
This document describes the high-level design of the phosphor-regulators application.

The low-level design is documented using doxygen comments in the source files.

See for an overview of the functionality provided by this application.


The phosphor-regulators application is a single-threaded C++ executable. It is a 'daemon' process that runs continually. The application is launched by systemd when the BMC reaches the Ready state and before the chassis is powered on.

The application is driven by a system-specific JSON configuration file. The JSON file is found and parsed at runtime. The parsing process creates a collection of C++ objects. These objects implement the regulator configuration and monitoring behavior that was specified in the JSON file.

Key Classes

  • Manager
    • Top level class created in main().
    • Loads the JSON configuration file.
    • Implements the D-Bus configure and monitor methods.
    • Contains a System object.
  • System
    • Represents the computer system being controlled and monitored by the BMC.
    • Contains one or more Chassis objects.
  • Chassis
    • Represents an enclosure that can be independently powered off and on by the BMC.
    • Small and mid-sized systems may contain a single Chassis.
    • In a large rack-mounted system, each drawer may correspond to a Chassis.
    • Contains one or more Device objects.
  • Device
    • Represents a hardware device, such as a voltage regulator or I/O expander.
    • Contains zero or more Rail objects.
  • Rail
    • Represents a voltage rail produced by a voltage regulator, such as 1.1V.

Regulator Configuration

Regulator configuration occurs early in the system boot before regulators have been enabled (turned on).

A systemd service file runs the regsctl utility. This utility invokes the D-Bus configure method on the phosphor-regulators application.

This D-Bus method is implemented by the Manager object. The Manager object calls the C++ configure() method on all the objects representing the system (System, Chassis, Device, and Rail).

The configuration changes are applied to a Device or Rail by executing one or more actions, such as pmbus_write_vout_command.

If an error occurs while executing actions:

  • The error will be logged.
  • Any remaining actions for the current Device/Rail will be skipped.
  • Configuration changes will still be applied to all remaining Device/Rail objects in the system.
  • The system boot will continue.

Regulator Monitoring

Enabling Monitoring

Regulator monitoring is enabled during the system boot after regulators are enabled (turned on).

A systemd service file runs the regsctl utility. This utility invokes the D-Bus monitor method on the phosphor-regulators application. The parameter value true is passed to the method.

This D-Bus method is implemented by the Manager object. The Manager object starts a timer. The timer periodically calls C++ monitoring methods on all the objects representing the system (System, Chassis, Device, and Rail).

Disabling Monitoring

Regulator monitoring is disabled at the beginning of system shutdown before regulators are disabled (turned off).

A systemd service file runs the regsctl utility. This utility invokes the D-Bus monitor method on the phosphor-regulators application. The parameter value false is passed to the method.

This D-Bus method is implemented by the Manager object. The Manager object stops the timer that was periodically calling C++ monitor methods.

Sensor Monitoring

When regulator monitoring is enabled, sensor values are read once per second. The timer in the Manager object calls the monitorSensors() method on all the objects representing the system (System, Chassis, Device, and Rail).

The sensor values for a Rail (such as iout, vout, and temperature) are read using pmbus_read_sensor actions.

The first time a sensor value is read, a corresponding Sensor object is created on D-Bus. The D-Bus object implements the Sensor.Value and OperationalStatus interfaces. On subsequent reads, the existing D-Bus Sensor object is updated with the new sensor value.

An existing D-Bus Sensor object is removed from D-Bus if no corresponding sensor values are read during monitoring. This can occur in the following cases:

  • The regulator has been removed from the system (no longer present).
  • The regulator was replaced, and the new regulator supports a different set of sensors values. For example, temperature_peak is no longer provided.

If an error occurs while reading the sensors for a Rail:

  • The error will be logged. If the same error occurs repeatedly on a Rail, it will only be logged once per system boot.
  • Any remaining actions for the Rail will be skipped.
  • The value of all D-Bus Sensor objects for this Rail will be set to 0.
  • The Functional property of all D-Bus Sensor objects for this Rail will be set to false.
  • Sensor monitoring will continue.
  • The sensors for this Rail will be read again during the next monitoring cycle.

If, after an error occurs, a subsequent attempt to read the sensors for a Rail is successful:

  • The D-Bus Sensor objects for this Rail will be set to the new sensor values.
  • The Functional property of the D-Bus Sensor objects for this Rail will be set to true.

When regulator monitoring is disabled, the Manager object calls the disableSensors() method on all the objects representing the system (System, Chassis, Device, and Rail). Each D-Bus Sensor object is set to the special value NaN to indicate the Sensor is inactive.