Added enable/disable control of the Network Interface Card

Implemented enable/disable function to perform
"ip link set eth(x) up"
"ip link set eth(x) down"
functionality from DBus.


Confirmed Redfish PATCH commands on the InterfaceEnabled property
changes the NIC state. Confirmed the NIC is DOWN/UP using "ip link".
Confirmed "ip link" state changes can be obsserved from dbus-send
commands, and from Redfish GET actions.

Confirmed the link is inactive after a reboot.

Confirmed link stays down despite assigning an IP manually.

Confirmed link stays down despite enabling DHCP.

Change-Id: I4152b53055e6546f7a6ca81b5a5eef6f689bcc66
Signed-off-by: Johnathan Mantey <>
2 files changed