

Defines how to read the sensors for a voltage rail, such as voltage output, current output, and temperature. Sensor values are measured, actual values rather than target values.

Sensors will be read once per second. The sensor values will be stored on D-Bus on the BMC, making them available to external interfaces like Redfish.

The pmbus_read_sensor action is used to read one sensor. To read multiple sensors, multiple "pmbus_read_sensor" actions need to be executed.

The "pmbus_read_sensor" actions can be specified in two ways:

  • Use the "rule_id" property to specify a standard rule to run.
  • Use the "actions" property to specify an array of actions that are unique to this device.


commentsnoarray of stringsOne or more comment lines describing the sensor monitoring.
rule_idsee notesstringUnique ID of the rule to execute.
actionssee notesarray of actionsOne or more actions to execute.


  • You must specify either "rule_id" or "actions".


  "comments": [ "Read all sensors supported by the IR35221 regulator" ],
  "rule_id": "read_ir35221_sensors_rule"

  "comments": [ "Only read sensors if version register 0x75 contains 2.",
                "Earlier versions produced invalid sensor values." ],
  "actions": [
      "if": {
        "condition": {
          "i2c_compare_byte": { "register": "0x75", "value": "0x02" }
        "then": [
          { "run_rule": "read_sensors_rule" }