psu-ng: Updates for clearFaults

It was discovered that the power supplies may not always have the
in1_crit "file" available in the HWMON directory. This file may be
missing if certain commands are not supported. It was also discovered
that it can be missing if the power supply falsely indicates it supports
PEC, but actually does not. Changing the readString call to read from
the in1_input file, which typically should be present (READ_VIN).

Move the clearFaults function from the hpp file to the cpp file, as:
1. It is getting a bit lengthy.
2. Adding a try/catch for ReadFailure to avoid crashing the application
   if there is a ReadFailure, which is in the phosphor::logging
   namespace already used in the cpp file.

Update the test case to expect a read from in1_input, and return a value
that more closely resembles an actual READ_VIN value.

Signed-off-by: Brandon Wyman <>
Change-Id: I9747317c68040cdce6bb80922e3928be55376c44
3 files changed
tree: 5d14fe03f9301308a16aa4e5fa513cd08b77e813
  1. cold-redundancy/
  2. example/
  3. org/
  4. phosphor-power-supply/
  5. phosphor-regulators/
  6. power-sequencer/
  7. power-supply/
  8. services/
  9. test/
  10. tools/
  11. .clang-format
  12. .gitignore
  13. argument.hpp
  14. device.hpp
  15. device_monitor.hpp
  16. elog-errors.hpp
  17. file.hpp
  18. gpio.cpp
  19. gpio.hpp
  23. meson_options.txt
  24. names_values.hpp
  25. pmbus.cpp
  26. pmbus.hpp
  28. types.hpp
  29. utility.cpp
  30. utility.hpp

Code for detecting and analyzing power faults on Witherspoon.

To Build

To build this package, do the following steps:

    1. meson build
    2. ninja -C build

To clean the repository again run `rm -rf build`.

Power Supply Monitor and Util JSON config

Several applications in this repository require a PSU JSON config to run. The JSON config file provides information for:

  • Where to access the pmbus attributes
  • Which attribute file in pmbus maps to which property and interface in D-Bus
  • Which kernel device directory is used on which PSU

There is an example psu.json to describe the necessary configurations.

  • inventoryPMBusAccessType defines the pmbus access type, which tells the service which sysfs type to use to read the attributes. The possible values are:
    • Base: The base dir, e.g. /sys/bus/i2c/devices/3-0069/
    • Hwmon: The hwmon dir, e.g. /sys/bus/i2c/devices/3-0069/hwmon/hwmonX/
    • Debug: The pmbus debug dir, e.g. /sys/kernel/debug/pmbus/hwmonX/
    • DeviceDebug: The device debug dir, e.g. '/sys/kernel/debug/./`
    • HwmonDeviceDebug: The hwmon device debug dir, e.g. /sys/kernel/debug/pmbus/hwmonX/cffps1/
  • fruConfigs defines the mapping between the attribute file and the FRU inventory interface and property. The configuration example below indicates that the service will read part_number attribute file from a directory specified by the above pmbus access type, and assign to PartNumber property in xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset interface.
      "fruConfigs": [
          "propertyName": "PartNumber",
          "fileName": "part_number",
          "interface": "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset"
  • psuDevices defines the kernel device dir for each PSU in inventory. The configuration example below indicates that powersupply0's device is located in /sys/bus/i2c/devices/3-0069.
      "psuDevices": {
        "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard/powersupply0" : "/sys/bus/i2c/devices/3-0069",