delete deprecated python scripts
Signed-off-by: Patrick Williams <>
Change-Id: Iec8242bcdde32af88c4cd0e243f976a6b770e500
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index 05ca191..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from subprocess import call
-import sys
-import subprocess
-import dbus
-import string
-import socket
-import os
-import fcntl
-import time
-import glib
-import gobject
-import dbus.service
-import dbus.mainloop.glib
-DBUS_NAME = 'org.openbmc.LogManager'
-ERRL_INTF_NAME = 'org.openbmc.Errl'
-SRVC_INTF_NAME = 'org.openbmc.Service'
-OBJ_NAME_RSYSLOG = '/org/openbmc/LogManager/rsyslog'
- Object Path > /org/openbmc/LogManager/rsyslog
- Interface:Method > org.openbmc.Service.Enable dict:string:string
- Interface:Method > org.openbmc.Service.Disable
-class JournalUtils ():
- def _isvalidip(self, family, ipaddr):
- if family == socket.AF_INET:
- try:
- socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET, ipaddr)
- except AttributeError: # no inet_pton here, sorry
- try:
- socket.inet_aton(ipaddr)
- except socket.error:
- return False
- return ipaddr.count('.') == 3
- except socket.error: # not a valid address
- return False
- return True
- elif family == socket.AF_INET6:
- try:
- socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, ipaddr)
- except socket.error: # not a valid address
- return False
- return True
- else: return False
-class Rsyslog (dbus.service.Object):
- def __init__(self, bus, name):
- self.bus = bus
- = name
- dbus.service.Object.__init__(self,bus,name)
- @dbus.service.method(dbus.PROPERTIES_IFACE, "ss", "v")
- def Get(self, iface, ppty):
- return self.GetAll(iface)[ppty]
- @dbus.service.method(dbus.PROPERTIES_IFACE, 's', 'a{sv}')
- def GetAll(self, iface):
- if iface == ERRL_INTF_NAME:
- status, remote_ip, remote_port = self.Status()
- return {'status': status, 'ipaddr': remote_ip, 'port': remote_port }
- else:
- raise dbus.exceptions.DBusException('org.openbmc.UnknownInterface',
- 'This object does not implement the %s interface' % iface)
- @dbus.service.method(SRVC_INTF_NAME, "a{sv}", "x")
- def Enable (self, argv_dict):
- remote_ip = ""
- remote_port = 0
- params = len (argv_dict)
- if params > 2 : ValueError("Invalid Parameters")
- for property_name in argv_dict:
- if property_name == "ipaddr":
- remote_ip = argv_dict [property_name]
- elif property_name == "port":
- remote_port = argv_dict [property_name]
- else:
- raise ValueError("Invalid Argument: IP Address/Port expected.")
- if not remote_ip:
- cur_remote = self._GetConfig ('Remote')
- if not cur_remote:
- raise ValueError("Invalid Remote Syslog IP Address")
- else:
- cur_remote = cur_remote[3:]
- remote_ip, port_str = cur_remote.split (":")
- remote_port = int(port_str)
- if not util._isvalidip (socket.AF_INET, remote_ip): raise ValueError, "Malformed IP Address"
- if not remote_port : remote_port = 514
- if remote_port > 65535 : raise ValueError("Invalid Remote Syslog Port")
- remote_addr = remote_ip + ":" + str(remote_port)
- r = self._ModifyService('Remote', remote_addr)
- cur_options = self._GetConfig ('Options')
- new_options = self._GetOptions()
- if cur_options != new_options:
- r = self._ModifyService('Options', new_options)
- r = self._RestartService ()
- return r
- @dbus.service.method(SRVC_INTF_NAME, "as", "x")
- def Disable (self, argv_list):
- params = len (argv_list)
- if params : ValueError("Invalid Parameters")
- remote = self._GetConfig ('Remote')
- if not remote : return 0
- r = self._ModifyService('Options', '-C') # FIXME: Restore current options minus the remote.
- r = self._RestartService ()
- return r
- def Status (self):
- remote = self._GetConfig ('Remote')
- if not remote : return ("Disabled", "", 0)
- cur_remote = remote[3:]
- remote_ip, remote_port = cur_remote.split (":")
- options = self._GetConfig ('Options')
- if not options : return ("Disabled", remote_ip, remote_port)
- if remote in options : return ("Enabled", remote_ip, remote_port)
- return ("Disabled", remote_ip, remote_port)
- def _ModifyService (self, opt, val):
- if not os.path.isfile(syslog_service_bbx_file):
- r = call (["cp", syslog_service_lib_file, syslog_service_bbx_file])
- r = call (["ln", "-s", syslog_service_bbx_file, syslog_service_cfg_file])
- if not os.path.isfile(syslog_service_env_file):
- env_file = open(syslog_service_env_file, 'w')
- env_file.write ("OPTIONS=\"-C\"")
- env_file.close()
- if opt not in OptionKeys: raise ValueError("Invalid Option")
- self._ModifyParam (opt, val)
- return 0
- def _StopService (self):
- r = call (["systemctl", "stop", "syslog"])
- r = call (["systemctl", "--no-reload", "kill", "syslog"])
- return r
- def _StartService (self):
- r = call (["systemctl", "daemon-reload"])
- r = call (["systemctl", "start", "syslog"])
- return r
- def _RestartService (self):
- r = self._StopService()
- r = self._StartService()
- return r
- def _ModifyParam (self, opt, val):
- env_file = open(syslog_service_env_file, 'r')
- tmp_file = open(syslog_service_tmp_file, 'w')
- optkey = OptionKeySwitchMap [opt]['key']
- for line in env_file:
- if line[0] == '#':
- tmp_file.write(line)
- continue
- curkey = line.strip().split ("=")[0]
- if curkey != optkey :
- tmp_file.write(line)
- tmp_file.write(optkey + "=\"" + OptionKeySwitchMap[opt]['switch'] + val + "\"" + "\n")
- env_file.close ()
- tmp_file.close ()
- r = call (["cp", syslog_service_tmp_file, syslog_service_env_file])
- return r
- def _GetConfig (self, opt):
- with open(syslog_service_env_file, "r") as f:
- for line in f:
- if line[0] == '#': continue
- config = line.split ("=")
- var = config [0]
- if var == OptionKeySwitchMap[opt]['key']:
- val = config [1]
- val = val[1:-2] # FIXME: Why is there a trailing space ???
- return val
- return ""
- def _GetOptions(self):
- cfg = {}
- i = 0
- for opt in OptionKeys:
- if opt == 'Options' : continue
- cfg [i] = self._GetConfig(opt)
- i+=1
- options = ''
- j = 0
- while j<i-1:
- if cfg[j] : options += cfg [j]
- j+=1
- return options
-def main():
- dbus.mainloop.glib.DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True)
- bus = dbus.SystemBus()
- name = dbus.service.BusName(DBUS_NAME, bus)
- global util
- global rsys
- global syslog_service_lib_file
- global syslog_service_bbx_file
- global syslog_service_cfg_file
- global syslog_service_env_file
- global syslog_service_tmp_file
- global OptionKeys
- global OptionKeySwitchMap
- OptionKeys = ['Options', 'Outfile', 'Priority', 'Smaller', 'RotateSize', 'RotateNum', 'Remote', 'LocalAndNet', 'DropDup', 'SharedMem', 'ConfFile', 'MarkTime', 'Printk']
- OptionKeySwitchMap = {
- 'Options' : { 'switch' : "", 'key' : "OPTIONS" },
- 'Outfile' : { 'switch' : "-O ", 'key' : "OBMC_SYSLOG_OUTFILE" },
- 'Priority' : { 'switch' : "-O ", 'key' : "OBMC_SYSLOG_PRIORITY" },
- 'Smaller' : { 'switch' : "-S ", 'key' : "OBMC_SYSLOG_SMALLER" },
- 'RotateSize' : { 'switch' : "-s ", 'key' : "OBMC_SYSLOG_ROTATESIZE" },
- 'RotateNum' : { 'switch' : "-b ", 'key' : "OBMC_SYSLOG_ROTATENUM" },
- 'Remote' : { 'switch' : "-R ", 'key' : "OBMC_SYSLOG_REMOTE" },
- 'LocalAndNet' : { 'switch' : "-L ", 'key' : "OBMC_SYSLOG_LOCALNET" },
- 'DropDup' : { 'switch' : "-D ", 'key' : "OBMC_SYSLOG_DROPDUP" },
- 'SharedMem' : { 'switch' : "-C ", 'key' : "OBMC_SYSLOG_SHAREDMEM" },
- 'ConfFile' : { 'switch' : "-f ", 'key' : "OBMC_SYSLOG_CONFFILE" },
- 'MarkTime' : { 'switch' : "-m ", 'key' : "OBMC_SYSLOG_MARKTIME" },
- 'Printk' : { 'switch' : "-K ", 'key' : "OBMC_SYSLOG_PRINTK" }
- }
- syslog_service_lib_file = '/lib/systemd/system/busybox-syslog.service'
- syslog_service_bbx_file = '/etc/systemd/system/busybox-syslog.service'
- syslog_service_cfg_file = '/etc/systemd/system/syslog.service'
- syslog_service_env_file = '/etc/default/busybox-syslog'
- syslog_service_tmp_file = '/tmp/busybox-syslog.tmp'
- util = JournalUtils ()
- rsys = Rsyslog (bus, OBJ_NAME_RSYSLOG)
- mainloop = gobject.MainLoop()
- print("Started")
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index e419ab6..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,513 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from subprocess import call, Popen, PIPE
-from IPy import IP
-import sys
-import subprocess
-import dbus
-import string
-import socket
-import re
-import os
-import fcntl
-import glib
-import gobject
-import dbus.service
-import dbus.mainloop.glib
-from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
-import glob
-import obmc.mapper
-#MAC address mask for locally administered.
-MAC_LOCAL_ADMIN_MASK = 0x20000000000
-DBUS_NAME = 'org.openbmc.NetworkManager'
-OBJ_NAME = '/org/openbmc/NetworkManager/Interface'
-INV_INTF_NAME = 'xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item.NetworkInterface'
-INVENTORY_ROOT = '/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory'
-network_providers = {
- 'networkd' : {
- 'bus_name' : 'org.freedesktop.network1',
- 'ip_object_name' : '/org/freedesktop/network1/network/default',
- 'hw_object_name' : '/org/freedesktop/network1/link/_31',
- 'ip_if_name' : 'org.freedesktop.network1.Network',
- 'hw_if_name' : 'org.freedesktop.network1.Link',
- 'method' : 'org.freedesktop.network1.Network.SetAddr'
- },
- 'NetworkManager' : {
- 'bus_name' : 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager',
- 'ip_object_name' : '/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager',
- 'hw_object_name' : '/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager',
- 'ip_if_name' : 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager',
- 'hw_if_name' : 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager',
- 'method' : 'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager' # FIXME:
- },
-def getPrefixLen(mask):
- prefixLen = sum([bin(int(x)).count('1') for x in mask.split('.')])
- return prefixLen
-# Enable / Disable the UseDHCP setting in .network file
-def modifyNetConfig(confFile, usentp):
- parser = SafeConfigParser()
- parser.optionxform = str
- sections = parser.sections()
- if "Match" not in sections:
- raise NameError, "[Match] section not found"
- interface = parser.get('Match', 'Name')
- if interface == '':
- raise NameError, "Invalid interface"
- if "DHCP" not in sections:
- parser.add_section("DHCP")
- if usentp.lower() == "yes":
- parser.set('DHCP', 'UseNTP', "true")
- elif usentp.lower() == "no":
- parser.set('DHCP', 'UseNTP', "false")
- print "Updating" + confFile + '\n'
- with open(confFile, 'wb') as configfile:
- parser.write(configfile)
- rc = call(["ip", "addr", "flush", interface])
- rc = call(["systemctl", "restart", "systemd-networkd.service"])
- rc = call(["systemctl", "try-restart", "systemd-timesyncd.service"])
- return rc
-# Get Mac address from the eeprom
-def get_mac_from_eeprom():
- bus = dbus.SystemBus()
- mapper = obmc.mapper.Mapper(bus)
- # Get the inventory subtree, limited
- # to objects that implement NetworkInterface.
- for path, info in \
- mapper.get_subtree(
- interfaces=[INV_INTF_NAME]).iteritems():
- # Find a NetworkInterface with 'bmc' in the path.
- if 'bmc' not in path:
- continue
- # Only expecting a single service to implement
- # NetworkInterface. Get the service connection
- # from the mapper response
- conn = info.keys()[0]
- # Get the inventory object implementing NetworkInterface.
- obj = bus.get_object(conn, path)
- # Get the MAC address
- mproxy = obj.get_dbus_method('Get', dbus.PROPERTIES_IFACE)
- return mproxy(INV_INTF_NAME, MAC_PROPERTY)
-class IfAddr ():
- def __init__ (self, family, scope, flags, prefixlen, addr, gw):
- = family
- self.scope = scope
- self.flags = flags
- self.prefixlen = prefixlen
- self.addr = addr
- = gw
-class NetMan (dbus.service.Object):
- def __init__(self, bus, name):
- self.bus = bus
- = name
- dbus.service.Object.__init__(self,bus,name)
- def setNetworkProvider(self, provider):
- self.provider = provider
- def _isvaliddev(self, device):
- devices = os.listdir ("/sys/class/net")
- if not device in devices : return False
- else: return True
- def _ishwdev (self, device):
- f = open ("/sys/class/net/"+device+"/type")
- type =
- return False if (int(type) == 772) else True
- def _isvalidmask (self, mask):
- for x in mask.split('.'):
- try:
- y = int(x)
- except:
- return False
- if y > 255: return False
- return mask.count('.') == 3
- def validatemac(self, mac):
- macre = '([a-fA-F0-9]{2}[:|\-]?){6}'
- if re.compile(macre).search(mac) is None:
- raise ValueError("Malformed MAC address")
- # Don't allow Broadcast or global unique mac
- int_mac = int(mac.replace(":", ""), 16)
- if not (int_mac ^ BROADCAST_MAC):
- raise ValueError("Given Mac is BroadCast Mac Address")
- if not int_mac & MAC_LOCAL_ADMIN_MASK:
- eep_mac = get_mac_from_eeprom()
- if eep_mac:
- int_eep_mac = int(eep_mac, 16)
- if int_eep_mac != int_mac:
- raise ValueError("Given MAC address is neither a local Admin type \
- nor is same as in eeprom")
- def _isvalidipv4(self, ipstr, netmask):
- ip_parts = ipstr.split(".")
- if len(ip_parts) != 4:
- return "Malformed"
- first, second, third, fourth = [int(part) for part in ip_parts]
- if first == 0 and second == 0 and third == 0 and fourth == 0:
- return "Invalid" # "this" network disallowed
- if first == 169 and second == 254:
- return "Link Local"
- if first >= 224:
- return "Invalid" # class D multicast and class E disallowed
- if first == 192 and second == 88 and third == 99:
- return "Invalid" # ipv6 relay
- # check validity against netmask
- if netmask != '0':
- ip_bin = (first << 24) + (second << 16) + (third << 8) + fourth
- mask_parts = netmask.split(".")
- if len(mask_parts) == 4: # long form netmask
- mask_bin = (int(mask_parts[0]) << 24) + (int(mask_parts[1]) << 16) + (int(mask_parts[2]) << 8) + int(mask_parts[3])
- elif netmask.count(".") == 0: # short form netmask
- mask_bin = 0xffffffff ^ (1 << 32 - int(netmask)) - 1
- else:
- return "Malformed" # bad netmask
- if ip_bin & ~mask_bin == 0:
- return "Invalid" # disallowed by this netmask
- if ip_bin | mask_bin == 0xFFFFFFFF:
- return "Invalid" # disallowed by this netmask
- return "Valid"
- def _isvalidip(self, ipaddr, netmask = '0'):
- try:
- ip = IP(ipaddr)
- except ValueError:
- return "Malformed"
- ipstr = ip.strNormal(0)
- ipstr_masked = ip.strNormal(2)
- if ipstr_masked.count("/") != 0 and netmask == '0':
- netmask = ipstr_masked.split("/")[1]
- if ip.version() == 4: # additional checks for ipv4
- return self._isvalidipv4(ipstr, netmask)
- # TODO: check ipv6 openbmc/openbmc#496
- return "Valid"
- def _getAddr (self, target, device):
- netprov = network_providers [self.provider]
- bus_name = netprov ['bus_name']
- if (target == "ip"):
- ipaddr = ""
- defgw = ""
- prefixlen = "0"
- proc = subprocess.Popen(["ip", "addr", "show", "dev", device], stdout=PIPE)
- procout = proc.communicate()
- if procout:
- ipout = procout[0].splitlines()[2].strip()
- ipaddr,prefixlen = ipout.split ()[1].split("/")
- proc = subprocess.Popen(["ip", "route", "show", "dev", device, "default", ""], stdout=PIPE)
- procout = proc.communicate()
- if procout[0]:
- ipout = procout[0].splitlines()[0].strip()
- defgw = ipout.split ()[2]
- return 2, int(prefixlen), ipaddr, defgw
- if (target == "mac"):
- proc = subprocess.Popen(["ip", "link", "show", "dev", device], stdout=PIPE)
- ipout = proc.communicate()[0].splitlines()[1].strip()
- mac = ipout.split ()[1]
- return mac
- def _checkNetworkForRequiredFields(self, device):
- parser = SafeConfigParser()
- parser.optionxform = str
-"/etc/systemd/network/00-bmc-" + device + ".network")
- sections = parser.sections()
- if "Match" not in sections:
- parser.add_section("Match")
- parser.set("Match", "Name", device)
- if "Network" not in sections:
- parser.add_section("Network")
- if "Link" not in sections:
- parser.add_section("Link")
- mac = self._getAddr("mac", device)
- try:
- self.validatemac(mac)
- parser.set("Link", MAC_PROPERTY, mac)
- except ValueError as e:
- print("System MAC Address invalid:" + e)
- return parser
- def _upDownNetworkService(self, device, mac=None):
- print "Restarting networkd service..."
- subprocess.check_call(["ip", "link", "set", "dev", device, "down"])
- if mac is not None:
- subprocess.check_call(["fw_setenv", "ethaddr", mac])
- subprocess.check_call(
- ["ip", "link", "set", "dev", device, "address", mac])
- subprocess.check_call(
- ["systemctl", "restart", "systemd-networkd.service"])
- return 0
- @dbus.service.method(DBUS_NAME, "sas", "x")
- def SetNtpServer (self, device, ntpservers):
- if not self._isvaliddev (device) : raise ValueError, "Invalid Device"
- # Convert the array into space separated value string
- ntp_ip = " ".join(ntpservers)
- if not ntp_ip : raise ValueError, "Invalid Data"
- confFile = "/etc/systemd/network/00-bmc-" + device + ".network"
- parser = SafeConfigParser()
- parser.optionxform = str
- sections = parser.sections()
- if "Match" not in sections:
- raise NameError, "[Match] section not found"
- interface = parser.get('Match', 'Name')
- if interface != device:
- raise ValueError, "Device [" + device + "] Not Configured"
- if "Network" not in sections:
- raise NameError, "[Network] section not found"
- parser.set('Network', 'NTP', ntp_ip)
- print "Updating " + confFile + '\n'
- with open(confFile, 'wb') as configfile:
- parser.write(configfile)
- rc = call(["ip", "addr", "flush", device])
- rc = call(["systemctl", "restart", "systemd-networkd.service"])
- rc = call(["systemctl", "try-restart", "systemd-timesyncd.service"])
- return rc
- @dbus.service.method(DBUS_NAME, "s", "x")
- def UpdateUseNtpField (self, usentp):
- filelist = glob.glob("/etc/systemd/network/*.network")
- for configfile in filelist:
- modifyNetConfig(configfile,usentp)
- return 0
- @dbus.service.method(DBUS_NAME, "s", "x")
- def EnableDHCP(self, device):
- if not self._isvaliddev(device):
- raise ValueError("Invalid Device")
- parser = self._checkNetworkForRequiredFields(device)
- parser.set("Network", "DHCP", "yes")
- if "DHCP" not in parser.sections():
- parser.add_section("DHCP")
- parser.set("DHCP", "ClientIdentifier", "mac")
- # Write to config file
- with open("/etc/systemd/network/00-bmc-" + device + ".network", 'w') \
- as configfile:
- parser.write(configfile)
- return (subprocess.check_call(
- ["systemctl", "restart", "systemd-networkd.service"]))
- @dbus.service.method(DBUS_NAME, "ssss", "x")
- def SetAddress4(self, device, ipaddr, netmask, gateway):
- if not self._isvaliddev(device): raise ValueError, "Invalid Device"
- if not self._isvalidmask(netmask): raise ValueError, "Invalid Mask"
- prefixLen = getPrefixLen(netmask)
- if prefixLen == 0: raise ValueError, "Invalid Mask"
- valid = self._isvalidip(ipaddr, netmask)
- if valid != "Valid": raise ValueError, valid + " IP Address"
- valid = self._isvalidip(gateway)
- if valid != "Valid": raise ValueError, valid + " IP Address"
- parser = self._checkNetworkForRequiredFields(device)
- parser.set("Network", "DHCP", "no")
- parser.set("Network", "Address", '{}/{}'.format(ipaddr, prefixLen))
- parser.set("Network", "Gateway", gateway)
- with open("/etc/systemd/network/00-bmc-" + device + ".network", 'w') \
- as configfile:
- parser.write(configfile)
- return (subprocess.check_call(
- ["systemctl", "restart", "systemd-networkd.service"]))
- @dbus.service.method(DBUS_NAME, "s", "s")
- def GetAddressType (self, device):
- if not self._isvaliddev (device) : raise ValueError, "Invalid Device"
- confFile = "/etc/systemd/network/00-bmc-" + device + ".network"
- if not os.path.exists(confFile):
- print "Config file (%s) not found !" % confFile
- netprov = network_providers [self.provider]
- bus_name = netprov ['bus_name']
- obj_name = netprov ['ip_object_name']
- o = self.bus.get_object(bus_name, obj_name, introspect=False)
- i = dbus.Interface(o, 'org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties')
- f = i.Get (netprov ['ip_if_name'], "SourcePath")
- print "Using default networkd config file (%s)" % f
- confFile = f
- parser = self._checkNetworkForRequiredFields(device)
- if parser.has_option("Network", "DHCP") is True:
- mode = parser.get("Network", "DHCP")
- else:
- return "Unknown"
- setting = {
- 'yes': 'DHCP',
- 'true': 'DHCP',
- 'no': 'STATIC'
- }
- setting.get(mode.lower(), "Unknown")
- return setting
- #family, prefixlen, ip, defgw
- @dbus.service.method(DBUS_NAME, "s", "iyss")
- def GetAddress4 (self, device):
- if not self._isvaliddev (device) : raise ValueError, "Invalid Device"
- return self._getAddr ("ip", device)
- @dbus.service.method(DBUS_NAME, "s", "s")
- def GetHwAddress (self, device):
- if not self._isvaliddev (device) : raise ValueError, "Invalid Device"
- return self._getAddr ("mac", device)
- @dbus.service.method(DBUS_NAME, "ss", "i")
- def SetHwAddress (self, device, mac):
- if not self._isvaliddev (device) : raise ValueError, "Invalid Device"
- if not self._ishwdev (device) : raise ValueError, "Not a Hardware Device"
- self.validatemac(mac)
- parser = self._checkNetworkForRequiredFields(device)
- parser.set("Link", MAC_PROPERTY, mac)
- with open("/etc/systemd/network/00-bmc-" + device + ".network", 'w') as configfile:
- parser.write(configfile)
- rc =["fw_setenv", "ethaddr", mac])
- print("Restarting networkd service...")
- rc = call(["ip", "link", "set", "dev", device, "down"])
- rc = call(["ip", "link", "set", "dev", device, "address", mac])
- rc = call(["ip", "link", "set", "dev", device, "up"])
- rc = call(["systemctl", "restart", "systemd-networkd.service"])
- return rc
- #string of nameservers
- @dbus.service.method(DBUS_NAME,"s", "s")
- def SetNameServers (self, nameservers):
- dns_entry = nameservers.split()
- fail_msg = ''
- dhcp_auto = False
- file_opened = False
- if len(dns_entry) > 0:
- for dns in dns_entry:
- valid = self._isvalidip (dns)
- if valid != "Valid":
- if dns == "DHCP_AUTO=":
- #This DNS is supplied by DHCP.
- dhcp_auto = True
- else:
- print valid + " DNS Address [" + dns + "]"
- fail_msg = fail_msg + '[' + dns + ']'
- else:
- #Only over write on a first valid input
- if file_opened == False:
- resolv_conf = open("/etc/resolv.conf",'w')
- file_opened = True
- if dhcp_auto == True:
- resolv_conf.write("### Generated automatically via DHCP ###\n")
- else:
- resolv_conf.write("### Generated manually via dbus settings ###\n")
- dns_ip = 'nameserver ' + dns + '\n'
- resolv_conf.write(dns_ip)
- if file_opened == True:
- resolv_conf.close()
- else:
- raise ValueError, "Invalid DNS entry"
- if len(fail_msg) > 0:
- return 'Failures encountered processing' + fail_msg
- else:
- return "DNS entries updated Successfully"
- @dbus.service.method(DBUS_NAME, "s", "x")
- def SetHostname(self, hostname):
- subprocess.check_call(["hostnamectl", "set-hostname", hostname])
- subprocess.check_call(
- ["systemctl", "restart", "systemd-networkd.service"])
- return 0
- @dbus.service.method(DBUS_NAME, "", "s")
- def GetHostname(self):
- value = subprocess.check_output("hostname")
- return value.rstrip()
- @dbus.service.method(DBUS_NAME, "ss", "x")
- def SetGateway(self, device, gateway):
- if not self._isvaliddev(device):
- raise ValueError("Invalid Device")
- valid = self._isvalidip(gateway)
- if valid != "Valid":
- raise ValueError(valid + " IP Address")
- parser = self._checkNetworkForRequiredFields(device)
- if "no" not in parser.get("Network", "DHCP"):
- raise EnvironmentError("DHCP is on")
- parser.set("Network", "Gateway", gateway)
- with open("/etc/systemd/network/00-bmc-" + device + ".network", 'w') \
- as configfile:
- parser.write(configfile)
- return (subprocess.check_call(
- ["systemctl", "restart", "systemd-networkd.service"]))
- @dbus.service.method(DBUS_NAME, "s", "s")
- def GetGateway(self, device):
- if not self._isvaliddev(device):
- raise ValueError("Invalid Device")
- return self._getAddr("ip", device)[3]
-def main():
- dbus.mainloop.glib.DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True)
- bus = dbus.SystemBus()
- name = dbus.service.BusName(DBUS_NAME, bus)
- obj = NetMan (bus, OBJ_NAME)
- obj.setNetworkProvider ("networkd")
- mainloop = gobject.MainLoop()
- print("Started")
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- sys.exit(main())
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 69f5e95..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from subprocess import call
-import sys
-import subprocess
-import dbus
-import string
-import os
-import fcntl
-import time
-import pexpect
-import glib
-import gobject
-import dbus.service
-import dbus.mainloop.glib
-DBUS_NAME = 'org.openbmc.UserManager'
-INTF_NAME = 'org.openbmc.Enrol'
-OBJ_NAME_GROUPS = '/org/openbmc/UserManager/Groups'
-OBJ_NAME_GROUP = '/org/openbmc/UserManager/Group'
-OBJ_NAME_USERS = '/org/openbmc/UserManager/Users'
-OBJ_NAME_USER = '/org/openbmc/UserManager/User'
- Object Path > /org/openbmc/UserManager/Groups
- Interface:Method > org.openbmc.Enrol.GroupAddSys string:"groupname"
- Interface:Method > org.openbmc.Enrol.GroupAddUsr string:"groupname"
- Interface:Method > org.openbmc.Enrol.GroupListUsr
- Interface:Method > org.openbmc.Enrol.GroupListSys
- Object Path > /org/openbmc/UserManager/Group
- Interface:Method > org.openbmc.Enrol.GroupDel string:"groupname"
- Object Path > /org/openbmc/UserManager/Users
- Interface:Method > org.openbmc.Enrol.UserAdd string:"comment" string:"username" string:"groupname" string:"passwd"
- Interface:Method > org.openbmc.Enrol.UserList
- Object Path > /org/openbmc/UserManager/User
- Interface:Method > org.openbmc.Enrol.UserDel string:"username"
- Interface:Method > org.openbmc.Enrol.Passswd string:"username" string:"passwd"
-userman_providers = {
- 'pam' : {
- 'adduser' : 'user add',
- },
- 'ldap' : {
- 'adduser' : 'ldap command to add user',
- },
-class UserManGroups (dbus.service.Object):
- def __init__(self, bus, name):
- self.bus = bus
- = name
- dbus.service.Object.__init__(self,bus,name)
- def setUsermanProvider(self, provider):
- self.provider = provider
- @dbus.service.method(INTF_NAME, "", "")
- def test(self):
- print("TEST")
- @dbus.service.method(INTF_NAME, "s", "x")
- def GroupAddUsr (self, groupname):
- if not groupname : raise ValueError("Invalid Groupname")
- groups = self.GroupListAll ()
- if groupname in groups: raise ValueError("Group ", groupname, " Exists")
- r = call (["addgroup", groupname])
- return r
- #@dbus.service.method(INTF_NAME, "s", "x")
- def GroupAddSys (self, groupname):
- if not groupname : raise ValueError("Invalid Groupname")
- groups = self.GroupListAll ()
- if groupname in groups: raise ValueError("Group ", groupname, " Exists")
- r = call (["addgroup", "-S", groupname])
- return r
- @dbus.service.method(INTF_NAME, "", "as")
- def GroupListUsr (self):
- groupList = []
- with open("/etc/group", "r") as f:
- for grent in f:
- groupParams = grent.split (":")
- if (int(groupParams[2]) >= 1000 and int(groupParams[2]) != 65534):
- groupList.append(groupParams[0])
- return groupList
- @dbus.service.method(INTF_NAME, "", "as")
- def GroupListSys (self):
- groupList = []
- with open("/etc/group", "r") as f:
- for grent in f:
- groupParams = grent.split (":")
- if (int(groupParams[2]) > 100 and int(groupParams[2]) < 1000): groupList.append(groupParams[0])
- return groupList
- def GroupListAll (self):
- groupList = []
- with open("/etc/group", "r") as f:
- for grent in f:
- groupParams = grent.split (":")
- groupList.append(groupParams[0])
- return groupList
-class UserManGroup (dbus.service.Object):
- def __init__(self, bus, name):
- self.bus = bus
- = name
- dbus.service.Object.__init__(self,bus,name)
- def setUsermanProvider(self, provider):
- self.provider = provider
- @dbus.service.method(INTF_NAME, "", "")
- def test(self):
- print("TEST")
- @dbus.service.method(INTF_NAME, "", "x")
- def GroupDel (self, groupname):
- if not groupname : raise ValueError("Invalid Groupname")
- groups = Groupsobj.GroupListAll ()
- if groupname not in groups: raise ValueError("No such Group: ", groupname)
- r = call (["delgroup", groupname])
- return r
-class UserManUsers (dbus.service.Object):
- def __init__(self, bus, name):
- self.bus = bus
- = name
- dbus.service.Object.__init__(self,bus,name)
- def setUsermanProvider(self, provider):
- self.provider = provider
- @dbus.service.method(INTF_NAME, "", "")
- def test(self):
- print("TEST")
- @dbus.service.method(INTF_NAME, "ssss", "x")
- def UserAdd (self, gecos, username, groupname, passwd):
- if not username : raise ValueError("Invalid Username")
- users = self.UserListAll ()
- if username in users : raise ValueError("User ", username, " Exists")
- if groupname:
- groups = Groupsobj.GroupListAll ()
- if groupname not in groups: raise ValueError("No such Group: ", groupname)
- opts = ""
- if gecos: opts = " -g " + '"' + gecos + '"'
- if groupname:
- cmd = "adduser " + opts + " " + " -G " + groupname + " " + "-s /bin/sh" + " " + username
- else:
- cmd = "adduser " + opts + " " + "-s /bin/sh" + " " + username
- prompts = ['New password: ', 'Retype password: ', 'Re-enter new password: ']
- proc = pexpect.spawn (cmd)
- proc.expect (prompts)
- proc.sendline (passwd)
- proc.expect (prompts)
- proc.sendline (passwd)
- if proc.expect(prompts + [pexpect.EOF]) != len(prompts):
- proc.sendline (passwd)
- r = proc.wait()
- return r if r else 0
- @dbus.service.method(INTF_NAME, "", "as")
- def UserList (self):
- userList = []
- with open("/etc/passwd", "r") as f:
- for usent in f:
- userParams = usent.split (":")
- if (int(userParams[2]) >= 1000 and int(userParams[2]) != 65534):
- userList.append(userParams[0])
- return userList
- def UserListAll (self):
- userList = []
- with open("/etc/passwd", "r") as f:
- for usent in f:
- userParams = usent.split (":")
- userList.append(userParams[0])
- return userList
-class UserManUser (dbus.service.Object):
- def __init__(self, bus, name):
- self.bus = bus
- = name
- dbus.service.Object.__init__(self,bus,name)
- @dbus.service.method(INTF_NAME, "", "")
- def test(self):
- print("TEST")
- def setUsermanProvider(self, provider):
- self.provider = provider
- @dbus.service.method(INTF_NAME, "s", "x")
- def UserDel (self, username):
- if not username : raise ValueError("Invalid Username")
- users = Usersobj.UserList ()
- if username not in users : raise ValueError("No such User: ", username)
- r = call (["deluser", username])
- return r
- @dbus.service.method(INTF_NAME, "ss", "x")
- def Passwd (self, username, passwd):
- if not username : raise ValueError("Invalid Username")
- users = Usersobj.UserList ()
- if username not in users : raise ValueError("No such User: ", username)
- cmd = "passwd" + " " + username
- prompts = ['New password: ', 'Retype password: ', 'Re-enter new password: ']
- proc = pexpect.spawn (cmd)
- proc.expect (prompts)
- proc.sendline (passwd)
- proc.expect (prompts)
- proc.sendline (passwd)
- if proc.expect(prompts + [pexpect.EOF]) != len(prompts):
- proc.sendline (passwd)
- r = proc.wait()
- return r if r else 0
-def main():
- dbus.mainloop.glib.DBusGMainLoop(set_as_default=True)
- bus = dbus.SystemBus()
- name = dbus.service.BusName(DBUS_NAME, bus)
- global Groupsobj
- global Groupobj
- global Usersobj
- global Userobj
- Groupsobj = UserManGroups (bus, OBJ_NAME_GROUPS)
- Groupobj = UserManGroup (bus, OBJ_NAME_GROUP)
- Usersobj = UserManUsers (bus, OBJ_NAME_USERS)
- Userobj = UserManUser (bus, OBJ_NAME_USER)
- Groupsobj.setUsermanProvider ("pam")
- Groupobj.setUsermanProvider ("pam")
- Usersobj.setUsermanProvider ("pam")
- Userobj.setUsermanProvider ("pam")
- mainloop = gobject.MainLoop()
- print("Started")
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- sys.exit(main())