docs: Ported Design Doc to OpenBMC

This is a port of the original Google Design Document for Swampd, now
phosphor-pid-control.  This document needs updates to match the latest
changes pertaining to dbus configuration.

Change-Id: Idcef393d06547b108655d08236b1949c04b7367b
Signed-off-by: Patrick Venture <>
diff --git a/ b/
index ee73a13..e31fad8 100644
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+++ b/
@@ -1 +1,319 @@
-# phosphor-pid-control
\ No newline at end of file
+# phosphor-pid-control
+## Objective {#objective}
+Develop a tray level fan control system that will use exhaust temperature and
+other machine temperature information to control fan speeds in order to keep
+machines within acceptable operating conditions.
+Effectively porting the Chromium EC thermal code to run on the BMC and use the
+OpenBMC dbus namespace and IPMI commands.
+## Background {#background}
+Recent server systems come with a general secondary processing system attached
+for the purpose of monitoring and control, generally referred to as a BMC[^2].
+There is a large effort to develop an open source framework for writing
+applications and control systems that will run on the BMC, known as
+OpenBMC[^3]<sup>,</sup>[^4]. Within Google the effort has been internalized
+(while also providing upstream pushes) as gBMC[^5]. The primary goal of OpenBMC
+is to provide support for remote and local system management through a REST
+interface, and also through IPMI[^6] tied together via the system dbus. OpenBMC
+provides many applications and daemons that we can leverage and improve.
+The BMC is wired such that it has direct access and control over many
+motherboard components, including fans and temperature sensors[^7]. Therefore,
+it is an ideal location to run a thermal control loop, similar to the EC.
+However, to upstream it will need to follow (as best as possible) the OpenBMC
+specifications for communicating and executing[^8].
+IPMI allows for OEM commands to provide custom information flow or system
+control with a BMC. OEM commands are already lined up for certain other accesses
+routed through the BMC, and can be upstreamed for others to use.
+## Overview {#overview}
+The BMC will run a daemon that controls the fans by pre-defined zones. The
+application will use thermal control, such that each defined zone is kept
+within a range and adjusted based on thermal information provided from locally
+readable sensors as well as host-provided information over an IPMI OEM
+A system (or tray) will be broken out into one or more zones, specified via
+configuration files or dbus. Each zone will contain at least one fan and at
+least one temperature sensor and some device margins. The sensor data can
+be provided via sysfs, dbus, or through IPMI. In either case, default margins
+should be provided in case of failure or other unknown situation.
+The system will run a control loop for each zone with the attempt to maintain
+the temperature within that zone within the margin for the devices specified.
+## Detailed Design {#detailed-design}
+The software will run as a multi-threaded daemon that runs a control loop for
+each zone, and has a master thread which listens for dbus messages.  Each zone
+will require at least one fan that it exclusively controls, however, zones can
+ share temperature sensors.
+![Swampd Architecture](swampd_diagram.png "Swampd Architecture")
+In this figure the communications channels between swampd and ipmid and
+phosphor-hwmon are laid out.
+### OpenBMC Upstream {#openbmc-upstream}
+To be upstreamed to OpenBMC for use on open-power systems, we need to follow the
+OpenBMC code style specification[^9] and leverage the dbus framework for reading
+sensors and fan control[^10].
+There is already a daemon, which given a configuration file for a hwmon device,
+will add it to the dbus objects namespace which handles queries for values such
+a temperature or fan speed and allows another process to control the fan
+speed[^11]. It is the goal to utilize this other daemon through dbus to read the
+onboard sensors and control the fans.
+Because of the present implementation of the dbus interfaces to require
+controlling the fans only via specifying the RPM target, whereas the driver
+we're using for Quanta-Q71l (the first system) only allows writing PWM.  This
+can be controlled either directly or via dbus.
+### Zone Specification {#zone-specification}
+A configuration file will need to exist for each board, likely in YAML[^12].
+Similar information will also be necessary for gsys, such that it knows what
+sensors to read and send to the BMC. Presently it does something similar with
+EC, so it shouldn't be unreasonable to do something similar.
+Each zone must have at least one fan that it exclusively controls. Each zone
+must have at least one temperature sensor, but they may be shared.
+The external devices specified in the zone must have default information as a
+fallback, while their current temperatures will be provided by gsys. Some
+devices adapt quickly and others slowly, and this distinction will need to be a
+factor and described in the configuration.
+The internal thermometers specified will be read via sysfs.
+#### A proposed configuration file: {#a-proposed-configuration-file}
+  {PIDID}:
+    type: "fan" | "margin"
+    ipmi:
+      {IPMI_ID}
+      name: "fan1"
+      readpath: "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/fan_tach/fan1"
+      writepath: "/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/pwm0"
+    pidinfo:
+      samplerate: 0.1 // sample time in seconds
+      p_coeff: 0.01 // coefficient for proportional
+      i_coeff: 0.001 // coefficient for integral
+      integral_limit:
+        min: 0
+        max: 100
+      output_limit:
+        min: 0
+        max: 100
+      slew_negative: 0
+      slew_positive: 0
+  {PIDID}:
+    type: "margin"
+    ipmi:
+      {IPMI_ID}
+      name: "sluggish0"
+      readpath: "/xyz/openbmc_project/sensors/external/sluggish0"
+      writepath: ""
+    pidinfo:
+      samplerate: 1 // sample time in seconds
+      p_coeff: 94.0
+      i_coeff: 2.0
+      integral_limit:
+        min: 3000
+        max: 10000
+      output_limit:
+        min: 3000
+        max: 10000
+      slew_negative: 0
+      slew_positive: 0
+### Chassis Delta {#chassis-delta}
+Due to data center requirements, the delta between the outgoing air temperature
+and the environmental air temperature must be no greater than 15C.
+### IPMI Command Specification {#ipmi-command-specification}
+Gsys needs the ability to send to the BMC, the margin information on the devices
+that it knows how to read that the BMC cannot. There is no command in IPMI that
+currently supports this use-case, therefore it will be added as an OEM command.
+The state of the BMC readable temperature sensors can be read through normal
+IPMI commands and is already supported.
+#### OEM Set Control {#oem-set-control}
+Gsys needs to be able to set the control of the thermal system to either
+automatic or manual. When manual, the daemon will effectively wait to be told to
+be put back in automatic mode. It is expected in this manual mode that something
+will be controlling the fans via the other commands.
+Manual mode is controlled by zone through the following OEM command:
+##### Request
+Byte | Purpose      | Value
+---- | ------------ | -----------------------------------------------------
+`00` | `netfn`      | `0x2e`
+`01` | `command`    | `0x04 (also using manual command)`
+`02` | `oem1`       | `0xcf`
+`03` | `oem2`       | `0xc2`
+`04` | `padding`    | `0x00`
+`05` | `SubCommand` | `Get or Set. Get == 0, Set == 1`
+`06` | `ZoneId`     |
+`07` | `Mode`       | `If Set, Value 1 == Manual Mode, 0 == Automatic Mode`
+##### Response
+Byte | Purpose   | Value
+---- | --------- | -----------------------------------------------------
+`02` | `oem1`    | `0xcf`
+`03` | `oem2`    | `0xc2`
+`04` | `padding` | `0x00`
+`07` | `Mode`    | `If Set, Value 1 == Manual Mode, 0 == Automatic Mode`
+#### OEM Get Failsafe Mode {#oem-get-failsafe-mode}
+Gbmctool needs to be able to read back whether a zone is in failsafe mode. This
+setting is read-only because it's dynamically determined within Swampd per zone.
+Byte | Purpose      | Value
+---- | ------------ | ----------------------------------
+`00` | `netfn`      | `0x2e`
+`01` | `command`    | `0x04 (also using manual command)`
+`02` | `oem1`       | `0xcf`
+`03` | `oem2`       | `0xc2`
+`04` | `padding`    | `0x00`
+`05` | `SubCommand` | `Get == 2`
+`06` | `ZoneId`     |
+##### Response
+Byte | Purpose    | Value
+---- | ---------- | -----------------------------------------------
+`02` | `oem1`     | `0xcf`
+`03` | `oem2`     | `0xc2`
+`04` | `padding`  | `0x00`
+`07` | `failsafe` | `1 == in Failsafe Mode, 0 not in failsafe mode`
+#### Set Sensor Value {#set-sensor-value}
+Gsys needs to update the thermal controller with information not necessarily
+available to the BMC. This will comprise of a list of temperature (or margin?)
+sensors that are updated by the set sensor command. Because they don't represent
+real sensors in the system, the set sensor handler can simply broadcast the
+update as a properties update on dbus when it receives the command over IPMI.
+#### Set Fan PWM {#set-fan-pwm}
+Gsys can override a specific fan's PWM when we implement the set sensor IPMI
+command pathway.
+#### Get Fan Tach {#get-fan-tach}
+Gsys can read fan_tach through the normal IPMI interface presently exported for
+### Sensor Update Loop {#sensor-update-loop}
+The plan is to listen for fan_tach updates for each fan in a background thread.
+This will receive an update from phosphor-hwmon each time it updates any sensor
+it cares about.
+By default phosphor-hwmon reads each sensor in turn and then sleeps for 1
+second. We'll be updating phosphor-hwmon to sleep for a shorter period -- how
+short though is still TBD. We'll also be updating phosphor-hwmon to support pwm
+as a target.
+### Thermal Control Loops {#thermal-control-loops}
+Each zone will require a control loop that monitors the associated thermals and
+controls the fan(s). The EC PID loop is designed to hit the fans 10 times per
+second to drive them to the desired value and read the sensors once per second.
+We'll be receiving sensor updates with such regularly, however, at present it
+takes ~0.13s to read all 8 fans. Which can't be read constantly without bringing
+the system to its knees -- in that all CPU cycles would be spent reading the
+fans. TBD on how frequently we'll be reading the fan sensors and the impact this
+will have.
+### Main Thread {#main-thread}
+The main thread will manage the other threads, and process the initial
+configuration files. It will also register a dbus handler for the OEM message.
+### Enabling Logging
+By default, swampd isn't compiled to log information. To compile it for tuning,
+you'll need to add:
+To the recipe.
+## Project Information {#project-information}
+This project is designed to be a daemon running within the OpenBMC environment.
+It will use a well-defined configuration file to control the temperature of the
+tray components to keep them within operating conditions. It will require
+coordinate with gsys and OpenBMC. Providing a host-side service upstream to talk
+to the BMC is beyond the scope of this project.
+## Security Considerations {#security-considerations}
+A rogue client on the host could send invalid thermal information causing
+physical damage to the system. There will be an effort to sanity check all input
+from gsys to alleviate this concern.
+## Privacy Considerations {#privacy-considerations}
+This device holds no user data, however, you could profile the types of jobs
+executed on the server by watching its temperatures.
+## Testing Plan {#testing-plan}
+Testing individual code logic will be handled through unit-tests, however some
+pieces of code rely on abstractions such that we can swap out dbus with
+something encapsulated such that testing can be done without strictly running on
+a real system.
+Testing the system on real hardware will be performed to verify:
+1.  The fallback values are used when gsys isn't reporting.
+1.  The system behaves as expected given the information it reads.
+Unit-tests will provide that we know it validates information from gsys properly
+as well as handles difficult to reproduce edge cases.
+The testing of this project on real hardware can likely fold into the general
+gBMC testing planned.
+## Notes
+[^2]: BMC - Board Management Controller
+[^3]: with url
+[^4]: with url
+[^5]: with url http://go/gbmc
+[^6]: with url
+[^7]: Excluding temperature sensors on PCIe cards and other add-ons.
+[^8]: They prefer c++.
+[^9]: With url
+[^10]: with url
+[^11]: with url
+[^12]: YAML appears to be the configuration language of choice for OpenBMC.
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