psu-ng: Detect CML fault

If the STATUS_WORD has the CML (Communication, Memory, Logic) fault bit
on, bit 1 in lower byte of STATUS_WORD, then read STATUS_CML, and treat
the fault as another variety of a communication fault/error.

Change-Id: Iba368683734777874ba54ec845cbc94b00010b68
Signed-off-by: Brandon Wyman <>
diff --git a/phosphor-power-supply/psu_manager.cpp b/phosphor-power-supply/psu_manager.cpp
index 4cfa801..c63207f 100644
--- a/phosphor-power-supply/psu_manager.cpp
+++ b/phosphor-power-supply/psu_manager.cpp
@@ -411,6 +411,8 @@
                 if (psu->hasCommFault())
+                    additionalData["STATUS_CML"] =
+                        fmt::format("{:#02x}", psu->getStatusCML());
                     /* Attempts to communicate with the power supply have
                      * reached there limit. Create an error. */
                     additionalData["CALLOUT_DEVICE_PATH"] =