: generated_sources,
+  dependencies: networkd_deps,
+  include_directories: networkd_headers,
+  link_with: networkd_lib)
+  'phosphor-network-manager',
+  'network_manager_main.cpp',
+  implicit_include_directories: false,
+  dependencies: networkd_dep,
+  install: true,
+  install_dir: get_option('bindir'))
+  input: '',
+  output: 'xyz.openbmc_project.Network.service',
+  configuration: conf_data,
+  install: true,
+  install_dir: dependency('systemd').get_variable(
+    pkgconfig: 'systemdsystemunitdir'))
+  input: '',
+  output: 'xyz.openbmc_project.Network.conf',
+  configuration: conf_data,
+  install: true,
+  install_dir: get_option('datadir') / 'dbus-1' / 'system.d')
+if not get_option('tests').disabled()
+  subdir('test')