Power supply input faults resolution

If the AC power is plugged in when the system is totally off,
psu-monitor doesn't get to resolve errors because it can not see their
states change from faulted to not faulted.


Physically cut off power and reapplied it to check for any incorrect LED
indications for the power supply. Checked error logs to make sure input
power faults were resolved.

Signed-off-by: Aatir Manzur <aatrapps@gmail.com>
Change-Id: I893b67fabc9075fdd0ea3ae3a2912bc443cbadf8
1 file changed
tree: 376c41df861161f1a34d910d31dcbb9418d1f260
  1. org/
  2. power-sequencer/
  3. power-supply/
  4. test/
  5. .clang-format
  6. .gitignore
  7. argument.hpp
  8. bootstrap.sh
  9. configure.ac
  10. device.hpp
  11. device_monitor.hpp
  12. elog-errors.hpp
  13. file.hpp
  14. gpio.cpp
  15. gpio.hpp
  18. Makefile.am
  19. names_values.hpp
  20. pmbus.cpp
  21. pmbus.hpp
  22. README.md
  23. utility.cpp
  24. utility.hpp

Code for detecting and analyzing power faults on Witherspoon.

To Build

To build this package, do the following steps:

    1. ./bootstrap.sh
    2. ./configure ${CONFIGURE_FLAGS}
    3. make

To full clean the repository again run `./bootstrap.sh clean`.