test: Add dbus handler unit tests

Created unit tests for all of the object mapper dbus handlers.

Refactor the handlers to handler.cpp to allow unit testing.
Also updated to use std::set_intersection.

Change-Id: Ib87ab81f949d27f7dab55899d3e8d380e43bda04
Signed-off-by: Willy Tu <wltu@google.com>
diff --git a/src/handler.cpp b/src/handler.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a362ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/handler.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+#include "handler.hpp"
+#include "types.hpp"
+#include <xyz/openbmc_project/Common/error.hpp>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+void addObjectMapResult(std::vector<InterfaceMapType::value_type>& objectMap,
+                        const std::string& objectPath,
+                        const ConnectionNames::value_type& interfaceMap)
+    // Adds an object path/service name/interface list entry to
+    // the results of GetSubTree and GetAncestors.
+    // If an entry for the object path already exists, just add the
+    // service name and interfaces to that entry, otherwise create
+    // a new entry.
+    auto entry = std::find_if(
+        objectMap.begin(), objectMap.end(),
+        [&objectPath](const auto& i) { return objectPath == i.first; });
+    if (entry != objectMap.end())
+    {
+        entry->second.emplace(interfaceMap);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        InterfaceMapType::value_type object;
+        object.first = objectPath;
+        object.second.emplace(interfaceMap);
+        objectMap.push_back(object);
+    }
+    getAncestors(const InterfaceMapType& interfaceMap, std::string reqPath,
+                 std::vector<std::string>& interfaces)
+    // Interfaces need to be sorted for intersect to function
+    std::sort(interfaces.begin(), interfaces.end());
+    if (reqPath.ends_with("/"))
+    {
+        reqPath.pop_back();
+    }
+    if (!reqPath.empty() && interfaceMap.find(reqPath) == interfaceMap.end())
+    {
+        throw sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Common::Error::
+            ResourceNotFound();
+    }
+    std::vector<InterfaceMapType::value_type> ret;
+    for (const auto& objectPath : interfaceMap)
+    {
+        const auto& thisPath = objectPath.first;
+        if (reqPath == thisPath)
+        {
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (reqPath.starts_with(thisPath))
+        {
+            if (interfaces.empty())
+            {
+                ret.emplace_back(objectPath);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                for (const auto& interfaceMap : objectPath.second)
+                {
+                    std::vector<std::string> output(std::min(
+                        interfaces.size(), interfaceMap.second.size()));
+                    // Return iterator points at the first output elemtn,
+                    // meaning that there are no intersections.
+                    if (std::set_intersection(interfaces.begin(),
+                                              interfaces.end(),
+                                              interfaceMap.second.begin(),
+                                              interfaceMap.second.end(),
+                                              output.begin()) != output.begin())
+                    {
+                        addObjectMapResult(ret, thisPath, interfaceMap);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return ret;
+ConnectionNames getObject(const InterfaceMapType& interfaceMap,
+                          const std::string& path,
+                          std::vector<std::string>& interfaces)
+    ConnectionNames results;
+    // Interfaces need to be sorted for intersect to function
+    std::sort(interfaces.begin(), interfaces.end());
+    auto pathRef = interfaceMap.find(path);
+    if (pathRef == interfaceMap.end())
+    {
+        throw sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Common::Error::
+            ResourceNotFound();
+    }
+    if (interfaces.empty())
+    {
+        return pathRef->second;
+    }
+    for (const auto& interfaceMap : pathRef->second)
+    {
+        std::vector<std::string> output(
+            std::min(interfaces.size(), interfaceMap.second.size()));
+        // Return iterator points at the first output elemtn,
+        // meaning that there are no intersections.
+        if (std::set_intersection(interfaces.begin(), interfaces.end(),
+                                  interfaceMap.second.begin(),
+                                  interfaceMap.second.end(),
+                                  output.begin()) != output.begin())
+        {
+            results.emplace(interfaceMap.first, interfaceMap.second);
+        }
+    }
+    if (results.empty())
+    {
+        throw sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Common::Error::
+            ResourceNotFound();
+    }
+    return results;
+    getSubTree(const InterfaceMapType& interfaceMap, std::string reqPath,
+               int32_t depth, std::vector<std::string>& interfaces)
+    if (depth <= 0)
+    {
+        depth = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max();
+    }
+    // Interfaces need to be sorted for intersect to function
+    std::sort(interfaces.begin(), interfaces.end());
+    // reqPath is now guaranteed to have a trailing "/" while reqPathStripped
+    // will be guaranteed not to have a trailing "/"
+    if (!reqPath.ends_with("/"))
+    {
+        reqPath += "/";
+    }
+    std::string_view reqPathStripped =
+        std::string_view(reqPath).substr(0, reqPath.size() - 1);
+    if (!reqPathStripped.empty() &&
+        interfaceMap.find(reqPathStripped) == interfaceMap.end())
+    {
+        throw sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Common::Error::
+            ResourceNotFound();
+    }
+    std::vector<InterfaceMapType::value_type> ret;
+    for (const auto& objectPath : interfaceMap)
+    {
+        const auto& thisPath = objectPath.first;
+        // Skip exact match on stripped search term
+        if (thisPath == reqPathStripped)
+        {
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (thisPath.starts_with(reqPath))
+        {
+            // count the number of slashes past the stripped search term
+            int32_t thisDepth = std::count(
+                thisPath.begin() + reqPathStripped.size(), thisPath.end(), '/');
+            if (thisDepth <= depth)
+            {
+                for (const auto& interfaceMap : objectPath.second)
+                {
+                    std::vector<std::string> output(std::min(
+                        interfaces.size(), interfaceMap.second.size()));
+                    // Return iterator points at the first output elemtn,
+                    // meaning that there are no intersections.
+                    if (std::set_intersection(
+                            interfaces.begin(), interfaces.end(),
+                            interfaceMap.second.begin(),
+                            interfaceMap.second.end(),
+                            output.begin()) != output.begin() ||
+                        interfaces.empty())
+                    {
+                        addObjectMapResult(ret, thisPath, interfaceMap);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return ret;
+std::vector<std::string> getSubTreePaths(const InterfaceMapType& interfaceMap,
+                                         std::string reqPath, int32_t depth,
+                                         std::vector<std::string>& interfaces)
+    if (depth <= 0)
+    {
+        depth = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max();
+    }
+    // Interfaces need to be sorted for intersect to function
+    std::sort(interfaces.begin(), interfaces.end());
+    // reqPath is now guaranteed to have a trailing "/" while reqPathStripped
+    // will be guaranteed not to have a trailing "/"
+    if (!reqPath.ends_with("/"))
+    {
+        reqPath += "/";
+    }
+    std::string_view reqPathStripped =
+        std::string_view(reqPath).substr(0, reqPath.size() - 1);
+    if (!reqPathStripped.empty() &&
+        interfaceMap.find(reqPathStripped) == interfaceMap.end())
+    {
+        throw sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Common::Error::
+            ResourceNotFound();
+    }
+    std::vector<std::string> ret;
+    for (const auto& objectPath : interfaceMap)
+    {
+        const auto& thisPath = objectPath.first;
+        // Skip exact match on stripped search term
+        if (thisPath == reqPathStripped)
+        {
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (thisPath.starts_with(reqPath))
+        {
+            // count the number of slashes past the stripped search term
+            int thisDepth = std::count(
+                thisPath.begin() + reqPathStripped.size(), thisPath.end(), '/');
+            if (thisDepth <= depth)
+            {
+                bool add = interfaces.empty();
+                for (const auto& interfaceMap : objectPath.second)
+                {
+                    std::vector<std::string> output(std::min(
+                        interfaces.size(), interfaceMap.second.size()));
+                    // Return iterator points at the first output elemtn,
+                    // meaning that there are no intersections.
+                    if (std::set_intersection(interfaces.begin(),
+                                              interfaces.end(),
+                                              interfaceMap.second.begin(),
+                                              interfaceMap.second.end(),
+                                              output.begin()) != output.begin())
+                    {
+                        add = true;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+                if (add)
+                {
+                    // TODO(ed) this is a copy
+                    ret.emplace_back(thisPath);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return ret;