Add the network configuration helper document

Change-Id: I0b2b3e204e8c50062ae4dfcfb1c50c274264fa81
Signed-off-by: Ratan Gupta <>
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7f0e38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+# Network Management
+## Overview
+A Network Manager is a daemon which handles network management operations.
+It must implement the `xyz.openbmc_project.Network.SystemConfiguration.interface`
+and `org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager`.
+When the network manager daemon comes up, it should create objects
+implementing physical link/virtual interfaces such as
+`xyz.openbmc_project.Network.EthernetInterface` or
+`xyz.openbmc_project.Network.VLANInterface` on the system.
+IP address(v4 and v6) objects must be children objects of the
+physical/virtual interface object.
+## Interfaces
+1. SystemConfiguration: This describes the system-specific parameters.
+2. EthernetInterface: This describes the interface-specific parameters.
+3. IP: This describes the IP address-specific parameters.
+4. IPProtocol: This describes the IP protocol type (IPv4/IPv6).
+5. VLANInterface: This describes the VLAN-specific properties.
+6. Bond: This describes the interface bonding parameters.
+# DbusObjects
+## Interface Objects
+Interface objects can be physical as well as virtual.
+If the object is a physical interface, it can't be deleted,
+but if it is a virtual interface object it can be deleted.
+Example: `/xyz/openbmc_project/network/eth0`
+## IPAddress Objects
+There can be multiple IP address objects under an interface object.
+These objects can be deleted by the delete function.
+IPv4 objects will have the following D-Bus object path.
+Example: `/xyz/openbmc_project/network/eth0/ipv4/3fd41d13/`
+IPv6 objects will have the following D-Bus object path.
+Example: `/xyz/openbmc_project/network/eth0/ipv6/5dfghilp/`
+## Conf Object
+This object will have the system configuration related parameters.
+Example: `/xyz/openbmc_project/network/conf`
+# UseCases
+## Configure IP address:
+busctl call  xyz.openbmc_project.Network /xyz/openbmc_project/network/<interface> xyz.openbmc_project.Network.IP.Create IP ssys "xyz.openbmc_project.Network.IP.Protocol.IPv4" "<ip>" <subnetmask> "<networkgateway>"
+curl -c cjar -b cjar -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X  POST -d '{"data":["xyz.openbmc_project.Network.IP.Protocol.IPv4","<ip>",<subnetmask>,"<networkGateway>"]
+}' https://<hostname/ip>/xyz/openbmc_project/network/eth0/action/IP
+## Configure Default Gateway
+### Get
+busctl get-property xyz.openbmc_project.Network /xyz/openbmc_project/network/config xyz.openbmc_project.Network.SystemConfiguration DefaultGateway
+curl -c cjar -b cjar -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X  GET https://<hostname/ip>/xyz/openbmc_project/network/config/attr/DefaultGateway
+### Set
+busctl set-property xyz.openbmc_project.Network /xyz/openbmc_project/network/config xyz.openbmc_project.Network.SystemConfiguration DefaultGateway s "<DefaultGateway>"
+curl -c cjar -b cjar -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X  PUT  -d '{"data": "x.x.x.x"}' https://<hostname/ip>/xyz/openbmc_project/network/config/attr/DefaultGateway
+NOTE: Since the system does not allow unpingable gateway address, make sure the gateway address is pingable.
+## Configure HostName
+### Get
+busctl get-property xyz.openbmc_project.Network /xyz/openbmc_project/network/config xyz.openbmc_project.Network.SystemConfiguration HostName
+curl -c cjar -b cjar -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X  GET https://<hostname/ip>/xyz/openbmc_project/network/config/attr/HostName
+### Set
+busctl set-property xyz.openbmc_project.Network /xyz/openbmc_project/network/config xyz.openbmc_project.Network.SystemConfiguration HostName s "<HostName>"
+curl -c cjar -b cjar -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X  PUT  -d '{"data": "<hostname>"}' https://<hostname/ip>/xyz/openbmc_project/network/config/attr/HostName
+## Delete IP address
+busctl call xyz.openbmc_project.Network /xyz/openbmc_project/network/<interface>/ipv4/<id> xyz.openbmc_project.Object.Delete Delete
+NOTE: How to get the ipv4/id: After creating the IP address object enumerate the network interface object.
+curl -c cjar -b cjar -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE https://<hostname/ip>/xyz/openbmc_project/network/eth0/ipv4/fbfc29b
+## Configure DHCP
+### Get
+busctl get-property xyz.openbmc_project.Network /xyz/openbmc_project/network/eth0 xyz.openbmc_project.Network.EthernetInterface DHCPEnabled
+curl -c cjar -b cjar -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X  GET https://<hostname/ip>/xyz/openbmc_project/network/eth0/attr/DHCPEnabled
+### Set
+busctl set-property xyz.openbmc_project.Network /xyz/openbmc_project/network/eth0 xyz.openbmc_project.Network.EthernetInterface DHCPEnabled b 1
+curl -c cjar -b cjar -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X  PUT  -d '{"data": 1}' https://<hostname/ip>/xyz/openbmc_project/network/eth0/attr/DHCPEnabled
+## Configure MACAddress
+### Get
+busctl get-property xyz.openbmc_project.Network /xyz/openbmc_project/network/eth0 xyz.openbmc_project.Network.MACAddress MACAddress
+curl -c cjar -b cjar -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X  GET https://<hostname/ip>/xyz/openbmc_project/network/eth0/attr/MACAddress
+### Set
+NOTE: MAC address should be LOCAL ADMIN MAC (2nd bit of first byte should be on).
+busctl set-property xyz.openbmc_project.Network /xyz/openbmc_project/network/eth0 xyz.openbmc_project.Network.MACAddress MACAddress s "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX"
+curl -c cjar -b cjar -k -H "Content-Type: application/jon" -X  PUT  -d '{"data": "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX" }' https://<hostname/ip>/xyz/openbmc_project/network/eth0/attr/MACAddress
+## Network factory reset
+busctl call xyz.openbmc_project.Network /xyz/openbmc_project/network xyz.openbmc_project.Common.FactoryReset Reset
+curl -c cjar -b cjar -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":[] }' https://<hostname/ip>/xyz/openbmc_project/network/action/Reset
+## VLAN
+### Create
+curl -c cjar -b cjar -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data":["eth0",50] }' https://<hostname/ip>/xyz/openbmc_project/network/action/VLAN
+### Delete
+curl -c cjar -b cjar -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE https://<hostname/ip>/xyz/openbmc_project/network/eth0_50
+busctl call xyz.openbmc_project.Network /xyz/openbmc_project/network/eth0_50 xyz.openbmc_project.Object.Delete Delete
+### Enumerate
+curl -c cjar -b cjar -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET https://<hostname/ip>/xyz/openbmc_project/network/eth0_50/enumerate
+### Configure IP on VLAN Interface
+Please refer to the "Configure IP address" section.