Merge pull request #10 from hramasub/workitem144137

Validating user & group names prior to system call and wait() on proc…
diff --git a/ b/
index 6109582..033d3d1 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@
     Object Path > /org/openbmc/UserManager/Groups
         Interface:Method > org.openbmc.Enrol.GroupAddSys string:"groupname"
         Interface:Method > org.openbmc.Enrol.GroupAddUsr string:"groupname"
-        Interface:Method > org.openbmc.Enrol.GroupList
+        Interface:Method > org.openbmc.Enrol.GroupListUsr
+        Interface:Method > org.openbmc.Enrol.GroupListSys
     Object Path > /org/openbmc/UserManager/Group
         Interface:Method > org.openbmc.Enrol.GroupDel string:"groupname"
     Object Path > /org/openbmc/UserManager/Users
@@ -60,16 +61,26 @@
     @dbus.service.method(INTF_NAME, "s", "x")
     def GroupAddUsr (self, groupname):
+        if not groupname : return 1
+        groups = self.GroupListAll ()
+        if groupname in groups: return 1
         r = call (["addgroup", groupname])
         return r
     @dbus.service.method(INTF_NAME, "s", "x")
     def GroupAddSys (self, groupname):
+        if not groupname : return 1
+        groups = self.GroupListAll ()
+        if groupname in groups: return 1
         r = call (["addgroup", "-S", groupname])
         return 0
     @dbus.service.method(INTF_NAME, "", "as")
-    def GroupList (self):
+    def GroupListUsr (self):
         groupList = []
         with open("/etc/group", "r") as f:
             for grent in f:
@@ -78,6 +89,23 @@
         return groupList
+    @dbus.service.method(INTF_NAME, "", "as")
+    def GroupListSys (self):
+        groupList = []
+        with open("/etc/group", "r") as f:
+            for grent in f:
+                groupParams = grent.split (":")
+                if (int(groupParams[2]) > 100 and int(groupParams[2]) < 1000): groupList.append(groupParams[0])
+        return groupList
+    def GroupListAll (self):
+        groupList = []
+        with open("/etc/group", "r") as f:
+            for grent in f:
+                groupParams = grent.split (":")
+                groupList.append(groupParams[0])
+        return groupList
 class UserManGroup (dbus.service.Object):
     def __init__(self, bus, name):
         self.bus = bus
@@ -93,6 +121,11 @@
     @dbus.service.method(INTF_NAME, "", "x")
     def GroupDel (self, groupname):
+        if not groupname : return 1
+        groups = Groupsobj.GroupListAll ()
+        if groupname not in groups: return 1
         r = call (["delgroup", groupname])
         return r
@@ -111,40 +144,32 @@
     @dbus.service.method(INTF_NAME, "ssss", "x")
     def UserAdd (self, gecos, username, groupname, passwd):
+        if not username: return 1
+        users = self.UserList ()
+        if username in users : return 1
         if groupname:
-            cmd = "adduser "  + " -g "  + gecos + " -G ", groupname + " " + username
+            groups = Groupsobj.GroupListAll ()
+            if groupname not in groups: return 1
+        opts = ""
+        if gecos: opts = " -g " + '"' + gecos + '"'
+        if groupname:
+            cmd = "adduser "  + opts + " " + " -G " + groupname + " " + username
-            cmd = "adduser "  + " -g "  + gecos + username
+            cmd = "adduser "  + opts + " " + username
         proc = pexpect.spawn (cmd)
-        proc.expect ("[New password: ]")
+        proc.expect (['New password: ', 'Retype password: '])
         proc.sendline (passwd)
-        proc.expect ("[Retype password: ]")
+        proc.expect (['New password: ', 'Retype password: '])
         proc.sendline (passwd)
+        proc.wait()
         return 0
-#        if groupname:
-#            proc = subprocess.Popen(['adduser', "-g", gecos, "-G", groupname, username], shell=False, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=1)
-#        else:
-#            proc = subprocess.Popen(['adduser', "-g", gecos, username], shell=False, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=1)
-#        with proc.stdout:
-#            for prompt in iter(proc.stdout.readline, b''):
-#                proc.stdin.write(passwd)
-#        return 0
-#        proc = subprocess.Popen(['passwd', username], shell=False, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
-#        out,err = proc.communicate(passwd)
-#        out,err = proc.communicate(passwd)
-#        proc.stdin.write(passwd)
-#        proc.stdin.write(passwd)
-#        if (not err): return 0
-#        print out
-#        print err
-#        return 0
     @dbus.service.method(INTF_NAME, "", "as")
     def UserList (self):
         userList = []
@@ -170,20 +195,41 @@
     @dbus.service.method(INTF_NAME, "s", "x")
     def UserDel (self, username):
+        if not username : return 1
+        users = Usersobj.UserList ()
+        if username not in users : return 1
         r = call (["deluser", username])
         return r
     @dbus.service.method(INTF_NAME, "ss", "x")
     def Passwd (self, username, passwd):
-        r = call (["echo", "-e", passwd, "passwd", username])
-        return r
+        if not username : return 1
+        users = self.UserList ()
+        if username not in users : return 1
+        cmd = "passwd" + " " + username
+        proc = pexpect.spawn (cmd)
+        proc.expect (['New password: ', 'Retype password: '])
+        proc.sendline (passwd)
+        proc.expect (['New password: ', 'Retype password: '])
+        proc.sendline (passwd)
+        proc.wait()
+        return r
 def main():
     bus = dbus.SystemBus()
     name = dbus.service.BusName(DBUS_NAME, bus)
+    global Groupsobj
+    global Groupobj
+    global Usersobj
+    global Userobj
     Groupsobj   = UserManGroups (bus, OBJ_NAME_GROUPS)
     Groupobj    = UserManGroup  (bus, OBJ_NAME_GROUP)
     Usersobj    = UserManUsers  (bus, OBJ_NAME_USERS)